Website Tutorial for Registered Persons
Step 1
To access and maintain your CPD, you need to sign in to your profile using your username and password. Once signed in, please click on MANAGE PROFILE tab, listed under your MY SACAP REGISTRATION profile box. Scroll down to the Professional Development tab on the left centre area of your page. See the screen shot below and red arrows to help orientate yourself to the page

Once you have clicked on the Professional Development tab, you are now in the area where you are able to review the CPD policy and manage, maintain and retrieve CPD. See screen shot below to familiarise yourself with the CPD page

Once on the Professional Development page, and after reviewing the policy section, SCROLL DOWN to manage, retrieve and add CPD entries, after reviewing the CPD policy at the top half of the page. See screen shot below to assist you

Once on the bottom half of the CPD page, you are able to see a variety of buttons/tabs to provide you with key CPD functionality, including

  • Printing your whole CPD history (Print Transript)
  • Printing individual CPD entries/credits
  • Email yourself individual CPD entries (see the icon that looks like a mail envelope)
  • Email yourself entire CPD history

NOTE: Yu can set filters to generate CPD results for certain categories, date ranges etc, in the blue filter box. Follow the screen shot above in need


To add a new CPD credit, locate the green PLUS icon, titled ADD ENTRY. See above screen shot to locate this icon. Once you click this icon, the pop up screen to add an entry appears. Be sure your pc is set to allow pop ups.

Lets work through each field now: (Refer to the above screen in need)

Certification Program – Select the only option there, which is CPD 5 year program

Credit type – select from the drop down the CPD credit type you wish to enter. PLEASE ensure you refer to the CPD policy to revie minimums and maximums

Entry Date – The date the CPD activitry occurred, e.g. event date

Credits – add the amount of credit earned for the activity in question

Credits Expire – ALL (note ALL) your entries must have a Credits Expire date that corresponds with your Registration Renewal Date (In need refer to your profile home/bio tab fields to determine the date you need to enter here for all entries

Activity Code – Add the name of the VA or event hosts. This is free format and will help you when reviewing your credits statement to remember what the transaction was for and where it was earned. So this field you enter what makes sense to you

Score% - If the CPD was related to an exam of some sorts, you may, at your discretion, submit the results of the exam as a percentage e.g. 78%

Thereafter, upload any supporting documentation

Hit the submit button when you are finished


You will notice there are TWO tabs above the CPD entries page


To retrieve/print/email/add entries


To monitor and review your overall progress, click the tab that reads:

In need refer the screenshot below to help you orientate yourself to the CPD screen/page

SEE also the screen shot below for more guidance and orientation