RUBRIC – Colonial America CEPA

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Accuracy and Use of Content Specific Knowledge / Writing effectively, accurately and insightfully incorporates important vocabulary and people
Writing demonstrates sophisticatedunderstanding of the topic / Writer accurately and strongly incorporates important vocabulary and people.
Writing demonstratesdevelopedunderstanding of the topic and responds accurately to all parts of the topic. / Writer incorporates important vocabulary and people with some connections.
Writing demonstrates basicunderstanding of the topic and responds accurately to most parts of the topic. / Writer may not incorporate many vocabulary terms with limited connections.
Writing demonstrates naïveunderstanding of the topic / Writing does not incorporate important vocabulary and people.
Writing demonstrates limited if anyunderstanding of the topic.
Application / Letter seamlessly incorporates character’s conflicts and role in historical events with many personal connections and situations that relate beyond the writer. / Letter includes some personal connections and relatable situations beyond themselves / Letter includes a basic sense of personal connections, but may not cite personal references. / Letter may not have personal connections, nor has vague connections. / Letter does not demonstrate personal connections or character or understanding of the
Empathy / Letter demonstrates mature understanding of character’s perspective and point of view / Letter demonstrates a generalunderstanding of the character’s perspective and point of view. / Letter demonstrates adeveloping understanding of the character’s perspective and point of view / Letter demonstrates a limitedunderstanding of the character’s perspectiveand point of view / Writer does not demonstrate any apparent connection to the character’s point of view.
Quality of Product and Mechanics / Writing demonstrates proficient controlof conventions, syntax, and word choice.
Free of errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraphing / Writing demonstrates competent controlof conventions, syntax, and word choice.
Relatively free of errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraphing / Writing demonstrates basic controlof conventions, syntax, and word choice.
Some errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraphing / Writing demonstratesneed for further revision with limited control of conventions, syntax, and word choice.
Several errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraphing / Writer demonstrates poor or limited control of conventions, syntax, and word choice, with frequent errors and incorrect structure.
Final Score and Comments / /20