Mrs. Renner’s Kindergarten Newsletter
January 26-30, 2015
Words: Practice writing the word had on the back.
Math: Complete pages R 8-3 and P 8-3
Reading: Read your bag of books to an adult. / See what we’re Learning this Week!
Polar Animals
Words of the Week
had for
Upcoming Events
January 27 – Awards Day for Kindergarten @ 9:00
January 30 – Field Trip to the Circus in Greenville
January 30 – Money for Bi-Lo Cakes due
February 4 – Early Release Day at 11:00 - No Lunch Served
February 6 – PTO Valentine’s Day Dance – 5-7 p.m.
February 11 – PTO Teacher Appreciation Lunch
February 11 – Charlotte’s Web and Chuck E. Cheese Field Trip Permission Slip and Money due
February 16 – Professional Development Day – No School for Students
Bi-Lo Cakes – a notice was sent home last week about purchasing Bi-Lo Valentine cakes. The cakes are $6.50 (with $1.50 donated to our school). If you purchase one, your child will need to attend the PTO Valentine Dance on Friday, February 6 to decorate it! Money and the form are due by this Friday, January 30.
Words: Practice writing the word for on the back.
Math: Complete pages R 8-4 and P 8-4
Reading: Read your bag of books to an adult.
Bring your library book today!
Words: Practice writing a sentence with the word had on the back.
Math: Complete pages R 8-5 and P 8-5
Reading: Read your bag of books to an adult.
Wear tennis shoes for P.E. today!
Words: Practice writing a sentence using the word for on the back.
Math: Complete pages R 8-6 and P 8-6
Reading: Read your bag of books to an adult
100th Day of School
**Field Trip to the Circus**
End of 2nd 9 weeks
Award’s Day – Kindergarten Award’s Day will be on Tuesday, January 27 at 9:00 a.m. This will be an academic award’s day (the last one was a Leadership Award’s Day). I sent home a letter last week to let you know if your child is receiving an award.
«  Field Trip to the Circus – Our Kindergarten Field Trip to the Circus will be THIS Friday, January 30. Please remember to send your child’s lunch IF you signed up for them to bring a lunch from home. Also, please make sure your child brings a coat WITH THEIR NAME IN IT to school. Even though the circus is inside, we want to make sure each student stays warm while we are on the bus and going in and out of the circus. It is very important that your child be at school on time so they are not left! Also, please make sure your child wears their PURPLE Field Day t-shirt. This helps us quickly spot the students.
«  Field Trip to Charlotte’s Web and Chuck E. Cheese – We are planning another field trip to Furman University to see a play and eat at Chuck E. Cheese. Please make sure to send in the money and permission slip by February 11th. If you would like to chaperone this field trip, please check the spot at the bottom of the permission slip.
«  Behavior – Please continue to talk with your child about their behavior at school, especially in the classroom during instruction time. We are having to remind students to take care of themselves a lot recently. We encourage positive leadership behavior each and every day.

HOMEWORK (use a pencil)


Have your child trace the words and then write the words 3 times each. (use the correct strokes)



Sentences with the words had and for
