Monday Memo “We Work Together; We Win Together!”

April 29, 2013

The #1 Goal of Ridgeway Middle School Is Student Achievement!

100% in Reading 100% in Math

Reminder: Report to morning AND afternoon duty post on time every day.

School-wide Instructional and Academic Support

April 29, 2013-May 2, 2013 (EOC)

·  Each team is responsible for including a team newsletter is each Parent/Student packet.

The next due date is April 26, 2013.

·  Submit all parent contact logs to Mrs. Turner by Tuesday, April 30th

·  Conduct the end of the year book check and submit your book check form to Mrs. Turner by Wednesday, May 8th, a form has been placed in your box.

·  Be sure you report to your morning and afternoon duty posts. A revised duty post roster has been placed in your box.

·  Utilize the Technology Help Form to request assistance with technology issues in your classrooms.

·  The care and safekeeping of all school purchased supplies and equipment is the responsibility of the faculty or staff member who has been assigned each item/accessory. Cost for loss of use or extensive repairs will be the responsibility of the faculty or staff member as well. Ensure that all materials and equipment are managed properly.

·  A project description must accompany any student work that is displayed in the halls and the classroom.

·  Two team meetings and two department meeting must be held per week. A copy of all minutes must be submitted to Ms. Black.

·  Keep in mind that your hallway and classroom is your home away from home. It is a reflection of who you are and it is our expectation that all hallways and classrooms are aesthetically pleasing to the eye at all times. During transitions, ensure that students are not touching, rubbing, or resting on the walls. Signs and bulletin board displays must be monitored and maintained by all faculty and staff members.

·  Caught You Being Good forms are due to Ms. Minnis every Thursday by 3:00 PM.

·  Weekly Lesson Plans are due every Sunday by 6pm. (Email a copy or submit a hardcopy to Ms. Black.) Place a copy of every weekly lesson plan in the RMS Lesson Plan Notebook and place the notebook in the drop box outside your classroom.

·  Lesson Plans should be utilized to guide and direct your daily instruction. Lesson Plans will be used during formal and informal evaluations and observations. Instruction planned should match instruction given during weekly lessons.

·  Whiteboard Configuration Protocol should be posted and maintained daily in every classroom.

·  Classroom instruction should include an overview of the course, pre-assessments, and necessary remedial instruction for all students.

·  Instruction must be evident in all classrooms during every period of every school day.

·  Utilize the updated and revised MCS Curriculum Guides, on the MCS website under curriculum and instruction for your content area, to plan your weekly lesson plans.

·  All Exploratory Teachers are reinforcing skills/ SPIs students need more support with during exploratory classes a minimum of 15 minutes per week. This implementation should be stated in submitted and posted lesson plans.

International Baccalaureate Program

·  The Area of Interaction and IB Unit Question should be displayed in each classroom. An updated copy of the IB Unit Plan should be placed in the Lesson Plan Notebook.

·  IB grade must be in Power Teacher using the assessment criteria from your unit plan.

·  Direct all ParentCONNECT issues to Ms. Minnis.

PBIS/Culture Plan Information

ü  You are reminded to keep your behavior tracker with you when monitoring students and be consistent with implementation of the PBIS/Culture Plan.

ü  Submit your tracker along with referrals for infractions that are level 1, 2 and continuous level 3.

ü  Be sure call logs are updated weekly. A minimum of 15 calls should be made each week (at least 10 positive) and documented in the log.

ü  All faculty members who supervise student groups in the afternoon should have a specific location for students to meet each afternoon following dismissal. There are too many students in the building unsupervised each afternoon. You are responsible for all students who are scheduled to meet with you after dismissal.

Professional Development

All completed courses must show completed and passed on your AVATAR transcript.

If they do not, you need to request credit.

TEM Rubric (Teacher) Link:

Directions to print:

1.  In the upper right corner, select the "arrow up" icon to

2.  Open A New Window.

3.  A new window containing the document should open.

4.  In the new window, print from the "printer" icon.

Number of Formal Observations:

Tenured Faculty – 4

Non Tenured Faculty– 6

Level 5 Faculty – Reduced Number


CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION must be ongoing in classrooms.

The faculty and staff at Ridgeway Middle School DO NOT allow “down time,” during instructional time.


Be Explicit. Be Direct. Be Firm. Be Consistent.

Think About It


There are only 6 school days until EOC!

Monday: April 29, 2013

Tuesday: April 30, 2013

Wednesday: May 1, 2013

IB contracts due May 1 to Ms. Minnis

Spanish End of Course (8th)

Move Your Body 2013 PE Classes

IB Vertical and Horizontal Planning Action Plan Due

Thursday: May 2, 2013

Algebra I End of Course (8th)

Spring Concert at 6:00 pm

Friday: May 3, 2013

AAPPL Assessment (Spanish) (8th


Saturday: May 4, 2013

Sunday: May 5, 2013