Educational Studies Faculty Meeting

Wednesday August 26, 2009

1:30 p.m.

Present: David Dietrich; Robert Erk; Bob Hartshorn; James Petty; Beverly Hearn; Tammie Patterson

Patricia Hewitt; Joyce Swan; Michael Spaulding; Cherry Watts; Texas Culver; Suzanne Maniss; Sandra

Murray; Becky Cox; Kathy Evans; Betty Cox; Mark Hewitt; Gwen Tomlin; Jennifer Cook; Glenda

Rakes; Frank Black; Crystal Whitlow; Beth Quick (Chair); Tarica Coble (secretary)

I.  Call to Order: Dr. Beth Quick (dept. chair) called the meeting of August 26, 2009 to order.

II.  Welcome and Introductions of new faculty: Dr. Quick welcomed everyone back for the new

2009 fall semester. The meeting began by introducing the new members to the rest of the faculty. New faculty members are Tammie Patterson (Parsons); Texas Culver ( Ripley) and

David Dietrich (Jackson).

III.  Approval of Minutes from April 17, 2009 Meeting: Motion was made to approve last April’s

faculty meetings minutes.

Motion: Suzanne Maniss Second: Sandra Murray Minutes Approved

IV.  Announcements:

Announcements for Faculty Meeting


I.  Faculty Development Teaching Program, Faculty Development International Travel Program, and Faculty Development Technology Programs proposals are due by 5 pm on Monday, Sept. 14, 2009 (funding spans October 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) See ORGC website for details!

** Must submit one electronic copy and one hard copy **

II.  Dependent Eligibility Verification must be submitted by Sept. 4 or coverage is dropped .

III.  Updated curriculum vitae, syllabi and office hours to Tarica by Friday, Sept. 4.

IV.  Second round of stimulus funding requests due to me or Tarica by Friday, Sept. 18.


NCATE Orientation in the spring – Which faculty members have not attended?

Betty Cox; Cherry Watts; Tammie Patterson; Joyce Swan; Becky Cox; Texas Culver

I.  Friday, Sept. 11 – Identify 2 or 3 faculty to attend the TQI/PACT training in Nashville from 10-2 pm (Performance Assessment for California Teachers.

Patricia Hewitt; Mark Hewitt; Becky Cox

II.  Commencement – only 7 faculty for each date (sign-up sheet)

III.  Teaching Observation – fall date if applying for promotion/tenure (sign-up sheet)

IV.  Emergency Forms - These forms are for Departmental use only. Fill out and return to Tarica

V.  FYI:

I.  Catalog – one hard copy purchased by dept. ($6.00 in UTM bookstore—only 500 ordered—online catalog link under “Prospective Students” section in middle of UTM Homepage) – changes made this fall will not become effective until fall 2010.Each faculty received one new catalog.

II.  ABC Teach University Partnership (membership at no cost to faculty and students)

Contact Sheryl Schreefel at to request membership (Over 35,000 pages of curricular resources, educational clipart, shapebook creator, etc.)

III.  Conditional Approval of new EDLD program

IV.  Submission of reading specialist, gifted education, and ESL endorsements/licenses

V.  Smart Board installation

VI.  NCATE Pilot

VII.  New copier purchase

VIII.  Schedule inputs for Maymester, spring, and summer will begin in September

V.  New Business :

A.  Departmental Committee Membership :

Dr. Quick reviewed the committees and determined which faculty would rotate off.

Dr. Betty Cox will rotate off undergraduate curriculum committee this fall. Texas Culver will replace Betty Cox on this committee. Sandra Murray rotated off, but agreed to continue serving because there was no one to take her place. Suzanne Maniss will replace Linda Blanding who retired in January 2009. David Dietrich was selected to be on the Graduate Curricular Committee.

B.  Curricular Request to correct omission of Business Technology endorsement information from 2009-2010 catalog.

Dr. Quick explained to faculty the curricular request to include Business Technology Information. The changes were accidentally omitted from the 2009-2010 catalogs by error. It will be corrected in the catalog in 2010-2011.

C.  Library at Selmer:

Joyce Swan told the faculty that the Selmer Center had received funds to purchase resources for the new library. She asked faculty for suggestions on any materials the Selmer Center could purchase. (books, DVD, CD, ect.)

D.  Updates on Student Teachers:

Jennifer Cook reported on student teacher and placements for all students this fall. Jennifer thanked faculty who helped during student teacher orientation. Approximately 60 students are student teaching. UTM enrollment is up 8% for undergraduates students; 15% for transfer students. Total enrollment for fall semester at this time is 7,578 students and 25% are in Education. The back ground checks are being managed by Education Student Services.


VI.  Miscellaneous:


VII.  Adjournment:

Faculty meeting adjourned at 3:10 pm