How to complete the Chemical Inventory List (CIL)

1.Print in ink or complete on the computer.

2.List chemicals in alphabetical order – or, of course, in any order and sort on “Chemical Name”. Then, once you have the class determined you can sort on class, as well.

Department: The name of your department (“chemistry”, “science”, etc.).

Inventory Supervisor: Name of employee responsible for the chemical inventory—you?

Building Name: XXX Middle, High School, etc.

Phone: Phone number in the classroom or science office.

Date of Inventory: Date the inventory was completed.

Page ___ of ___: This page’s number and total number of pages in the inventory.

Restricted, R or R(D) Is the chemical on Colorado’s Restricted or Restricted (Demo only) list in the “Rules an Regulations Governing Schools in Colorado”?

Actual Count: How many of the same kind of container are there of a particular chemical? If there are other types of containers, put them on a new line.

Date on Shelf: What date did this chemical enter your school and was it put on the shelf? (The same date should be stamped on the bottle or jar.

Chemical Name: Scientific name using an accepted nomenclature system. (sodium chloride)

Common Name: The trade name or brand or generic name. (table salt)


Size: The capacity of the container (1L, 55 gal, 250 g)

Type: Material of the container: G=colorless glass; BG= brown glass; SCG=safety-coated glass; SC=steel can; AL=aluminum can or drum; SD=steel drum; P=paper container; PC=plastic can or bottle; PK=plastic carboy; O = other (specify)

PS: Physical state, S(olid), L(iquid), or G(as)

CAS Number: Chemical Abstract Service number, a unique identifier (look at MSDS)

Manufacturer: Name of manufacturer from label.

NFPA rating: National Fire Protection Association rating. Look on the MSDS. The code is used to rate a chemical under fire conditions. It is not a good indicator for general chemical use, but it may be required by your district.

FLINN hazard rating (or other, such as Mallinckrodt-Baker: Use this rating system on the bottles you put out in the classroom to communicate hazards with students.

Location: Room number where chemicals are stored.

Chemical Class: Flinn storage system class or any other that you use. Be sure to include an explanation of the classes. Use this column to sort your inventory alphabetically by class so you can post the inventory in the storeroom for easily locating the chemicals.

MSDS? Is there an MSDS for the substance present and accessible in your department? Are copies in a binder in the main office?