BARDNEY HERITAGE GROUP / Bardney Heritage Centre
Station Road
Researching, developing and recording the history of Bardney, and surrounding area, for the benefit of all.
Minutes of the meeting held at 7pm on Monday 9th January 2012, at Bardney Heritage Centre.
Present: / Elected Committee: D Miles; L Goforth; K Ruane; B Newlove; D McKenna;
Members: R Knight, D Letts, C Wilson; P Rennie;
Apologies: / K Walker; J Benton; L Goforth;
1.  / Minutes of the last meeting:
·  The Chairperson read the minutes of the last meeting and these were agreed and signed as a true record.
2.  / Matters Arising:
The Chairman apologised that he had deliberately not chased people over the Xmas and New Year break.
·  Fieldwalking report still requires completion and copies sent to HER and HLF for their records.
·  Stone cataloguing – Chris Sellors has now passed on a key to the yard gate. The Chairman provided a lock for the shed door and the combination was passed on to the attendees. It was agreed to try to continue with the stone cataloguing will be still ongoing on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 10:00hrs., if agreeable. Meet at 10:00hrs on Wednesday 11th Jan to evaluate.
·  Catherine has received an email from Denise Drury (APS) in relation to gathering the paperwork from the stones. Catherine to invite Paul over on a Wednesday morning to meet us.
·  No response has been received from Alex (re – photographs and moving images) It was agreed that we should request any copies from any site volunteers/visitors during the dig, to try to gain a complete visual overview of the project.
·  A Calendar of Events for is still being co-ordinated by Pat. This is it so far: (NOTE: All at 19:00rs)
Ø  23-01-2012 Chris Sellors (Mediaeval Armour/Archery)
Ø  27-02-2012 Fred Parker
Ø  23-04-2012 Andrew Bramley (Thatching)
Ø  28-05-2012 Kevin Ruane (Metal Detecting)
Ø  24-09-2012 Simon Deaton
Ø  26-11-2012 Adam Daubney (Lincolnshire F L O)
There are gaps for March, June, July, August and October, at thi point.
·  The proposed visit to Pete Atkins barn had not yet been arranged
·  Antony Lee had not responded re. Request for a date to bring the ‘table legs’ from the Collection to Bardney. Try to arrange this as soon as possible.
The marquee has been passed on the John Woodhead. The Chairman expressed his apologies over any misunderstanding or confusion with the disposal of the marquee. / DM/JR
DM, DL, PR, CW + as many others as possible
D Miles
P Rennie
D Miles
D Miles
3.  / Correspondence/Email:
·  15-12-2011 Email from David & Susan Quadring – found a piece of decorative stone on the Abbey site – anxious to pass it back to us. (Relplied)
·  19-12-2011 Email from Stella Spencer – researching Maddison family at the Black Horse Inn. (Replied)
·  30-12-2011 Chairman wrote to Jim Newbolt for receipt for Demonstration Day. No response to-date.
·  09-01-2012 Telephone call from Jeff Laking – Would we like to place an information board in the church on Open Churches weekend – 5-6th May. It was agreed that we would.
·  05-01-2012 John Wilford – Email requesting receipts for all expenditure relating to the £5k BAR funding from JCT.
·  / D Miles
4.  / Website:
·  358 hits this month.
5.  / Fundraising:
·  None at this time
6.  / Projects/Interests:
·  BAR: APS have released copies of their Excavation Report. 4 hard copies and a .pdf file will be available soon.
·  APS have a draft copy of the BAR booklet. Catherine will receive a copy to review.
·  HLF have agreed to our Phase II funding.
·  Catherine has given consent to Nigel Sardeson to carry on with the suggested sculptures.
·  The narrative for the audio post and board is ongoing. 60-90 seconds for each aspect. (Rod)
·  As of 1st January 2012, JCT will be known as Jews Court & Bardney Abbey Trust.
·  HLF have awarded a sum of monies to JC&BAT to build a display of abbey stones in St Lawrence’s Church, Bardney.
·  OTHER: The Chairman has been requested to give a presentation on the Bardney Abbey Revealed project to the local Women’s Institute on 6th March 2012. A preview will be given at our next meeting. This presentation will become a part of the educational aspects of BAR.
·  The Chairman has purchased three plastic storage boxes for field-walking finds, which will be stored with him for the time being. These will be funded by HLF.
·  A loan agreement between BHG & BHC for items acquired by BHG but stored at BHC – still ongoing.
7.  / Any Other Business:
·  The chairman expressed thanks to Catherine for provision of the food and wine for the Xmas supper, and to Lynne, Barry and Angela for kindly preparing it. This was endorsed by the group.
8.  / Date and Time of Next Meeting:
·  20th February 2012 (PLEASE NOTE – THIRD MONDAY OF FEB) followed by BAR presentation - by D Miles)

Meeting closed at: 20:40 hrs

Minutes signed as a true record:

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