First Haitian Church of the Nazarene Easter sermon

Scripture: Luke 16: 1-8

Title: Jesus resurrected his disciples / Jeziresisitedisip li yo

Pastor: Wilner Jean-Pierre


This sermon is addressing the fact that you can be restored. There are two (2) definitions for the English word “resurrection”. 1. To rise from the dead. 2. To revive something old.

Obviously today is “Resurrection Sunday” the day when we gether to celebrate the fact that we serve a “Risen Savior” and as a result of Jesus’s resurrection, his followers can be resurrected as well. We know that we have the promise of resurrection to eternal life (1 Cor. 15: 20-22)

Today I want to talk about another way Christ’s followers can be “resurrected”. There are some synonyms for the word resurrection that I would like to consider for a moment: Renovate, Revitalize, Restore and Revive.

This message is about those who have abandoned their walk with Jesus Christ. We use the word “backslider” which means “To go backward” literally to turn away. The Disciples of Christ had turned away and abandoned Jesus just a few days before his resurrection. Jesus was alive out of the grave and walking around. But his disciples benttogether in fear and they had no idea of his plan for them. Early that Sunday morning Jesus rose from the grave in great victory. He had a message of hope and restoration for his disciples (Mark 6: 6-8).

If you are here and you have failed, if you have abandoned Jesus and if you are described as backsliding, Jesus knew you were going to fail (Mark 14:27). Jesus had a plan for them after the resurrection v. 28. I will go before you in Galilee.

  1. Jesus has not abandoned you / Minmsiou kite Jezi, Jezi pa kite-w:

Jesus said that even though they would abandon (Hebrews13:5). Jesus has said I will never leave you nor forsake you. In fact he desires for you to return to him today.

  1. Jesus desires to restore you / Jezi gen dezipouretore-w! Mark 14:54. Peter followed Jesus from distance. He associated himself with the enemies of the Lord three times. He didn’t want to be identified with Jesus because of what?
  2. Jesus has a plan for you / Jezi gen yon plan pouwou: Luke 22:31-34. Peter failed in a big way. He failed in at crucial time. He has not only abandoned Jesus, but he has even denied him. Jesus knew this would happen but he had a plan for Simon Peter. Jesus didn’t just see who Peter was; he saw who he could be. Jesus had great plans for this “resurrected disciple”. He would use Peter in mighty ways throughout the rest of his life.

Jesus has not abandoned you… Jesus desires to restore you… Jesus has a plan for you.

First Haitian Church of The Nazarene Of Bradenton | / 1