Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25
Royal Canadian Legion Br. 25
96 Great Northern Rd
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6B 4Y5
Phone: 705-945-8721
Fax: 705-945-6372
Ladies Auxiliary: 705-256-2941
Lounge: 705-256-6921
Happy Thanksgiving
Quote of the Month:
1. Nothing is too small to know and nothing is too big to attempt – William Van Horne
2. Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle – Robert Anthony
President’s Report – Respectfully submitted by Wilma Oliver
At this writing, fall has begun and it’s 32 degrees Celsius, and most of the leaves are still on the trees! Let us all really enjoy it.
It has been a busy month here at the Branch. We received our Vimy Oak Sapling and it has been planted in the military area of Greenwood cemetery. There will be a more formal celebration of its planting in the spring.
Three of us attended the very interesting and informative Service Officers Seminar at Lockerby Legion in September.
The Annual Battle of Britain Parade at the airport was well attended and enhanced by the presence of our Legion Colour Party and Band.
Two new members, Eric Parsons and Mike Hearty, who were unable to attend the general meeting were initiated in the office. We welcome these new comrades.
On Saturday September 23rd. I attended the fall Zone Council meeting in Bruce Mines. This was a very informative meeting for me with lots of information about upcoming activities in our Zone in the coming months.
Our Branch hosted a very lovely event here on September 23rd to honour our WWII Veterans. The Ladies Auxiliary provided an awesome turkey dinner for our Veterans and their family and friends. Mr. Terry Sheehan our Member of Parliament and Mayor Christian Provenzano as well as the Commanding Officer of the 49th Field Regiment RCA, LCol. Lance Knox were in attendance to hand out the Certificates of Appreciation and new lapel pins provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. It was truly a moving event for our Veterans
To wrap up this month, we held our monthly monthly pancake breakfast here on Sunday morning. Hope to see you all at our next one October 29th.
Ladies Auxiliary President Report – Respectfully submitted by Wendy Phillips
It was nice to see your smiling faces at our first meeting in September. We have a busy October and November.
In October, we will be making our meat pies, turkey pies and fruit pies. The dates for pick up of meat pies is October 13th & 14th.
On Wednesday Novembere 29th is our Christmas Tea & Bake Sale and Bazaar. We will need baked items, crafts, and not-so-new items.
Singles and Doubles darts are on October 28th in Bruce Mines. Our next meeting is Wednesday October 11, 2017 – hope to see your smiling faces there.
1st. Vice President and Sgt. At Arms Report – Respectfully submitted by Ernie Bremner
On September 23rd., 2017, Branch 25 held a supper to honour those WWII Veterans that could attend. There were over 40 in attendance. Two of the attendees are below. Mr. Harold Quick also received the Arctic Star for his endeavours on the North Sea. There was a tear in everyone’s eyes when the cadets helped some of the aging vets to their tables and also to get their awards. Many many thanks go to Veterans Affairs Canada (Skye Purdy), Terry Sheehan’s office (Bianca James and Trevor Harrison) for their relentless efforts in making this happen. To all of the volunteers here at Branch 25 – Kudos – we all know where we would be if it wasn’t for our volunteers. Most importantly, thank-you to the families to made it possible for some of these Vets to travel to the Branch and of course to the Veterans themselves – Thank-you is not enough.
The masses Harold Quick
Ken Anstice The Coveted Pin
The Remembrance Day committee is hard at working getting all of the details worked out for the parade etc. We will keep you informed. Don’t forget our March for a Vet is coming up as well. Call the office to get your name on the list. 705-945-8721
This is getting bigger and bigger each year – March for a living or deceased Veteran. March for a Veteran who is currently serving. All we will need is your contact information and who you are marching for. You are allowed to carry a picture or a medal but we do ask that you do not wear jeans.
2nd. Vice President/Museum and Service Officer Report – Respectfully submitted by Ron Rouleau
We are expecting a visit from Sherry Culling, Provincial Service Officer the week of October 23rd, 2017. Please call the office and leave your name, phone number, service number and the reason for your visit so that we can get you an appointment with Sherry.
Acting Poppy Chair Report – Respectfully submitted by Rob Gardner
Please be aware that the Poppy Campaign will kick off on Friday October 27th at 11 am at the Cenotaph on Queen Street. Please feel free to come and participate in the Flag Raising and get your poppies and start tagging.
Membership – Respectfully submitted by Helen Stewart
Our Early Bird campaign started September 1st but you still have 10 chances to win your dues back if you pay in October. You can either take the money or pay for your 2019 dues – your choice. Winners of the October 1st draw were: Roderick Little, Marian Predum, Brian Miron, Pascale Crepault-Breckenridge, and Ed Adshead – congratulations. Paying your dues can pay off. There is still time to get in for the 10 chances to win. See you soon.
The membership cards have changed (Dominion Command). They are now plasticized (like a credit card) and you will be getting a yearly sticker.
Please support our events, support our bar, rent our hall, bring your friends, we are open to the public.
Secretary Reports Respectfully submitted by Mary Anne Martin
Legion Seniors` Program
There will be a Harvest Moon Dinner Dance on October 13, 2017 – Cocktails 5:30 and Dinner at 6:30 PM - cost is $25/person. Roast Beef and Chicken dinner and music by the Happy Days Band with vocalist John Bumbacco.
There is a Seniors’ Health Care Fair on October 17th from 1PM – 4 PM with twelve to fifteen local health care service agencies taking part.
Sick & Visiting Due to popular demand, I have changed October to A CANNED FOOD DRIVE FOR THE SOUP KITCHEN. The collection box will be beside the coffee table.
I am still looking for help in delivering the goody bags to the nursing homes. If you can given an hour or two, it would be tremendously helpful as we are doubling up on home and I hope no one takes ill or we are up a creek.
The following is a list of Remembrance Day Services at the homes:
Nov. 6th – Van Daele 10:30am
Cedarwood Lodge – 2:00 pm
Nov. 7th - Pathways – 10:30 am
Nov. 8th - Great Northern – 10:30 am
Finnish Rest Home – 2:00 pm
Nov. 9th Collegiate Heights – 10:30 am
Nov. 10th Davey Home – 10:30 am
Mapleview – 2:00 pm
If you can donate some time to honour Veterans at these services please call me at the Branch 705-945-8721.
Veteran’s Week
Once again I will be setting up the Veteran’s Week Display at Station Mall. This year it will run from November 3rd to the 10th and will be in two-hour segments. If you can spare some time, please let me know.
Entertainment - Friday Night pool league is still at 7 PM. If you wish to play, just come out on Friday.
· Karaoke is still going throughout the summer, every Friday from 9 PM to 1 AM
· Wednesday is Jam Session – tuning at 7 pm
7th – Full Circle 14th – Dusty Roads
21st – Nostalgia Live 28th – Full Circle
On the 28th – prizes for the best hallowe’en costume and spot dances.
Regular Entertainment
· Monday 8:00 p.m. – band practice upstairs – everyone welcome
· Pint & Nacho days (Tues/Thurs/Saturday) buy a 20 oz. glass of your favourite draught beverage and get Nachos with cheese for $7.50
· Thursday 3:00 P.M. – Meat draw in the lounge - $1/spin. Vouchers won for either City Meat Market, Scale Meats and now PRIME CUTS has joined our little family.
Track & Field and Cadet Report – Respectfully submitted by Pierre Breckenridge
Track & Field – No report
Cadet Liaison – The four units are all off to a good start with the units reporting a good number of new recruits joining.
We had a good showing of cadets at the Battle of Britain parade at the Airport on September 17, 2017.
The cadets in attendance at the WWII Veterans dinner were well received. From all accounts they provided a tremendous amount of help serving dinner, escorting the Veterans and other duties. From the reports they were well turned out, pleasant and professional. Major Pascale Breckenridge reports that they cadets all enjoyed participating and were pumped that they had the opportunity to be involved.
The plans are underway for the local cadets to support the poppy campaign and other Veteran week activities.
Public Relations Officer Report – August/September 2017
respectfully submitted by Debbie Rouleau
Vimy Oak Seedling – Ron Rouleau and I met with the cemetery services staff and confirmed the location of the planting (the grassy area at “turn around” in the newer Veterans burial site, back of Greenwood Cemetery). They will assist with the planting, provide material and some ‘staking’ for the seedling as well as protective stakes for the winter to make sure it is not disturbed when ploughing. Ron and I discussed that the ‘formal’ ceremony would take place next April, to coincide with the Vimy remembrance (not necessarily same day). The cemetery staff will also make sure the grass is in good shape around the seedling. The total price for the seedling is $125, delivery is $125, tax is $32.50 totally $282.50.
Branch 25 Receives Assistance from the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 46 – Respectfully submitted by Bruce Pearce on behalf of the Remembrance Day Committee
Bill Ballantyne of Council 46 of the Interntional Union of Painters and Allied Trades approached Branch 25 and asked how their group could help in the preparation for Remembrance Day 2017. Comrade Ernie Bremner needed assistance in transporting the flag stands from the Branch to the Essar Centre, and subsequent set up. Council 46 members provided much needed help and vehicles for the move on Nov. 10, 2017.
Bill Ballantyne noted that the flag stands and crosses needed repainting, and offered Council 46’s expertise. Arrangements were made with Pat Proulx and Jason Mihailiuk at the Essar Centre for a painting session in late April. These two gentlemen are always most helpful in assisting the Branch for the set-up of the Nov. 11 ceremony.
Thanks to Council 46 members Bill Ballantyne, Frank Cembal, Dan Boucher and Business representative Jason Cormier – now Branch 25 has repainted flag stands for use at the Essar Centre and at the Branch.
Bill Ballantyne stated in a note: “Thank-you so much for allowing us to do this for you; it was an honour and privilege.”
Bill, many thanks to you and Council 46 members for ensuring that Branch 25 can conduct the 2017 Nov. 11th ceremony with crosses and flag stands reflecting the dignity of remembrance.
Below are a few pictures of the men who helped.
Frank Cembal Dan Boucher
Frank Cembal & Bill Ballantyn
From the Legion newsletter Canada’s Military History “Storied Lee-Enfield rifle heads into retirement”
The Canadian Militia was issued the first Lee-Enfield, the Mk1 Long, in 1986 and took it to South Africa to fight in the Boer War from 1800-1902
The .303’s accuracy, simplicity and reliability have always been its strong points. First adopted by the British Army in 1895, the Lee-Enfield has seen action in dozens of conflicts the world over, including the Boer War, both world wars, revolutions, cMI wars, colonial uprisings, Korea, the Middle East, Vietnam and Afghanistan.
Canadian cadets have since been using the Lee-Enfield for drill and range shooting and, while most are striped of their firing mechanisms, the majority are otherwise in full working order. The Lee-Enfield has been the standard weapon issued to the Canadian Rangers sine the reserve force was informed in 1947, which happens to be the year Mikhail Katashmikov invented the AK (hence 47) for use by the Soviet Army.
The .303 may soon be gone, but it won’t be forgotten. The new C-19’s stock is embossed with the Ranger emblem – an axe and a Lee-Enfield crossed between three maple leaves.
Read more at:
Veteran – Elmer Hudson
Comrade – Edward (Ted) Perks
If you have a few hours to spare, how about tagging poppies??
There are numerous places around town that we are allowed to hold our poppy boxes.
Poppy season kicks off Friday October 27th at 11 am and goes until Friday November 10th.
Please contact the office at 705-945-8721 to get your name on our list and Ann Robichaud will be pleased to call you back to set up times and places.
Please help us help Veterans– call and offer a few hours to this campaign.
We do NOT sell poppies. If you can, you donate to the box, if you can’t you can still wear the poppy with pride. Any donation is gratefully received.