
Veterans of Foreign Wars


(Phone number)

(Insert date)

Mr./Ms. (Insert name)


VFW Post xxxxx Member # xxxxx

Dear Mr./Ms. (Insert Name),

I take immense pleasure in thanking you for joining the nation’s premier veteran’s association through VFW Post xxxxx. I and all members of Post xxxxx look forward with the comradery and mutual support we will have together well into the future. Your membership fees will go a long way in helping the National VFW and our Post meet its goals of supporting our fellow veterans as well as the many community programs and scholarships.

Enclosed with this letter is our Post’s flyer that outlines how we support the National VFW as well as our local veterans and community. Please feel free to stop by and learn how you can assist our Post in all of our endeavors.

You will also see enclosed a questionnaire that I request you fill out. Filling out and submitting this questionnaire is absolutely voluntary. If you decide to fill out the questionnaire, we will use the data you provide to steer our future membership campaigns in a direction that will bring on new members such as yourself as well as learning what types of national and/or local programs are important to our members. If extra space is needed, please feel free to use the back of the sheet.

Again, I would like to thank you for becoming a member of VFW Post xxxxx. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.





1.  How did you learn of the VFW?

2.  Why did you join the VFW and have your expectations for the reason(s) been met?

3.  What specific program(s) interested you in the VFW?

4.  What specific Post xxxxx program(s), if any, are you interested in volunteering for?

5.  What recommendations do you have in how our Post can more effectively conduct membership drives?

Member name: (Optional)

Member number: (Optional)



Veterans of Foreign Wars


(Phone number)

(Insert date)

Mr./Ms. (Insert name)


VFW Post xxxxx Member # xxxxx

Dear Mr./Ms. (Insert Name),

Comrade! I hope this letter finds you and your family in good spirits. The reason I am writing is because it is that time of year again for you to renew your annual membership with the VFW and Post xxxxx. Renewing your membership will go a long way in helping the National VFW and our Post meet its goals of supporting our fellow veterans as well as the many community programs and scholarships.

I would also like to invite you to “upgrade” your membership from Annual to Life. Doing so will save you membership fees as well as the hassle of renewing annually. Please note that for your convenience there are two payment plans if you decide to become an Annual member. You can either make the payment in full or take advantage of the installment plan that spreads the payments over a 12-month period. You can either contact me for details on becoming a life member or visit the website

In case you are not aware of the good work our Post has accomplished over the past year, I have enclosed our Post’s flyer that outlines how we support the National VFW as well as our Posts local programs.

You will also see enclosed a questionnaire that I request you fill out. Filling out and submitting this questionnaire is absolutely voluntary. If you decide to fill out the questionnaire, we will use the data you provide to learn what types of national and/or local programs are important to our members. If extra space is needed, please feel free to use the back of the sheet.

I would like to thank you in advance for renewing your membership with the VFW and our Post. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.





1.  If you did not renew your membership, please provide the reason(s) why you decided not to?

2.  If you did renew your membership but did not “upgrade” to an annual member, please provide the reason why you decided not to?

3.  What specific program(s) have been personally helpful to you over the past year?

4.  What recommendations do you have on how we can increase the effectiveness of specific program(s) to include membership drives?

5.  What specific program(s) are you interested in volunteering for?

Member name: (Optional)

Member number: (Optional)