Summary of Bylaw changes 2017
- Change of the official name of the association to Florida Vacation Rental Management Association.
Rationale: By updating the Association name from managers to management,we are including the entire staff of any vacation rental management company—from owner, to manager, to the various specialists on staff—as well as our suppliers and industry partners who contribute so much to the industry and support the day-to-day professional management of vacation rentals.
- Addition of new Membership Category for Owner Manager
Rationale: We recently changed the bylaws to allow vacation rental owners who manage their own homes to join the association, but feel that we should have further defined their membership in the Association. This does that and is an inclusive view to further achieve one of the core missions of the Association to educate. In this case, we hope to educate on compliance issues to better the industry as a whole.
- Adding confirmation of a quorum to the Membership Meeting Procedures
Rationale: This is a minor clarification of a meeting procedure for best practices.
- Changes in the Terms of office for Board of Directors members to clarify how elections shall take place.
Rationale: This is an update since the transitional language of the association is not any longer appropriate at this time, however there is still on occasion a need to change a term of office for a director to maintain consistency of the number of directors being elected, for instance when someone moves up to an officer role.
- Clarify elections by electronic means
Rationale:Technology makes it easy for us to have our elections via electronic means.This change ensures we have recorded minutes to reflect the results for permanent record.
- Unexcused absences from Board meetings become automatic grounds for removal
Rationale: This only applies to unexcused absences. Anyone not able to excuse themselves from the board meetings is not fully committed to serve on the board. It is critical we have everyone involved with a busy association.
- Clarification of what constitutes a quorum of the board
Rationale: As we now have non-voting members of the board, we find it necessary to clarify the quorum requirement to conduct association business.
- Change officer terms to one year from two.
Rationale: Serving on the board and becoming an officer is a big commitment. Two year terms would mean a minimum 9 year commitment to serve on the board and become President. With one year terms, we can make that a five year commitment. For example if someone has to serve on the board for a year prior to becoming an officer, year 2 someone becomes Vice President, then President-Elect in year 3, President in year 4 and Past President in year 5.
- Minor change to Chapter recognition to make the minimum number of managers AND the governance body a requirement for recognition.
Rationale: The way this was written it was an either/or scenario versus the intent was that it they were both a requirement.
- Clarification of how to amend these bylaws via electronic means and providing for presentation of the results
Rationale: In this era of technology, this provides a clearer framework for us to amend these bylaws but still requiring the formality of a meeting to evidence the changes acceptance or denial and record it into the minutes of the Association.