Committee Meeting

May 23, 2012

The Committee Meeting of the Lafourche Basin Levee District met at the official domicile of the Board in Vacherie, Louisiana and was called to order by its Chairman Robert LeBlanc at 6:00 pm.

The following Commissioners were in attendance: Stanley Folse, Robert LeBlanc, President Joseph Dantin, Warner Sylvain, John Boughton, Wayne Waguespack, Vice-President, Leonce Carmouche. Dale Dennis, Sr., Russell Loupe and William Sirmon, Jr. were absent. Randy Trosclair, Executive Director, and Attorney External Accountant Clinton Rouyea were present. Larry Buquoi were absent.

There were no audience comments on agenda items.

The Safety Committee Report was presented by Commissioner Stanley Folse on behalf of Chairman Dale Dennis, Sr. who was absent. He advised that there were no lost time accidents to report. The last safety meeting for the maintenance department was held on May 17, 2012, at 6:00 a.m. Three films from the National Safety Council were shown and discussed: Skid Steer Safety, Summer Safety, and Safety Orientation. The next safety meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2012 at 6:00 a.m.

The Equipment Committee Report was presented by its Chairman Leonce Carmouche. He reported that all of our equipment was operational with the exception of Unit 872 our 2000 Caterpillar Long Boom Excavator. The engine started over heating and we had to remove the radiator from it and send off to get cleaned and repaired. It is expected to be received on Thursday sometime. The thermostat will also have to be replaced on the machine.

President Joseph Dantin commented on the 2012 Report Card for Louisiana’s Infrastructure by the American Society of Civil Engineers. He said that the scores for Lafourche Basin Levee District levee system was very high in the following areas: Capacity (B), Condition (B), Operations and Management (A), and Resilience (A).

In other committee matters, Commissioner Leonce Carmouche requested that Randy obtain information on what the State of Louisiana retirement system is paying the employees who are under (Lasers) state retirement system. Mr. Carmourche requested this information for the next committee meeting scheduled for June 20, 2012. He would like to compare what the Board is paying for its employee’s retirement verses the State’s retirement system.

Since there was no other Committee matters to discuss, President Joseph Dantin, moved to adjourn and was seconded by Commissioner Robert LeBlanc.

Meeting adjourned

Executive Director
