Guitar II – Spring 2014

Instructor: Wade Hendricks

Plan time - 4/8 block

(303) 652 - 6550 Ext. 46559

Guitar II at NHS is designed for the intermediate guitar player. Students will need to supply their own guitar. Acoustic and electric guitars are both allowed; however, amplifiers

will generally not be used in class.

*Clip-on guitar tuner, capo, and guitar picks are highly recommended!

Students will build upon their existing knowledge of chords, various strumming patterns, note reading, tablature reading, and intermediate music theory. Different guitar styles and songs will be introduced. The class is a mixture of student-driven and instruction-driven work. Students who have already taken and passed Guitar II may not take it again. Guitar I or teacher approval is required to take Guitar II.


45% Quizzes (written or playing) and Homework

15% Quarterly and Final exams (written and playing)

35% Classroom Etiquette and Participation

5% Notebook Assessment


1.  Guitar

2.  10 guitar picks (10 for $2.99)

3.  Clip-on guitar tuner ($20)

4.  Capo ($20)

5.  3 ring notebook

6.  pencil or pen (!)

7.  lesson book (handed out by Mr. Hendricks)

Quizzes and Homework

Quizzes can be written or playing. Written quizzes are worth 5 - 20 points and will cover chords, melodic lines, reading music, music theory, and/or basic understanding of the guitar. Playing quizzes are usually worth 20 points and will consist of students performing for their classmates. Disruptive or distracting behavior during another’s performance will negatively impact your grade. Only students who arrive on time will receive credit. Make-ups for absences are the responsibility of the student to schedule with the teacher. This class will not involve a lot of homework, but your first homework assignment will be a parent signature on page 3 of this document.


Written and/or playing tests will be given at the end of each quarter and will incorporate all material covered in class (mostly material covered in the book or handouts). A notebook assessment will require students to turn in all of the handouts and materials passed out in class.

Classroom Etiquette/Participation

Appropriate classroom etiquette involves entering the class on time in a polite, mature fashion, bringing the necessary materials to class, being ready to work 3

minutes after the bell, and behaving in a respectable manner. To get full credit, students should expect to use any in-class practice time effectively. Students may not eat or drink anything other than water during class. By showing up on time, bringing the proper materials, and giving their best effort throughout class, students will earn 10 points each class. Points may be deducted with the following infractions:

· No pencil: loss of 3 points

· Tardy: loss of 5 points

· No guitar (regardless of reason) and no note from home that it’s in the shop: loss of all 10 points

· Unexcused absence: loss of all 10 points

· Leaving trash where it doesn’t belong: loss of 3 points

· Playing guitar at an inappropriate time: loss of 5 points for each infraction.

Students may not earn less than a zero for each day. This policy may be amended as needs arise.

Cell Phones

Smartphones may be used during independent practice sessions only as a practice aid. Typically this involves looking up chords, lyrics, or listening to a song to be learned. Students may not listen to music on which they are not working. Regrettably, many Smartphones are stolen from students each year. Students are responsible for keeping track of these items. They should not be left unattended, and the teacher, school, and district are not responsible for their loss.

Materials and Fees

Students are responsible for supplying their own guitar, picks, strings, and other related items. Storage for guitars will be available in the band room. This room is open during the school day and will be locked after school. Niwot High School and the St. Vrain Valley School District will not be held responsible for guitars that are lost, stolen, or damaged. All students should label their cases and keep a record of make and model/serial number at home. Parents should also make sure that instruments at school are covered on their homeowners’/renters’ insurance. A limited number of guitars may be available for students with financial hardships.

There is a $20 fee for this class, which will be used to purchase the materials used.

Hall Passes

With a 10-minute passing period, students should make every effort to use the bathroom/get a drink during this time. Students may not use a pass the first 15 or last 15 minutes of a class period (school rule).

Tardy Policy

Only one tardy will be excused before there will be deductions in the classroom etiquette grade. Students who are tardy won’t be eligible to receive credit on that day’s quiz.

After the third tardy, parents will be contacted. After the 4th offense, the student’s name will be turned in to main office and entered on No Pass List for rest of quarter.

Class expectations

1. Be on time.

2. Be prepared. Have your stuff every day. Stuff includes functioning guitar and related items, pencil and music. Have your homework done and music practiced before class starts.

3. Do not play while the instructor or another student is speaking.

4. Be honorable. Give your best effort, no excuses, no exceptions. Help us remain focused on music learning by not being distracting. Be honest and set a good example for

your fellow musicians, especially when working with a substitute teacher or practicing on your own.

5. No contraband. Gum is never allowed. Soda and snacks should be consumed before or after class and not brought into the room. The Music Department, NHS and the district are not responsible for stolen items.

In addition to the above rules, all other NHS rules are to be followed in guitar class.

Info Sheet

This sheet is your first grade. It is due by Monday, January 13th, 2014. (20 points)

I have read, understand, and will abide by the requirements and expectations for Guitar I, as detailed in this agreement.

Student Name (please print) ______

Signature ______

We have read the above information and agree to help my/our student follow the rules and guidelines.

Parent/Guardian(s) name(s) (please print)______

Signature ______

Please use this space to tell me anything that it would be helpful to know about the student, such as musical experiences or personality traits. Examples include:

Karen took guitar lessons for 2 months in 6th grade or Wesley is shy and doesn’t like to be teased.

Thank you!