AP Spanish 5-6 – Course Outline


Instructor: Sra. Banda Email:

Phone: 480-224-2242 Classroom: F106

The goals of the AP Spanish course are:

The Spanish AP curriculum is designed to refine, perfect, and enhance all four language skills - speaking, writing, reading, and listening. It emphasizes active communication in Spanish, reading comprehension, composition, and it broadens the students’ understanding of Hispanic culture.



v  Class is conducted in Spanish to improve students’ ability to comprehend the spoken language.

v  Students will listen to authentic Spanish sources 1-2 times/week.

v  Students will listen to practice test tapes - Advanced Placement

Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar

v  Students will keep a running list of new vocabulary words they encounter as they read and discuss in class.

v  There will be a systematic review of basic points of grammar and verb conjugation and application;

v  Several times a week, students will read articles covering a variety of topics. Works of literature will be read to ensure the ability to comprehend formal/informal register in Spanish. Following those readings, there will be introspective discussions of the material.


v  Students will write essays during the year on topics suggested by the AP board. Essays should be about 200 words or more. These will be graded on the AP rubric.

v  There will be several guided writing activities.


v  Class participation is very important in a course that works toward developing communicative skills. Students are expected to prepare the assigned material in advance in order to participate fully in class discussions. There will be a variety of activities that illicit oral response such as directed questioning, interviews, open conversation, picture-story telling, mini-presentations, etc.

v  Students will give oral presentations - individual and group presentations on a variety of topics. Students are responsible for making a clear and animated presentation. They should be ready to answer questions and explain new vocabulary. As part of the presentation, the presenter must prepare exercises/ quizzes to administer to classmates after the presentation. The official language of this class is Spanish. Students are expected to speak the target language exclusively. AP rubrics will be used to evaluate oral performance.

Textbooks and Resources:

v  A variety of magazines, newspapers, books, videotapes, audiocassettes, guest speakers, the World Wide Web and TV programs will support the units of study.

v  Textbooks:

1.  TEMAS - AP Spanish Language and Culture por Dragget, Conlin, Ehrsam, Millán.

2.  Abriendo Paso, Gramática por José M. Diaz, María Nadel, Stephen Collins.

3.  Galería de Arte y Vida por Margaret Adey, Louis Albini.

4.  Abriendo Puertas Tomo I y II


It is asked that each student have a personal three-ring binder of his/her work (exclusively for Spanish). The binder should contain six (6) dividers. The dividers will be labeled in class. She/he will also need a red or green pen (for grading and correcting homework), a blue or black pen, a pencil, highlighters, and 3x5 index cards (200 +) to create a personal dictionary. Every nine weeks, the student will evaluate his/her growth demonstrated in the binder and write a self-assessment to be handed in to the teacher.

Homework Policy:

v  Homework is to be done outside of class. Sometimes, students will receive a stamp for each homework completed and turned in on time. Each stamp is worth 3- 10 points. Other times, homework will receive a grade.

v  Homework turned in one day late will receive half (1/2) credit. Incomplete assignments, if turned in on time, will be accepted for half (1/2) credit.

Make- up work:

v  Make-up work is only available to students with excused absences.

v  It is the student’s responsibility to find out the work that was missed during the excused absence.

v  Students are expected to turn in make-up work assigned during excused absences. Work that is not

made up within the week after the student returns, receives a ZERO.

Do not ask for make-up work at the end of the quarter for an absence from the

beginning of the quarter.

v  Tests must be made up after school or during conference hour within the week after the student returns.

Please make an appointment with the teacher.

Grading Procedures:

Grading is done on a point system. Students can expect to be graded on class performance and oral participation, homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and in-class activities.

Infinite Campus access / availability:
Parents can access their child’s grades and assignments in Infinite Campus as soon as this new system is up and running.

Grading Scale

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = 50-59%

Classroom Rules and Student Expectations:

1.  Respect yourself, others, and school property.
2.  Profanity won’t be tolerated in the classroom.
3.  TURN OFF cell phones and iPods BEFORE you enter class.
4.  Keep all bags and under your desk during class.
5. No FOOD or DRINK (except water) in the classroom.
6. No personal grooming in class.
7.  Arrive to class on time with ALL the necessary materials to
8.  Participate in class. Spanish is a class where making a
mistake is expected. In fact, it is a step toward improvement.
9.  Complete all assignments and turn them on time.
10.  Do not refer to drugs, sex, or alcohol on homework
assignments, tests, etc. You will receive a zero.
11. Always remember Sra. Banda’s three most important

Classroom Consequences:

Any student who fails to follow the classroom policies mentioned above will face the following consequences.

First offense - Warning

Second offense – Detention

Third offense - After school detention / Parent contact

Forth offense - Written Referral

Note: The teacher reserves the right to skip steps 1 and 2 and move to step 3 depending

on the severity of the offense.

Tardy Policy:

1st tardy— Warning

2nd tardy— Teacher detention (30 minutes) – Parent contact.

3rd tardy — Teacher detention (30 minutes)

4th tardy -- Referral and administrative consequences


If a student has 11 excused or unexcused absences per semester, he/she runs the risk of being

dropped from the class, even if the student has an excelling grade in the class.

Conference Period:

Conference period is considered a study hall and the students should be prepared to do homework,

read, or be otherwise productive. The only way a student can be released from the classroom is if

they have a pre-written formal pass from another teacher or a color coded club pass. Posted notes

will not be accepted. If you need to see me during a conference period, ask me for a pass prior to coming.

Dress Code:

Please see the STUDENT HANDBOOK for the Dress Code. Dress code will be enforced.

Diversity Statement:

All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and

bigotry. As members of the Basha High School educational community, students are expected

to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another

student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.

Individual consultation with the teacher

Students are encouraged to discuss with the teacher their progress, concerns, problems, grades, etc. I am always available during Conference Period and after school by appointment only.

BHS Mission Statement


Let’s work together and have a great year!

Acknowledgement and Awareness

of AP Spanish Course Outline,

Classroom Rules and Consequences

I have read and understand your classroom policies and consequences.

Student name:

(Please print first and last name)______

Student signature: ______

Parent name:

(Please print first and last name) ______

Parent signature: ______

Please indicate which of the following methods of communication will be acceptable for you, in order of preference (It is okay to check more than one). If you do not wish to be contacted at one of the sources, simply write DNC (do not contact) to the right of the source.

____ E-mail* ______

____ Cell ______

____ Work ______

____ Home ______

____ Other ______

*If you give me your e-mail address, you are giving me permission to e-mail you about your student’s grades and/or behavior.





Español 5-6 AP