Welcome to Year 7Japanese

The following information is given to clearly explain what is expected from each student in the language class. It is intended that the information outlined is read by the student and a parent/guardian, then filed in the front of your Japanese file.

The student is expected to have the following material, in EVERYJapanese lesson.

Exercise Book

Display folder

Writing implements, coloured pencils, textas, scissors, glue etc



Revision is the most important part of homework for a language. New words, phrases and grammar rules MUST be revised and practiced for in class and written activities, as well as for assessment tasks. The language student is expected to do about 15 minutes of learning work every night. The regular practice is necessary to progress and succeed in the target language.

Language Perfect

Vocabulary homework will be given online, on the Language Perfect website, and MUST be completed by the given date. If a student fails to complete required homework parents will be notified and penalties incurred (recess and/or lunch detentions until the work is completed).

Login details

Username: imccfirstnamelastname

Password: firstname

Written Work

Written homeworkMUST be completed by the given date. If a student fails to complete required homework, parents will be notified and penalties incurred (recess and/or lunch detentions to complete the work).


Assessments will be carried out regularly in class, with special focus given to the system of the target language and cultural understandings. Students need to consult the assessment policy located in the school planner. Discussion about lateness of work/assignments should be made prior to the due date. An application for extension form must be filled by guardians and submitted to reception at least 48 hours prior to the due date.

Parents can assist by helping students memorise vocabulary/grammar rules and by encouraging them to speak the language at home, whether anyone else understands them or not!

Term 1:

Introductions & Greetings, Classroom Japanese, Numbers & Dates/Days of the Week, Places & Japan:

  • Obento Deluxe, Unit 1, 2, 3

In this unit you will learn how to:

  • follow classroom instructions in Japanese
  • use common classroom expressions in Japanese
  • introduce yourself, ask someone’s name/age and

greet in Japanese

  • distinguish between the different writing systems and start learning hiragana
  • talk about numbers, dates (months), days of the week
  • talk about places, Japan, Australia, nationalities

Linguistic Component:

  • Greetings: Good morning, Konnichiwa, Good evening, Good night, Good bye, See you, See you later, See you tomorrow
  • Forms of addressing people: さん、(様)、くん、ちゃん、せんせい(先生)
  • Asking someone’s name and introducing yourself
  • Imperatives: Stand up (please), Sit down (please), Wait a minute/Just a minute, Be quiet, Say, (Please) Listen, Write, Read, Open, Close, Look/watch/see
  • Numbers (dates, etc.), Asking and saying the date/day
  • How old are you? (What age are you?); I am (13) years old (too)
  • Where are you from? I am from… / Countries & Nationalities / Where do you live? I live in…
  • (Japan has…/ Australia has… / There is … in Tokyo / There is … in Hokkaido)

Cultural Components:

  • Starting Class the Japanese way, Bowing culture
  • Japanese cultural influences:what Japan is famous for
  • Japanese naming and writing conventions
  • Japanese Festivals and superstitions
  • Japanese homes, convenience stores, trains, schools

Term 2:

Adjectives, Asking About Meals and Responding, Expressing Likes/Dislikes:

Obento Deluxe, Unit 5 (part of), 6

In this unit you will learn how to:

  • read and write the Hiragana script (finish)
  • describe things using adjectives
  • ask and respond about meals/foods (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.)
  • ask about and express likes and dislikes

Linguistic Component:

  • Adjectives
  • What do you eat/drink (for breakfast/lunch/dinner)? / I eat/drink _____.
  • Do you like (pasta)? /Yes I like it / Yes I like it a lot/ No not so much / No I dislike (hate) it / No I dislike (hate) it a lot.

Cultural Components:

  • Japanese foods, meals, school lunches, schools
  • Japanese TV ads
  • Japanese teenager likes
  • Japanese Pop Culture (J-Pop, Anime)



Note: This is provided as an outline of what should be expected, but may change during the term due to time constraints.

Semester 1 or 2

Assessment / Weighting / Outcomes / Date
Listening comprehension / 10 / Listening& Responding / Term 1 Week 7
Speaking test / 5 / Listening, Responding & Speaking / Term 1 Week 9
Reading test / 10 / Viewing, Reading & Responding / Term 2 Week 3
Writing / 5 / Writing & responding / Term 2 Week 6
Speaking test / 10 / Listening, Responding & Speaking / Term 2 Week 7
Effort / 5 / Overall
TOTAL / 50