2015 Fall: Vice President of Programs Board Report

Vice President for Programs, John C.F. Luzader

October 22, 2015



The Legacy continues to be published on schedule under the direction of Paul Caputo. Deb Tewell and Scott Mair and I continue as Co-editors and are assisting Paul in establishing themes for the Legacy issues and in aiding in pre-publication reviewing and editing.

Themes for 2016 have been selected.

Journal of Interpretation

The Journal has been regenerated under the direction of Dr. C. Ward.

National Awards Committee:

John Miller and the Awards Committee have finalized the awards for 2015.

(Please see attached.)

I wish to thank John Miller for his dedication and inspiration in filling the position of Interim Chair for this committee while Howard Aprill was in service to our country.

National Conference for 2015, Virginia Beach, Virginia

The planning committee has been extremely active with the final details for the National Conference. New formats and additions have been made and will be assessed for their relevance and productivity for future conferences.

It is significant that the meeting has been moved from being referred to as a workshop and is now called a conference. This denotes a move to a more professional meeting that meets the needs of several national agencies and organizations.

National Conference for 2016, Corpus Christi, Texas

The planning committee has been meeting for some time and the logo and theme are being established for 2016.

This year a formal presentation will be given at the 2015 conference to generate interest in the next year’s offerings. This replaces the ‘plays’ given annually at the national workshops.

Other Actions and Projects

In assessing the time I spend on NAI business, communication, meetings, phone calls, email replies and reports I have averaged approximately 7.3 hours per week on NAI activities since the November board meeting.

This is my last Vice Presidents of Programs report that I shall be submitting.

I wish to thank all of the past and present board members with whom I have served for their commitment and dedication in assisting NAI to grow and evolve into a better, stronger and more professional organization. This dedication has allowed NAI to survived major changes and developments while continuing to serve its membership in a professional manner.

I wish to thank the staff and administration of NAI for their continued professionalism and patience in dealing with my needs and requests as well as their guidance and education.

To the Executive Committee; my gratitude in trusting me as one of your peers.

And especially to the membership for honoring me and trusting me to be their Vice President for Programs these past six years as well as aiding me through some difficult and trying times.

Respectfully submitted,

John C.F. Luzader, Vice President for Programs