The influence of America pop culture on the world

The American culture has long been an influence outside of North America. The explosion of the internet and Wi-Fi has led to American culture reaching even further across the globe. Long have the Americans been admired for their military might, but also for their cultural style.

Some countries have embraced the American culture, while others have resisted and outlawed it within their borders. We, as Canadians, have been influenced by American culture for a very long time. You will be researching the extent and impact that American pop culture has had on our world, with a minor focus on Canada.

You will need to create three “burning questions” that will focus your research. See handout below. The questions must relate to the topic and be something that you want to learn. Each answer must have information that supports it from various sources. You can present your information in the form of text, pictures, graphs, videos, etc.

You will display your learning on a separate page of your website (portfolio). What you put on your page represents what you have found online and learned about the topic. Copying others work is unacceptable so all information will have to be noted in the handouts below. You will need to hand in the handouts below for your sources to be checked if needed.

Three articles have been posted on the Media Studies page to get you started. Please scour the internet and keep track of your sources. Knowledge is power and a powerful presentation of learning will earn you an excellent mark.

Burning question handouts. 3 @ /10 = /30

Presentation of Learning /20

Total /50

Burning Question:
Information / Source
Information / Source
Information / Source
Burning Question:
Information / Source
Information / Source
Information / Source
Burning Question:
Information / Source
Information / Source
Information / Source