
Cal Poly Pomona

Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers


Program Title:Dia de Los Muertos – EWS 402Date:November 1, 2007

Please indicate your agreement degree with each of the following statements by checking the appropriate box:

1. This program fulfilled my expectations:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
20 / 16

2. I learned about diversity issues:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
16 / 17

3. This program raised my cultural and/or social awareness:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
19 / 15

4. I would recommend this program:

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Not
18 / 15 / 1

5. What did you learn?

  • I learned that Dia de los Muertos can be expressed accurately by other cultures.
  • Responsibility, teamwork and the history of Dia de los Muertos.
  • I learned the meaning of Dia de los Muertos and how important it is because it is a way to honor those who have passed away.
  • About the event and the history traditions.
  • Dia de los muertos tradition.
  • I learned more about the celebration of dia de los muertos. I learned more about the celebration and the reason for celebrating this day.
  • I learned about what it really means to celebrate DOLM. Also, the altars provided information that I wasn't aware of.
  • I learned about the history of the day of the dead.
  • Why people celebrate Dia de los muertos.
  • Various topics divided by the altars mostly, social issues such as the lesbian gay altar.
  • I learned about another way to remember the dead, increased communication skills by working and coordinating with different people.
  • I learned about the Dia de los Muertos celebration and the beauty of it.
  • How important the holiday is and how it is celebrated.
  • I learned more about my culture. It was the first time I celebrated Dia de los muertos.
  • I have learned deeper about Latino’s life and beliefs.
  • I learned that people really take a lot of time to celebrate for their loved ones and that this event helps bring people together and it allows others to see what the event is really about.
  • I learned the traditions of a celebration which I was not aware of.
  • I have never been to a Dia de los muertos before and I learned what it was. I learned responsibility. I learned about different races/ethnicity.
  • I learned about a tradition that goes back hundreds of years that has been lost in my family. A cultural experience that I will enjoy to be apart of in the future.
  • I learned about a tradition of Latino culture that I knew nothing about before.
  • I learned that Dia de los muertos is a day to honor people that have passed away. On this day you make altars that include pictures, food, candles, and offerings to celebrate your loved ones.
  • I learned more about my culture, its traditions and meaning.
  • The event as a whole, I learned about the meaning behind the event.
  • The importance of celebrating loved ones who have passed joyfully not mournfully. The importance of community.
  • What Dia de los Muertos is all about.
  • I learned that different cultures could come together to celebrate an event, and to work together to create the event.
  • About different cultural groups from Mexico, Chiapas, Jalisco, and other regions and places.
  • I learned that we can all celebrate events together peacefully and enjoy the day getting to know each other.
  • Multicultural experiences, respect, responsibility.
  • I learned Dia de los muertos is not about crying and being sad for the passed loved ones, but rather a celebration in a positive remembrance of the joy those loved ones brought us.
  • I learned how Dia de los muertos is celebrated. I would have liked to learn more about Dia de los muertos and its history.
  • More about Chicano, Latino traditions.
  • I learned more about the Dia de los muertos history, traditions and why certain items are used in the celebration.
  • Work with others, being creative and learning about other culture's beliefs and systems.
  • How many people were involved with the celebration. It is a lot larger than I expected the event to be.

6. How has this program advanced your academic skills?

  • I learned more indigenous terminology and cultural references.
  • Yes.
  • I learned about Chicano studies.
  • Working on a cultural event as a class.
  • Chicano awareness and appreciation.
  • It has made me more aware.
  • This program helped me become more involved in school activities as well as the community.
  • I got a glimpse of Mexican culture.
  • This program brought awareness to the social issues still need attention.
  • This program allowed me to apply my academic knowledge and use a physical manifestation to show the knowledge.
  • I have learned the significance.
  • The history of DDLM.
  • This program taught me to pay more attention to cultural issues.
  • It advanced my academic learning, by noting that there is so much to learn from a certain culture.
  • It showed me how to prepare for large events along with teaching me about another culture.
  • Because it is important to learn other cultures, to be very diverse and open minded. I am now aware of different cultural events.
  • This program has taught me a great deal about an important holiday celebration by Latinos and others.
  • This program allowed me to work with others, to learn about cultural traditions and to appreciate other cultures.
  • By participating in community activities my cultural awareness has increased.
  • By exposing me to a cultural event unlike any of my own. Learning about others is essential in a world so diverse.
  • I learned facts about my own ethnicity. It made me proud of whom I am and wanting to learn about others.
  • Higher my awareness of working with the students at Cal Poly to build towards something.
  • I learned an aspect of my culture my family has never practiced.
  • It opened my eyes that different campus groups can come together and construct an event.
  • I feel that I became more culturally enhanced by being a part of this event hands-on.
  • I have more appreciation for my culture.
  • It has made me more aware of my cultures which allowed me to grow.
  • I'm not sure how it advanced my academic learning but it did give me more of a sense about some of the rich traditions in my culture.
  • Learn by doing it allowed me to work with others, communication skills, planning skills, social skills.
  • It definitely made me more aware of my cultural surroundings as well as more curious.

7. Did this program motivate you to build/strengthen your relationship with the campus community? If yes, how would you do it?

  • Yes, reinforced my love for my community.
  • I have built more of a relationship with the CesarChavezCenter and other Latino organizations.
  • Yes, go to the Cesar Chavez center more often.
  • No
  • It did. I am really looking forward in helping in other school events.
  • Yes, this program made me want to attend more campus events in the future.
  • No, although I thought the event was great.
  • No
  • Yes, I plan to attend next years Dia de los muertos events.
  • I would like to become more aware and connected with events/people on campus by attending more events like this.
  • Yes, this program helped me build a foundation with other students here at Cal Poly.
  • Yes, because we collaborated.
  • Yes, maybe join an organization.
  • Yes, this program motivated me to make more contribution to campus community.
  • This program helped me out a lot to get involved more. It showed me that a lot of peoplefrom the same or different race come together and work something out to become something creative.
  • Yes, it got me involved in campus activities.
  • Yes, it made me want to be part of the campus community because it's a good feeling once the whole thing is done and everyone is happy enjoying themselves.
  • Yes it did. As a full time student who works full time it's difficult to get involved in the campus community and a class like this that correlates with an event like this helps.
  • It did make me feel closer to the campus community, but work, school, family obligations makes it difficult to participate in campus events generally.
  • Yes, I don't usually participate on campus activities.
  • Yes, I'd like to participate in a club/ center and promote cultural activities that unite us as a society.
  • Yes, I loved the unity between students. I plan to become more involved the GEMS club.
  • Yes, it made me want to at least attend other events on campus.
  • I would love to but I am overloaded with work (full-time) and full-time school.
  • By joining a campus club.
  • Promotes cross cultural awareness between different race-groups.
  • Yes, it makes me get involved more. If I get a chance I will volunteer my time again.
  • Yes, having it on campus allows for communication between students.
  • Yes, be a part of committees such as rose float and other events that can be shared with the community.
  • Yes, it has built my relationship withthe campus community.
  • Unfortunately because of scheduling I was not really involved with the campus community but I did build relationships with my classmates.
  • Absolutely. It was really nice to invite my family over to CPP. I think that events like these create an awareness or parental connection with their college student's life.
  • Yes, absolutely I would like to become more involved.

8. In your opinion, how can this program be further improved?

  • Make it longer.
  • Students could be more responsible.
  • It seemed great this year.
  • Get alumni involved.
  • I think there needs to be more lighting. I had trouble seeing some of the altars in the dark.
  • Lighting, food organization as far as lines.
  • More food!!! Everything else keep the same.
  • I think a more clear explanation of what is going to be required when participating in this event i.e. financial obligations.
  • Advertising the event, more lights.
  • It can be improved by explaining on a flyer the meaning and reason of the celebration.
  • More activities and more food.
  • Gather more people to be involved.
  • I think that a slide show that would show pictures of the previous years would be nice to show so people can see the time.
  • To incorporate more in classes.
  • Getting more people involved, maybe getting people to sponsor the events to have more money to make improvements.
  • More time and money.
  • No charge for parking, the school should help fund the event.
  • Tell more people about the event so more people come.
  • I'd like to see more folklore or more performances.
  • More funding towards each altar.
  • More funding.
  • I enjoyed the event as it was. I have never been to an event like this before.
  • Parking was a big issue. If it could be free.
  • Invite more cultural groups-to widen the scope of tradition.( mainly how other countries celebrate /cope w/ the passing of loved ones)
  • It can be improved by having more food and more traditional music with the modern.
  • All day event/ maybe?
  • More involvement from other people from campus who are not aware that they can do this.
  • More children activities.
  • I’m not sure.
  • Honestly, it would be better if more of the campus community was involved, it seemed like many did not know the significance of the event.
  • Monetary support, funding from outside sources.
  • I was so amazed with the results that they are no recommendations I have to give, but only recommend others to participate.

9. Explain the significance of the Dia de los Muertos Celebration.

  • Dia de los muertos is a celebration in honor to the deceased and our love for them.
  • Celebrate life of our loved ones.
  • It is a day to pay respect to those who have passed away, set up altars and offerings to them, and remember loved ones.
  • It brings the community together.
  • Remember our loved ones. Although death is inevitable it isn’t a bad thing.
  • This is a day to remember and honor our friends and family that have passed away.
  • This day is to celebrate and appreciate our ancestors.
  • Celebrate the life of those lost.
  • It's primarily a celebration of remembering the dead and becoming closer with one's ancestors, but also a family celebration.
  • Dia de los muertos is a celebration to honor and remember deceased loved ones.
  • To honor those who passed away. To dedicate this day for them.
  • It is significant in the fact that it honors ancestral celebration and passes along cultural.
  • Day to celebrate those who have passed.
  • To remember and welcome our loved ones and share memories together.
  • It is attributing to those who have passed away, and an opportunity to celebrate with them.
  • It's a day to celebrate our loved ones that passed away and show them they are in our hearts and they are not forgotten.
  • This is a day of celebration and remembrance of people who have passed away, and it's significant because it's a part of my culture and roots.
  • It's a wonderful cultural event that celebrates the contributions of those who have died as well as honor other loved ones uniting all people of different cultures into one community.
  • Honor the dead, celebrate their lives.
  • Honor; reflect those loved ones that have passed away in a joyous celebration.
  • This event allows individuals to celebrate loved ones who have passed while creating a strong relationship of all who participate.
  • It is a positive Latino holiday. It builds community and shares our cultural differences.
  • It's not just a Mexican version of Halloween like many people tried to argue when I invited them to the event. It's a day to remember the dead.
  • Dia de los muertos is a day to celebrate the dead and bring them offerings.
  • Provide a connection.
  • It is a day to honor, remember, and celebrate those wonderful people that are no longer with us.
  • Opportunity for cultural exchange!
  • Celebrating life and remembering the joy and happiness of those who have passed away.
  • It gave families a chance to gather and celebrate.
  • It is to honor those people who have passed away.
  • For me, I came away the sense that Dia de los muertos celebrates the lives of those we love that are no longer with us.
  • It commemorates people's loved ones with honor and respect. One day is chosen to remember and celebrate the existence of our loved ones.
  • For everyone to come together and pay respect to our deceased loved ones.

10. College Affiliation(s):

College of Agriculture / 1
College of Business Admin. / 7
College of Education & Int. Studies / 10
College of Engineering / 1
College of Environmental Design / 1
College of Extended University
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences / 15
College of Science / 1
CollinsSchool of Hospitality Management

11. How did you hear about this program? (Check all that apply)

Class Requirement / 29
Faculty/staff / 5
Flyer / 2
OSLCC staff
Other student / 2
Poster/banner / 2
Website / 2

12. Class/Year level (Example: Senior/6th Year):

Class / Years at Cal Poly Pomona
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Sophomore / 1 / 1
Junior / 1 / 9
Senior / 1 / 11 / 6 / 1

13. Gender:

Female / 20
Male / 13

14. Ethnicity

American Indian
Asian Indian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi)
Black / 1
Central American
Hispanic / 4
Latino/a / 10
Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano / 13
Middle Eastern American
Puerto Rican
White / 1
Other: / 1

I want to help plan programs and get involved with the Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers:

NameE-mail AddressInterested In:

Joanna Taryla / / CECCHE
Miguel Gonzalez / / CECCHE,MC,EIC
Adriana Mendoza / / CECCHE,MI, EIC
Kimberly Mckellar / / MC,SD&LI
Jose Trejo / / CECCHE,MI,NASC
Luis Rodriguez / / CECCHE,MI,AASC
Martin Moreno / / CECCHE,