Ten minutes prior to the net beginning make the following announcement:

(Select which ever option is appropriate for the evening Net)

Option 1: WA6EFW Repeater Operational

“All stations on frequency be advised the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club net will be held on this frequency at 1900 hrs. <callsign> monitoring”

OPTION 2: WA6EFW Repeater INOPERATIVE (make announcement on simplex freq 146.535 MHz)

“All stations on frequency be advised the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club net will be held on the SIMPLEX FREQ 146.535 MHz. <callsign> monitoring”



This is the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club, K6QWR, Net. Your Net Control this evening is <callsign> and my name is <first name>.

(Select which ever option is appropriate for the evening Net)

Option 1: WA6EFW Repeater Operational

This Net is conducted through the WA6EFW repeater and meets each Sunday evening at 1900 hrs.

The repeater is programmed at 146.94 MHz, – 600 offset, with a PL of 91.5

If the repeater is down or should become inoperative, tune to 146.535 simplex and await further instructions.



This net is being conducted on 146.535 simplex, and meets each Sunday evening at 1900 hrs.


Before we start, do we have any Emergency or Priority traffic?


This evening’s order of business will be: all announcements, then role call, followed by guest check-ins.

All amateurs are invited to check into the Net. You will be put on our regular roster after you check in three consecutive times.

The purpose of this Net is to provide information of interest to amateur radio operators in our area.


The Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club Board meets at 1830 hrs on the 1st Tuesday of each month (EXCEPT JULY - the club does not meet in July) at the Johnnie D’s Restaurant, on Bear Valley Road.

Johnnie D’s is located at 19250 Bear Valley Road, Apple Valley, directly East of the McDonalds and West of the Apple Valley Rd / Bear Valley Rd intersection.

The Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club meets at 1900 hrs on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (EXCEPT JULY) at the Sitting Bull Academy on Sitting Bull Road in Apple Valley. Everyone is welcome to attend the Club meeting.

The dates and times of all Club activities can be found on the Dates Page of the Club’s Website at:

V V A R C .org


HAM Radio testing sessions in the local area include:

A.) First Saturday of each ODD numbered month at the Hesperia Fire Station 305 located at 8331 Callente Rd in Hesperia. The Fire Station is west of the Rte 15/395 intersection in Hesperia

B.) Fourth Saturday of January through May, then July through November and the Third Saturday of June and December at the Spring Valley Community Center at 12975 Rolling Ridge Drive, Spring Valley Lake in Victorville.

Complete details of all testing sites (local area and Inland Empire) can be found on the Testing page of the Club’s website.


Do we have any Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club announcements? If so, please come with your call.


Each of the following nets are open nets and all Amateurs are invited to checkin.

There is an Apple Valley ECS Net on Monday night at 1900 hrs, on the WA6EFW repeater. This repeater is programmed at 146.940 MHz, - 600 offset and a PL of 91.5.

The City of Victorville has their weekly net on Thursday nights at 1930 hrs. The City of Victorville Repeater is programmed at 146.115 MHz, + 600 offset, PL 91.5.

The City of Victorville repeater is a commercial grade repeater and does not, I repeat does not, have a courtesy tone or squelch tail at the end of a transmission. So kechunking the repeater will not work.

Finally, the Spring Valley Lake Amateur Radio Club has its weekly net on Thursday nights (except the 1st Thursday night of the month which is their club meeting night) at 1930 hrs. This net will be on the WA6EFW repeater which is programmed at 146.940 MHz, - 600 KHz offset, and a PL of 91.5.

Once again each of these nets are open nets and all Amateurs are invited to checkin.


Do we have any ECS or ARES traffic at this time? If so, please come with your call.


Do we have any general traffic, for sale or want items, or general information for the Net?


“This is the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club Net, (call sign) Net Control”

Now for Roll call. If you would like your spouses to be checked in, please give me their call sign when you check in.

* * * Do role call; identify stations during and after role call * * *

Now this is the Roll Call as I have it. Are there any late or missed members? Visitors please stand by.


Are there any visitors wishing to check in this evening? Please come slowly with your call sign and name.


Do we have any late message traffic for this Net?


This will be a last call for late or missed members or visitors.


Hearing none, at this time I will close the Net.

This has been the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club K6QWR Net. Your Net Control has been <callsign>.

This Net has been conducted:

OPTION 1: through the WA6EFW repeater.

OPTION 2: on the simplex frequency of 146.535 MHz

I wish to thank everyone for their participation. We will close the Net at this time of 19 hrs.

Good night. The frequency is now clear.

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Last Updated: 01/12/18