13th March 2017

Dear Parents

Thank You:

·  To our PA for their co-operation and generosity. School is ordering new equipment.

·  To Martin Minihane & Barry Madden for their time in repairing our Boundary Netting.

·  To Monika Nowakowska for her organising our very successful Book Fair.

·  To the Gardening Team of Parents who tidied the Sensory Garden.

School Closures – Spring Term:

Please note the school will be closed on Friday 17th March and Monday 20th March inclusive for St. Patrick’s Day.

School will close @ 12pm on Friday 7th April. It will also be closed from Monday 10th April to Friday 21st April inclusive for Easter Holidays.

School Collection Time:

Children have been reminded to stay inside school gate until they are collected by parents. As always please be careful at busy collecting/dropping times.

The Board of Management accepts no responsibility for any accidents outside the school grounds.


Since the inception of the Education (Welfare) Act, 2000, schools are obliged to report on school attendance to the Educational Welfare Services, Child and Family Agency (Tusla). Please be aware that a report has to be submitted to Tusla where a student has been absent from school for a cumulative total of twenty days or more.

School will inform you if your child has reached 15 absences or more.

For more information on Tusla please check out their website at http://www.tusla.ie/services/educational-welfare-services/

As per school policy we request that all absence explanations should be in writing or by email.

Road Safety/Traffic/Speeding:

School has received complaints regarding speeding/dangerous driving/road safety issues recently. Please be mindful of other road users on your way to and from school. We would always advise parents to arrive safely at school, regardless of time and road conditions. Parents will be advised to contact the Gardaí regarding any road safety issues.

School Tour

The school tour is being held in The Glen Sports Complex, Cork on Monday 19th June 2017. The cost including bus will be €30 per child. Staged Payment can be made to the office any time over the next few weeks. Closing date for receipt of full / final payment is Monday 31st May 2017. More details to follow.

Term Costs:

Please note for those of you who have not yet paid their Winter and/or Spring term costs those costs of €30 per term are now due. It would be much appreciated if payment could be made as soon as possible.


Thank you to Fiona Tierney for Yoga classes with all classes.

Head Lice & Hygiene:

We have sent out emails, texts and letters to all parents on this recurring matter. Please consult the PA Facebook page for further advice and treatment options that have worked for some parents. It is in everyone’s best interests to check their children’s hair regularly.

Seachtain na Gaeilge: 13-16ú Márta:

Beidh gníomhachtaí éagsúla ar siúl i rith na seachtaine. Beidh obair bhaile trí Ghaeilge ag cuid de na ranganna chomh maith.

Tuilleadh smaointe le fáil ar http://snag.ie/ www.irishforparents.ie www.gaelchultur.com

Is leatsa í. Labhair linn agus bain taitneamh as!


Congratulations to all who participated in the recent West Cork Spike ball competition. Our thanks to Mr. Murray, who prepared the teams so well for the event.

School Debating:

Senior Room students recently entered the West Cork Schools Debating competition. The entire class worked diligently before eventually the difficult task of picking a team to represent our school was reached. Our opposition was once again Gaelscoil Cionn tSáile, who defeated us after a close contest. Well done to our team Arlen O’Kennedy, James Robey and inspiring Captain, Harry Vincent and indeed to all the children for helping prepare our team so well. Orion Tierney-Sharp was an excellent compere also. Thanks to Mr. Murray for his dedication to this event which has great benefits for all the students.

Table tennis:

Table Tennis for Middle and Senior Rooms has now finished with Alan Hurley.

Well done to all our table tennis players who did the school proud in the South Coast Table Tennis competition in Kinsale. All players represented the school to the highest of standards in every way and were a credit to all. Gurraneasig NS won many sets and matches at the event and great fun was had by all. Special mention to the boys team of Charlie McCarthy, Zach Farrell, Arlen O’Kennedy & Harry Vincent.

Korean Martial Arts:

Kuk Sool Wan classes with coach Matthew Boniwell will commence on Wednesday March 15th

First Confession:

Well done to all who recently took part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for their Holy Communion. Many thanks to Ms. McGrath for helping the children prepare.


Please follow the school on Twitter @Gurraneasig_NS

Is mise le meas


Eoin Fitzpatrick


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