World History

Roman Empire study guide

  1. Gaul, Egypt and Spain were all subdivisions of the Empire called ____. Provinces
  1. Arminius was a ______leader who tricked and destroyed 3 Romans in the forests. German
  1. What is a Roman apartment building called? Insula
  1. _____ were large slave plantations owned by Patricians. Latifundia
  1. If you were in charge of a province, you had the title of: ____. Governor
  1. What are leaders called who use their popularity and the army to get around the Senate? Dictators
  1. What carried water from the mountains to Roman cities? Aquaduct
  1. What time period was characterized by great artistic or poetic accomplishment? Golden Age
  1. What were the defenses along the Rhine and Danube Rivers called? Limes
  1. Who was the first emperor of Rome? Augustus
  1. Caesar made himself popular by invading the land of ____. Gaul
  1. Who marked the doors of Senators with blood? Sulla
  1. Marius was or was not part of the Triumvirate? Was not
  1. Who gained the loyalty of his soldiers by paying them? Marius
  1. Who fought for the poor and was beaten to death by a group of Senators? Gracchus
  1. How did most dictators and social reformers gain popularity? Give them land and jobs
  1. Why was Caesar assassinated? Senate was afraid he would seize total power in Rome
  1. Brutus was/was not a member of the 2nd Triumvirate? Was not
  1. Did Cleopatra have an affair with Octavian? No
  1. Caesar/Pompey/Crassus/the mob: Which got brains? Caesar
  1. Caesar/Pompey/Crassus/the mob: Which got the Army and popularity? Pompey
  1. Caesar/Pompey/Crassus/the mob: Which got nothing? The mob
  1. Caesar/Pompey/Crassus/the mob: Which got money? Crassus
  1. What was the goal of the 2nd Triumvirate? Avenge the assassination of Caesar
  1. Whose reforms saved Rome and allowed it to enter its greatest historical period? Augustus
  1. In the battle of Actium, Octavian defeated ____. Marc Antony
  1. What did Octavian blame all of Rome’s problems on? Rome’s loss of morals
  1. What woman attempted to rebuild Egyptian greatness? Cleopatra
  1. Octavian signed an agreement called the ___ which divided power between he and the Senate. Augustian Settlement
  1. How did Octavian become Rome’s first emperor? He gave up some power and then the Senate asked him to be emperor
  1. How did Octavian justify his war with Marc Anthony? He claimed his mind was bewitched by a woman
  1. What were amphitheaters used for? Gladiator entertainment
  1. When areas were conquered by Rome and the people there slowly started acting like Romans, this is said to have happened. Romanization
  1. What were the greatest 200 years of Roman history called? Pax Romana
  1. What is the political/business center of a Roman city called? Forum
  1. Name 6 of Augustus’ major reforms that helped save Rome from collapse. Moral laws, encouraged move to provinces, gave locals citizenship, census, better tax laws, encouraged the arts