[“Generic” Chapter Rules Template—change or delete anything in this font]




The name of this chapter is ______Chapter of the Alpha Sigma State organization of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.


The mission of the Society is to promote professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. The chapter is part of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, a non-profit educational organization. The chapter promotes the seven purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International as found in theInternationalSociety’s Constitution.


  1. Membership is consistent with the International Society’s Constitution and Handbook. It is composed of Active, Reserve, and Honorary members as defined.
  2. Candidates for membership shall be elected in accordance with the International Constitution and Handbook. [if the chapter has any special procedure for identifying, electing, orienting, etc. it should be spelled out here so long as not contrary to the International documents.]
  3. Members who move into the chapter area may request transfer by following the procedures outlined in the International Constitution and Handbook.
  4. Membership shall be terminated for non-payment of dues and fees or by vote of the chapter in response to a letter of resignation submitted to the president.
  5. Reinstatement shall be in accordance with requirements of the Constitution and Handbook.


  1. Dues and fees shall be collected as consistent with International and State requirements.
  2. A budget shall be determined by the Finance Committee each year to establish the amount of the chapter dues and fees, which shall be collected at the same time State and International dues are collected. The budget will be approved by chapter members [ state when}.

1. The budget shall include [ any special needs the chapter determines such as money to pay officer expenses to conventions or special activities the chapter adopts not covered by special assessments or fees.]

  1. Money shall be paid out by the treasurer on authorization of the president by voucher within the amounts budgeted.
  2. An audit or financial review of the chapter finances shall be conducted annually.


______Chapter is part of Area ____ as determined by the Alpha Sigma State Executive Board.


  1. The officers of ______Chapter shall be a president, vice-president, and recording secretary elected by the membership and an appointed treasurer and parliamentarian. [ A chapter may have other officers including first/second vice president and corresponding secretary if desired.]
  2. Duties of officers. [ These may be spelled out for each officer—especially if the chapter has assigned special duties to any one of the officers, or done simply as follows:]
  3. President. The duties of the president shall be as stated in the International Constitution, the latest edition of the International Handbook, and in Guidelines for Chapter Presidents, current edition, published by the International Society.
  4. Vice President. The duties of the vice president shall be as stated in the International Constitution [plus any special duties the chapter has assigned to that office.]
  5. Recording Secretary. The duties of the recording secretary shall be as stated in the International Constitution [plus any other special duties the chapter has assigned to that office.]
  6. Treasurer. The duties of the treasurer shall be as stated in the International Constitution, the latest edition of the International Handbook, and in Guidelines for State and Chapter Treasurers, current edition, published by the International Society and/or the State Treasurer.
  7. Nominations, elections, and terms of office shall be as stated in the International Constitution, [ or spell out any special way in which the chapter has voted to nominate and elect officers which is not in conflict with the International Constitution. The terms of office and dates by which they take office are determined by International documents and state requirements.]
  8. A vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by succession to that office by the vice president. Vacancies in any other office shall be filled by [ appointment by the Executive Board, election of members at the meeting following that in which the vacancy is announced, or any special process determined by chapter rules and included in chapter rules.]


  1. Executive Board. The members of the Chapter Executive Board shall be the elected officers of the chapter and the immediate past president. The treasurer and parliamentarian shall be ex-officio members; the treasurer with vote and the parliamentarian without vote. The duties of the Executive Board shall be as stated in the International Constitution. The Executive Board shall meet [ twice a year is standard] with other meetings called by the president as necessary.
  2. Executive Committee. [if desired] The Executive Committee shall consist of the members of the Executive Board and the Chairmen of the Standing Committees. [Spell out their duties of you wish to have this board.]
  3. Chapter meetings. A general meeting of the chapter members shall be held [ how often? International documents require meeting at least four times a year but many chapters meet monthly. If you wish, this would also be the place to spell out what kinds of meetings: dinner, program, community, etc.]
  4. Area Meetings. ______Chapter is a member of Area ____. It is the responsibility of the chapter to host the annual Area Meeting in rotation with other chapters of the area. Members of the chapter should make an effort to attend each annual Area Meeting. Two persons from the chapter shall represent the chapter at meetings called by the Area Liaison. The president of the chapter shall be one of those two persons. The other shall be designated as the chapter wishes.
  5. State meetings.
  6. State Convention. The chapter president or her designee is expected to attend the Spring Convention. Members are encouraged to attend.
  7. State Executive Board. Two meetings are held each year, one in the fall and one in spring in association with the state convention. The chapter president or her designee is expected to attend. [ If the chapter has any tradition or rule about paying the president’s expenses, etc. they should be spelled out here.]
  8. International meetings. Officers and members are encouraged to attend the International Convention and the Northwest Regional Conference. [ If the chapter has any tradition or rule about paying the president’s expenses to International meetings, they should be listed here.]


  1. Standing Committees shall be the following:
  2. Society Business
  3. Finance
  4. Membership
  5. Nominations
  6. Program of Work
  7. Program (Composed of a chairman and chairmen of the following committees, and a music representative)
  8. Personal Growth and Services
  9. Professional Affairs [ may include Legislation Chair]
  10. Research
  11. Educational Services
  12. Communications
  13. Scholarship
  14. World Fellowship
  15. Special or ad hoc Committees
  16. [Identify any special committees the chapter may have such as literacy, women’s issues, etc.]
  17. [Identify any ad hoc committees such as the Financial Review Committee which has a special task to accomplish and is dismissed when the task is completed.]

Note: You may briefly describe the duties of each committee and its membership under the committee heading or create a special C. section listing the duties of the each committee, or refer to the International Constitution and Handbook. It is a good idea to keep this section as brief as possible.


[Any special chapter activity, such as fundraising for grants-in-aid, scholarships, student/community projects, etc. identified by chapter rules as regular activities may be described here.]


  1. The approval for chapter dissolution shall be obtained from the State Executive Board meeting in regular spring or fall session.
  2. Dissolution procedures shall be in accordance with International and State rules.
  3. In the event of the dissolution of ______Chapter, the net assets shall be distributed as follows:
  4. All liabilities and obligations shall be paid and satisfied or adequate provision made therefore in accordance with the Statutes of Incorporation for the State of Washington as they are applicable to the chapter.
  5. The Chapter Executive Board shall determine specific procedures for liquidating remaining assets, except that no member may personally benefit from such dissolution.
  6. [If the chapter has any large assets such as a scholarship fund, foundation, etc., specific procedures for providing for liquidation of these assets must be spelled out in this section.]


All amendments and revisions to these Chapter Rules shall be voted on by members at a regular meeting of the chapter with due notice to members. A [two-thirds? Majority?] vote shall be required to make the change.


Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (current edition) shall govern the proceedings of the chapter in all cases not provided for by the Society’s International Constitution, Alpha Sigma State’s Bylaws, or Chapter Rules.

Adopted/Amended ______Approval ______

DateState Bylaws Committee

[As chapter rules are amended, it is essential to include the date the amendments have been accepted as well as the date the Chapter Rules were accepted.}