Cohort 11

Suggested local preparation prior to Development Centre.

As I am sure you already know, this programme will encourage a practical and strategic focus with high local relevance and benefits, as well as supporting contributions to the national developments of NHSScotland. We are asking you to complete the following preparation prior to the Development Centre, some of which will be shared to support your learning.

1. Meeting with sponsoring NHSS Board Chief Executive, plus your Board Professional or Executive Lead. If you have time you may wish to have further discussions with other Board members and colleagues including your line manager.

We would like your discussions to focus on strategy and on leadership for clinicians and managers, and offer the following as suggested themes:

¨  What are the 1-2 key strategic issues facing the Board?

¨  Where does the CEO/Professional Lead think the Board is doing well?

¨  What national enablers and blockers are in place which are affecting local delivery of these key strategic aims?

¨  What do the CEO/ others see as the main contributions of managers and clinical leaders to moving the agenda forward?

¨  What aspects of leadership for clinicians and managers most need to be addressed in your Board?

¨  Your mutual expectations regarding the Delivering the Future programme.

¨  How is the National Strategy really unfolding?

On Day 1 of the Development Centre we will be asking you to share the themes from these conversations so we can explore what this means for NHS Scotland.

2. Observed Case Study Task: On a key Strategic Leadership theme

At the Development Centre we will be asking you to take part in a process where you will be observed. This will provide you and your coach with further information about aspects of your behaviour which will be helpful to your development as a strategic leader. This information will be used in the feedback/coaching sessions. The observations will be made by a team of experienced coaches and development facilitators. Your individual observation material will be confidential to you and to the programme coaches.

The process where you will be observed builds on the conversations you have had regarding strategy and leadership for clinicians and managers both prior to and during the Development Centre itself.

Specifically, during the morning of Day 2, you will be asked:

·  To choose a key strategic theme of national importance that you wish to explore further (based on the discussions you have had both prior to the Development Centre and during it);

·  To form four self-selecting groups of 6 participants who all want to explore the same strategic theme;

·  To develop as a group how you suggest this issue can be taken forward, both nationally and locally (making use of the knowledge of different health boards and professions represented in your group), bearing in mind current local and national strategic and policy priorities.

·  To use the discussion to develop your thinking about the issue (which can add value when you go back into your organisation);

·  To debrief yourselves regarding your discussion and explore the group dynamics you have co-created.

If you haven’t already done so, it would be helpful if you looked at some key strategic documents. These include:

-  5 page overview of Health and Social Care Integration,

-  A short list of outcomes & links to Health and Social Care Integration legislation:

-  A short overview of Everyone Matters - workforce vision for 20:20 and the 2020 Route Map:

-  Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision:

-  Healthcare Quality Strategy:

We also suggest that you look at some of the recent Board Papers in your own Health Board.