Rotary Club of Waxahachie Scholarship

The Rotary Club of Waxahachie Scholarship has been established to recognize outstanding achievement, leadership and “service above self”. The Rotary Club of Waxahachie Scholarship will assist an outstanding Ellis County youth or adult in their college education. Particular consideration will be given to Ellis County Navarro College Rotaract Club active members.

Applications for scholarships are due March 16 and interviews will be held late March and early April. The scholarship is awarded shortly after the interviews and all applicants are notified of the results individually by letter.

The Rotary Club of Waxahachie Scholarship is awarded to a student who might not otherwise be able to attend college and have demonstrated their academic and leadership skills. Strong consideration will be given to community service and leadership skills demonstrated by applicant. The Rotary Club of Waxahachie Scholarship Committee will screen applicants. The Committee will interview those selected for final consideration. Any applications that are eliminated before interviews are scheduled will be notified of their elimination by individual letter.

Completed applications should be returned, by March 16, to:

Rotary Club of Waxahachie

ATTN: John Hamilton

P.O. Box 2920

Waxahachie, TX. 75168

to the rotary club OF Waxahachie scholarship for financial aid

Provided by the Rotary Club of Waxahachie

Navarro College, Ellis County Campus; 2012 Amount $1000.00

For College Year Beginning______



Print - Surname First


E-mail address______Telephone______

Date of Birth / Place of Birth
Father’s Business or Profession / Mother’s Business or Profession

This information will be kept confidential

Are you claimed as a dependent on any income tax return? ______

If yes, please explain ______

Employer______Job Description ______

Gross income* from business or salary:$______

Total annual income* from all other sources:$______

Has the applicant any other source of education funding* which might be used to defray expenses? If so, please explain:


Are there any other available funds* which might be applied to the candidate’s education? Please explain:


Capital resources*: (a) securities______(b) real estate______

(c) savings______

Total of all income* after income taxes:$______

*Income, Income Tax Returns or available funds of both parents will apply if you are a dependent student.

Other dependents:Current YearComing Year (Estimate)

Name of Child / Age / School or College / Tuition / Aid / Tuition / Aid

College you plan to attend______

Amount of aid requested ______


Please list below the schools you have attended or education level

From / To / School, High School or Other / Address / Year Graduated
From / To / College or University / Address / Year(s) Attended

GENERAL COMMENTS: Please state why you consider yourself a candidate for this scholarship. The more information you give, the more intelligently we can form an estimate as to your qualifications and fitness. Please attach a full written essay if you wish.


Signature of Applicant

Scholarship funds will be paid direct to the accredited college or university to which student has been accepted and has a valid student number.

Do you understand that if you are chosen to receive financial assistance, the Waxahachie Rotary Club will assume that you will pursue your studies with due diligence, that you will go to college and receive your degree? ______

Do you understand that financial assistance qualification will continue only so long as your grades and conduct are exemplary? ______

To this application, please attach the following:

  1. Recent photo of yourself
  1. A transcript of all college grades to date.
  1. At least a Letter of Recommendation from a Rotoract Club sponsor.
  1. A copy of your most current Federal Income Tax Return (or both parents return if a dependent).




STATEMENT BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN (for dependent student applicant only):

This is to certify that in signing this application, I understand the regulation regarding the award of financial aid, and have made clear to my child what will be required of him/her.

DateSignature of Parent or Guardian