What are the minimum supplies I personally need for class?

1 Subject Notebook

Pocket Folder

Scientific Calculator (you can find at the dollar store, Walmart or Target)

Notebook paper

Textbook (Through Dr. Bell in gold house)


Colored Pencils

What supplies do I need to bring for our class to use?

Ream of notebook paper
Ream of copy paper / 28 oz. Hand Sanitizer
Glue Sticks / Scissors
Construction Paper

How Will I Be Graded?

You may use the following information to calculate your grade at any time during the six weeks.

A / 100-90
B / 89-80
C / 79-75
D / 74-70
F / 69-0

Daily Grades (Formative Assessments: labs, quizzes  40%

Major Grades (Summative Assessments): exams, projects,  60%

Retest Policy:

The retest policy will comply with the official AtascocitaHigh School retest policy. This policy states that you must complete all assignments for a unit before retesting and a tutoring session is required before you are able to retest. Reassessments must be completed before school. Students will have one week after receiving their grade on a test to reassess on that information. The two test grades will be averaged.


Class work can be found on the class website. Class worksheets are a tool for practicing a skill or to help learn a particular topic. Class work will be checked, but not always graded. However, class work is necessary for your success on quizzes and tests and will be required prior to any reassessment.


Homework is given often to help students practice concepts learned in class. If a student is absent on Friday, homework will be due on Monday. The homework assignments can be found on the website.

The study of chemistry and physics requires more comprehension than memorization, and will challenge you to think in new ways. Waiting until the night before the test to start studying is not a good idea. Try to study a little every day.


During each nine week period, you will have at least 3 summative grades. Because major grades are 60% of your total 9 weeks average, each project or exam is crucial to your nine week average. Take tests and projects seriously. If you follow directions and put an honest effort, you should be fine. The semester exams are 20% of the total semester grade so keeping your notes, assignments and quizzes will help for studying.


It is your responsibility to keep up with any missed work. District policy allows one class day of make-up for each day missed. Assignments due on the date of the absence are due on the day of return. Tests missed on the day of the absence must be taken the day you return.

A word of Advice: If you are sick and will be out several days in a row, you may have parents call the office to arrange pick up of work from your teachers.


I will be available for additional student assistance Monday before school in Red House room 1116and Wednesday before school in Red House room 1116 from 6:45 to 7:15. Tutoring with other teachers is also available on other days. I will post the chemistry and physics tutoring schedule in my room and on my website as soon as it is finalized.

Keeping up:

I will be creating a homepage through the district website to find homework and notes, general information, and instructional help.

Contact Information:

Mr. Battley

Phone Number- 281-641-7611

E-mail address-

School website –