Councillors Present:
Dave Broadway (Chair), Marion Dodson, George Tricks, David Fry, Chris Pointon, Debbie Jackson (Clerk)
Nigel Taylor (AONB), Harvey Siggs
Nigel Taylor
NT is the elected representative for AONB
NT came to the meeting to introduce himself to LPC, and gave a brief account of his duties and that of the AONB. NT told the PC that if any issues or queries arose that concerned any AONB matters then to use him as contact. AONB hold three meetings a year, the next being on 30.09.10
Harvey Siggs
- Sort It Plus. Plastic and cardboard recycling. First phase to start 4th October, although the area has not been decided yet. This scheme will be a fortnightly collection. A new box will be provided to households. All types of plastics will be collected and sorted kerbside. Marks and Spenser are paying for and taking a lot of the plastic for reclying into plastic packaging in their stores.
- Budgets. 25% reductions over the next three years expected in the central government funding for SCC. All services are under review and major cutbacks in services inevitable. Library services are being reassessed, as in its current form the usage of books is down. Although people have access to the Internet in libraries, this hasn’t been widely used. It is expensive to keep libraries stocked with up-to-date books and new releases. Cuts to day-care. Age range from 18 years to elderly. Costs estimate about £8000 a week per individual to look after. 10% - 15% staff cuts, hopefully voluntary redundancies taken will help these figures.
- Highway Signage. A lot of signs have been taken down, including a lot of new ones. These are being sold off as scrap. (See matters for discussion regarding Litton’s missing finger signs).
- Sainsbury’s. HS hasn’t heard that Sainsbury’s is appealing for being turned down for the Tinknells site.
Jenny Speed
Minutes Last Meeting
Approved and signed by DB (Chair)
Matters Arising
- SALC Standing Orders. All Councillors had read through the copy of the standing orders with DB’s suggested amendments. One idea highlighted was the keeping of a planning applications log. All Councillors present agreed to adopt the idea. Clerk to start logbook. Unauthorised Activities. No individual Councillor is solely allowed to use position to authorise planning applications. DB proposed to adopt standing orders. All in favour. DB to copy all Councillors with adopted Standing Orders.
- Health and Safety. DB found examples of risk assessments online from other Parish Councils. Agreed LPC should use these where appropriate. DB to put forward a document.
- Parish Councillor Toolkit. Found online by DB. Covers all aspects and powers of Parish Councils. DB to send copy via email to councillors. Print hard copy for filing.
Declaration of Interest
- Parish Council Insurance. After investigation by DB who checked the cover, it was discovered the cost of the cover had increased by 15% this was agreed for this year’s cover, but before renewal next year, check in April other providers.
- Budget. Enter last year’s actual figures.
Nothing of urgency
Matters for Discussion
- Ownership of The Kings Arms. GT raised the issue of the possibility of Greene King selling off the pub if business doesn’t succeed. This is a concern as part of the building dates back to the 14th century. If the current business were not successful for Greene King, it is considered likely that they would sell to a developer, or possibly develop the site themselves. An informal view had been received that MDC would find it difficult to withhold planning permission for new houses to be built on the site if a proper application were made. Councillors agreed to investigate the possibility of listing the building. GT to contact retired councillor Judith Green, as she had previously done some investigations to building work and contact MDC’s Conservation Officer. DB to contact English Heritage. Once an answer has been obtained from MDC and English Heritage, LPC will discuss further action.
- Kings Arms. Pub sign has been replaced. DB asked if it was possible if a sign at the rear of the pub could be erected to read: “Please park in main car park”. This would deter cars being parked in the village. CP to liase with landlords.
- Missing brown Finger Signs. There used to be one for the church and one for the pub. Clerk emailed MDC concerning the missing sign(s). Emailed response from SCC is that due to their sign clearage (de-clutter) scheme they have removed the sign(s). Councillors are now concerned that there is no sign to direct visitors to the historic church and visitors to the pub may go into the village to park, restricting access for emergency vehicles, and also for residents. This issue was raised with visitor HS, who took the copy of the email sent by SCC away with him for further investigation.
- Grass Cutting. Both CP and the Clerk have spoken to Dave Speed regarding the trimming of the laurels. He will do them as soon as he is able. He has also been asked to provide an invoice for works he has already carried out. CP to chase him again.
- VAT. The clerk has filled out a form to claim VAT back from the Inland Revenue for the previous two years. Form to be sent to Inland Revenue.
- Apologies for next meeting DB. CP to chair.
Meeting closed at 8.30pm
Next meeting:
Wednesday 6th October 2010; 7.30pm, Litton Village Hall