22 NOVEMBER 2016

Jamaica Inn, Bodmin

The meeting started at 7.30pm.

1. Apologies: Sue Gurney, BereHorsewatch, Cornwall Trec, SCADRA, West Devon.

2. Attendees: Jane Fisher, Caroline Wills, Lisa Davey, Rhian Roberts, Mel Wilton, Camel Valley, East Cornwall, Holsworthy, Lyd Valley, Mid Devon, Newquay, South Devon, Threewaters.

3. Election of Area Officials:

Chair – Caroline Wills, prop – Lisa Davey, sec - Holsworthy, unanimous.

No other officials are due to be elected because of approved two year rotation.

4. Minutes of last Meeting:

Agreed as being a true record, prop - Mel Wilton, sec - East Cornwall, unanimous.

5. Matters Arising:


6. Treasurers report:

Fortunately we made a small profit of £128.10 on the year with our balance looking healthy at £3249.74 in the bank. We are in the process of changing our bank account so that we can enjoy internet banking and will inform all clubs when this is available.

Agreed that we adopt the accounts, prop - Lyd Valley, sec - Camel Valley, unanimous. Jane also gave a vote of thanks to Sue for continuing as our Treasurer whilst she works away up country.

7. Qualifiers 2016:

  • Novice Winter Dressage @ Duchy – East Cornwall ran and everybody agreed it was a well run event.
  • Senior Winter Novice SJ @ Duchy – Area team ran and everybody agreed it was a well run event.
  • Combined Training @ Colraine – A well attended event following a date move due to weather conditions with the junior and senior sections being split. Some seniors were concerned about warm up for both jumping and dressage being in the same arena. Unfortunately whilst not ideal, we had to compromise to ensure the event ran.
  • Summer Dressage @ St Leonards – Held over two days by the venue on a surface. It was highlighted that as the Championships are grass arenas and should we be providing this at the qualifier ? Weather permitting this is something that we can look at for next year.
  • Summer Showjumping @ Chyverton – Area team ran and it was successful. Unfortunately the borrowed PA system suffered from water ingress and is currently in for repair and will be replaced if it cannot be repaired.
  • Horse Trials @ St Leonards – Venue ran with area input. Mid Devon expressed concerns regarding perceived disorganised allocation of volunteerson the day. It was agreed that routes to arenas could have been better marked and could this be addressed in future. Also the surface of one dressage arena was questionable.
  • FOH Challenge @ Chyverton – CTG ran. Organisationally a good day but unfortunately the gazebo provided for the Official Steward and flu vac checking blew away and was not sufficient for purpose but CTG have agreed this will be addressed for next year. Concerns were also expressed regarding ground preparation, closure of the course prior to the event and changing the course following training.
  • Intermediate Senior Dressage and Intermediate Junior/Senior @ Duchy &

Intermediate Dressage Junior @ St Leonards – Venue and Area Teams ran. Unfortunately Mid Devons entries did not arrive at HQ and therefore they were not able to compete at the event. On line entry or registered delivery is the most reliable method to ensure entries reach their destination. The juniors ran well, but having the their dressage and showjumping held at separate venues was impractical for some combinations.

Thank you to those Clubs, Venues and the area team who ran qualifiers this year.

8. Forthcoming rule changes:

  • Dressage eligibility has changed to reflect the BD changes for points at various levels. Please can all team managers check their members eligibility against the new rules.
  • Riders will be allowed to have a fall and then to remount at showjumping, but will incur 8 points. It is recommended that all fallers seek medical attention immediately following completion of their round.
  • Tack alterations.
  • Juniors can now use bitless bridles for disciplines, but not dressage.
  • From 2018 all back protectors dated 2000 will not be permitted.
  • The rider restriction for 80cm horse trials has been amended so that riders who have competed at BE100 in that year are not able to enter.
  • The Rule book and Organisers Rules are being combined into one Rule Book to be issued in January 2017. Any queries please contact Jane direct.

9. Qualifiers 2017:

  • Junior Novice Showjumping @ Colraine – 26th November to be run by the venue/area.
  • Winter Dressage @ Duchy - 5thFeb to be run by East Cornwall.
  • Winter Novice SJ @ Duchy - 19thFeb to be run by the Area.
  • Junior Combined Training @ Colraine – 5thMarch to be run by venue/area.
  • Senior Combined Training @ Colraine - 19thMarch to be run by venue/area.
  • Summer Dressage @ St Leonards – 13th and 14th May to be run by the venue/area.
  • Summer Showjumping @ Chyverton – BRC has introduced a 70cm qualifier in addition to 80cm, 90cm, 100cm, 105cm and 110cm. Please note that these are starting heights with subsequent rounds being 5cm higher than previous. Also 105cm and 110cm are combined Junior and Senior classes. Therefore it is proposed to run this qualifier over two days on 17th and 18th June by the Area. Newquay will take the proposal back to their committee to run this in 2018.
  • Horse Trials @ St Leonards–25th June to be run by the venue/area.
  • FOH Challenge @ Chyverton – early to mid October to be run by Cornwall Trec.
  • Intermediate Dressage/SJ @ Duchy – 26th November for Juniors for Novice Dressage and Showjumping and Intermediate Dressage and Showjumping. We do not currently have a date or venue booked for the Senior Intermediate Dressage and Showjumping, but please note that entries will not be accepted for prelim and novice tests from combinations who are also a team member. Numbers for this qualifier may also be limited through balloting should this be deemed necessary.

10. Area Training/Unaffiliated Competitions:

2016 Training

We subsidised and organised a fair amount of training during 2016 and all was well received and well attended.

Ben HobdayShowjumping Clinic over 2 days 15th and 16th February @ Tall Trees.

Richard Waygood XC Technique 16th April @ St Leonards.

Jump Judge Training with Dave Thompson 20thJune@ St Leonards.

Tamsyn Hutchins XC Timing Training 1st September@ St Leonards.

BRC Organiser Training 19th November @ Duchy.

2017 Training

Suggestions for this year have been more Richard Waygood, anything dressage and further timing training. Numerous names were put forward and Caroline will follow up on these suggestions. It was emphasised that we are keen to bring down trainers who are out of the reach of our member clubs and Caroline asked clubs to ask their members for further suggestions and to email Caroline direct with them.

Unaffiliated Competition 28thAugust 2016

The unaffiliated ODE ran at St Leonards,but clashed with TreboroughBE and together with the A30 traffic issues resulted in low entries. Hopefully there will be higher entries in 2017.

11. AOB:

Insurance cover from BRC covers liability, accident and indemnity only whilst attending an organised and affiliated riding club event. If an incident happens then Clubs must inform both BRC HQ and SEIB direct.

Club Secretaries all received,following payment of their affiliation fees,as part of their member benefit copies of the Rule Book and a memory stick containing all the BRC data sheets. The data sheets are comprehensive and contain a lot of useful information and aide memoires. BRC are continuously updating and bringing out new data sheets which will be emailed out to secretaries who can then save the additional files to the memory stick. Therefore, all Clubs must ensure that BRC HQ and their Area Liaison Committee hold their current and correct committee names and contact details.

Ines asked that if all results for Area Qualifiers could be included onto the Area 19 website. However, Caroline cannot put onto the website information that she hasn’t been sent in a .doc, .xl or .pdf format. Therefore, could all qualifier organisers please forward their results to Caroline for publishing on the Area 19 website.

Ines asked for an update regarding SW Regional Championships which Jane gave.

BRC Grass Routes Leagues have been introduced for 60cm and 70cm showjumping and Intro and Prelim Dressage Tests at all competitions being held by affiliated clubs. The results cards can be printed off the BRC website together with the rules for the Leagues.

12. Date of Next Meeting will be held in November 2017on a date and at a Venue to be agreed.

13. Closure of Meeting @ 21.25.