Tips for preparing for your Book Talk

-  Practice what you’re going to say multiple times so you are confident in what you’re doing.

-  Practice OUT LOUD. Have an audience if possible, they can give you suggestions on how to improve. If not possible, practice in front of the mirror.

-  Practice avoiding awkward pauses and distracter words like “um,” “uh,” and “like.”

-  Practice good posture and avoid fidgeting while presenting. Practicing in front of a mirror can help with this.

-  Time yourself when you practice. Remember, you have 5 minutes!

-  Prepare to answer questions about EVERYTHING you mention in your presentation, especially other books by the same author. You never know what will catch your classmates’ interest.

-  Memorize your presentation. If you can’t memorize it, have notecards with the information you want to share. Make sure to number them in the order you want to give the information!

-  Have some FUN! Reading is fun! And the book you’ve chosen is fun! Remember that!

Tips for preparing for your Book Talk

-  Practice what you’re going to say multiple times so you are confident in what you’re doing.

-  Practice OUT LOUD. Have an audience if possible, they can give you suggestions on how to improve. If not possible, practice in front of the mirror.

-  Practice avoiding awkward pauses and distracter words like “um,” “uh,” and “like.”

-  Practice good posture and avoid fidgeting while presenting. Practicing in front of a mirror can help with this.

-  Time yourself when you practice. Remember, you have 5 minutes!

-  Prepare to answer questions about EVERYTHING you mention in your presentation, especially other books by the same author. You never know what will catch your classmates’ interest.

-  Memorize your presentation. If you can’t memorize it, have notecards with the information you want to share. Make sure to number them in the order you want to give the information!

-  Have some FUN! Reading is fun! And the book you’ve chosen is fun! Remember that!