MPhil and PhD Courses of Arabic

Course No. 751(Major) Classical Prose

The aim of this course is to acquaint the student with classical prose and its importance and the writing style of the Authors of that period so that the student could benefit from it by the important events mentioned in it in a beautiful and attractive style. Its teaching is also meant for imparting the difference of one period from other and its various causes due to which the new style was needed.

Course No. 752 (Major)Classical Poetry

This subject is taught to the students for the purpose of imparting them the knowledge of poetry of various classical periods and the language used by poets in that periods so that the student while doing his research work is fully acquainted with it because poetry is the Register of Arabs and through it, we can see every aspect of the life of Arabs.

Course No.753 (Major)Modern Prose

This subject is taught for the purpose to show the students the difference of writing style of classical and Modern period and acquaint them with the differences of various periods and its writing style so that the research scholar called get sufficient knowledge about various writing styles and could differentiate between it while doing his research work.

Course No.754 (Major)Modern Poetry

The teaching of this subject is meant for the purpose to impart the students the new topics which were brought under discussion in this poetry along with the difference of the classical and modern poetry so that the student could benefit from it during his research work.

Course No.755 (Major)Syntax

Every language cannot be learnt without its grammar, so it is imperative to give the student its basic Grammar so that during his research work, the students have the basic knowledge of this language and could benefit from it while writing his thesis.

Course No. 756 (Major)Research Methodology

The Ancient scholars have written their books in various periods without referring to the books either due to their erudition or the lack of the Research Methodology. Nowadays, while trends have been changed and giving of Reference in a Research work has become a must, so it is the need of the day to acquaint the students with new Research Methodology so that they could benefit from it while doing his research work.

Course No.757 (Major)Rhetoric

The aim of teaching of this course is to acquaint the students with the way of expression and its various styles so that while writing his thesis, he could be able to adopt the most impressive way of his expression which could impress the readers.

Course No. 758 (Major)Religious Literature

This course is meant for acquainting the students with difference that before Islam, the Arabic Literature was in a separate style while Islam influenced that Literature and gave it in a new diversion due to the presence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and thus pave the way for the coming generations to adopt it not only as literature but for the benefit of the mankind also.

Course No. 759 (Related)Civilization of Arabs

The purpose of teaching of this course is to give the students the salient features of Arab Civilization so that the student be able to be acquainted with the Civilization of this Nation and could aptly benefit from it during his Research Work.

Course No.760 (Related)Islamic History

Islam is a universal Religion; it did not change only the Arab Nation and turned them from the worship of Idols to the path of Almighty Allah. It also influenced other Civilized Nations of the world. The purpose of teaching this course is acquainting the students with the changes which occurred due to Islam in these Nations and society.

Course No. 851 (Major)Arabic Literature in Sub-Continent

Being aborigines of this sub-continent it is very much important for the student of this sub-continent to know about it and its Literature and to know also the impact of Islam on this literature so that they could benefit it in their Research Work.

Course No.852(Major)Undulation and Overseas Literature

The purpose of teaching this subject is to give the students a glimpse of the foreign literature so that if a student is interested to write/do his Research Work in the field of comparative literature, he should be equipped with Foreign Literature. This will also be a source of bringing the foreign nations closing to our country and will be a source for good relation between the various countries.

Course No.853 (Related)Logic

This is a practical science known also as Scale/Balance. This is also are instrument which keeps away the mind from any mistake in his thought.

This is an important since and imparting it to the students keeps them away from thinking mistakes and they can really benefit from it in their research work rather than other fields of their studies.

Course No 911(Major)Philology

The purpose of teaching of this subject is the study of language and especially/particularly its description as instrument of expression in literature and a field from the fields of research which shed light on its cultural History.

This is very much important and especially for who are doing their research in the Literature of specific language.

Course No.912(Major)Comparative Literature

In the present Era of Globalization when the countries have come closer to each other, it is the need of the day to be acquainted with the culture, habits etc of each other and Comparative Literature is the only way through which they can come closer and an thus benefit from each other and can become helpful for each other.

Course No.913(Major)Lexicology and Encyclopedia of Arabic

This subject taught for the purpose to give the students an introduction regarding the Lexicon and Encyclopedia, which is need of every research scholar during his research.

Course No.914(Related)Foreign Language

Foreign languages have its importance in increasing the knowledge, however, these are much more important for a research scholar. That is why Foreign languages are taught to the research students for the purpose of introducing them that only to these languages, but also to carry out comparative research if they desire so.

Course No.915(Related)Journalism & Journalistic Arabic

In the present era of Globalization and I.T in which different nations have come closer to each other, the importance of this subject cannot be denied because it play a pivotal role in the social problems of a society. Therefore, it is the need of the day to acquaint the students and especially the Research Students with this subject so that could shoulder their responsibilities properly.

Course No. 916(Major)Prosody

The purpose of this course is to impart the student the knowledge of various mater related Arabic poetry and to acquaint them with the splitting of poetic verse so that the interested students in the field of poetry could be able to increase their knowledge in this field along with its application.

Course No. 917(Major)Etymology

This science is very important to be learnt and especially in the field of Arabic wherein many words of group carry an interlink meaning which simplifies the learning of Arabic language and makes its use easy for the reader and writer, both and especially in the field of Research.

Course No. 918(Major)Zajal and Muwashahat

The purpose of teaching this subject to give the student more knowledge about poetry and to impart them that poetry cannot be engulfed in classical and modern periods or its kind, but there is another kind which was introduced in Al-Andalus and was soon prevailed as compared to its old kinds. This course will expand the field for a research scholar and will enable him to learn more about a specific kind of poetry.

Course No. 919 (Major)Factors of Flourishing in Arabic

In this course, the student will be given a gesture of the factors which caused the flourishing of Arabic language and literature.

This course is very important for any student of Arabic language and literature because it will provide him the knowledge about the development and decadence of Arabic language and literature and this course will enable him that what were the causes which led to the flourishing of the Arabic language and literature or vice-versa.