Group Name:

Contact: Phone: E-mail:

Event Information: Meeting Lecture Conference Workshop Meal/Banquet

Program Title and/or Topic:

EVENT DATE & TIME: When scheduling the start and end times for your event, please allow adequate time for the set up and breakdown of your event. If you are unsure of the time required, please check with Facilities at 617-353-2144.

Event Date: Start Time: End Time:

Event Date: Start Time: End Time:


THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO: University Community By invitation only General Public


Official BU unit/department

Registered BU Student Organization

Non-academic Program of Boston University

Non-BU organization

Name & Address:

/ Muelder Chapel (368 sf) / 40 / NO FOOD ALLOWED
/ STH 111B (157 sf) / 16 / Yes No
/ STH 325 (850 sf) / 50 / Yes No
/ STH B-23 Hartman Rm. (645 sf) / 60 / Yes No
/ STH B-24 Oxnam Rm. (1041 sf) / 120 / Yes No
/ STH 115 * (547 sf) / 25 / Yes No
/ STH 306 * (403 sf) / 15 / Yes No

Note: * Reservations for these rooms are to be made through the School of Theology Registrar’s Office, Rm. 108

Departments to be utilized. Please send original requisition to the University department providing the service and contact them directly to discuss arrangements for your event. Check all that apply.

Facilities Management, Demka Fehric (617-353-2144). Required for ALL events with room setup/cleanup and meals

BU Media Support (617-358-6108 or x3227)

BU Dining Services (617-353-2957)

BU Police (617-353-2110)

BU Parking Services (617-353-2160)

STH Media Services (For STH Community Only: Livestream Video)

The submission of this request from does NOT guarantee a reservation of the room. You will receive written confirmation of your request by e-mail once a purchase requisition and a signed request form has been received.

1.  I agree to comply with all conditions of the School of Theology Building use Policy found on page 3 of this document.

2.  I understand that my request is not confirmed until I have received written notification from the School of Theology.

3.  I understand that the School of Theology reserves the right to reschedule any event.

The signature below indicates the understanding and agreement to abide by all terms and conditions set forth in the information sheet.

Name (please print) (Signature)

Telephone: E-mail:

Please return this form to:

Boston University School of Theology

745 Commonwealth Ave., Rm. 110

Boston, MA 02215

OFFICE USE ONLY / DATE / Fee Amount / Authorized by
Confirmation Letter:

1.  General Policy

a)  Any use of STH space must be requested on a space request form, and approved in writing. No approval is final until written confirmation is received. The School of Theology will not be held responsible for any publicity or other arrangements made by a group before final approval of an event’s space is granted.

b)  All approvals are subject to change or cancellation by the School of Theology in case of urgent need.

c)  Any group that will not meet on an approved date is expected to call in advance to cancel. Any weekly group that does not show up without notice, or cancels for three consecutive weeks may lose its approved status, and will need to re-apply for the space.

d)  The normal standard is that each group will have no more than one weekly meeting. Requests for additional space will be subject to availability and approval.

e)  All rooms will be returned to the condition in which they were found. Liability for any damage of property is the responsibility of the group or individual who booked the space at the time when the damage occurred.

f)  The use of any room for personal income, solicitation of funds or sales is not permitted.

g)  Extreme sound volumes will not be permitted in any room.

2.  Room Use

a)  Designated chairs and tables are available for use in each room by prior arrangement. Under no circumstances are groups to remove chairs from the Hartman Room. Groups must arrange for their own people to move equipment in the rooms designated.

b)  To obtain keys to the designated rooms once approval has been made, groups must sign out keys from the Office of Community Life and Lifelong Learning (Rm. 110).

3.  Fee Schedule

Groups that wish to reserve a room for a weekend or any other day in which the School of Theology is not normally open, must fulfill the following requirements:

q  The group must pay for the use of the space based on rates established by Buildings and Grounds

q  The group must fill out an Internal Service Request (ISR) for catering and/or Facilities Service Request (FSR) detailing the name of the group, the name of the event, etc. in addition to the normal paperwork through the School of Theology

This requirement applies to weekend/holiday room reservations.