Physiology Review Sheet

Striated Muscle Structure/Function, Muscle Performance, Muscle Protein Structure and Energetics, Smooth Muscle, Clinical Examples of Deranged Intramuscular Ca2+ Homeostasis

·  Skeletal Muscle Structure [Note: not sure which parts you need to know for Micro and which for Phys]

o  myofibril (grouped into muscle fiber (multinucleated individual cell) which are grouped into muscle fascicles)

§  sarcomeres (space between 2 Z bands)

·  Z-band

o  thin filaments insert into this

·  I band

o  light band (1/2 on each side of Z)

o  actin

o  length varies due to filaments sliding

·  A band

o  dark band

o  myosin, actin

o  fixed length = length of thick filament

·  H zone

o  light zone in center of A band

o  myosin

·  M line

o  dark line in center of H zone

o  myomesin (M protein)

o  connects thick filaments

o  myofilaments

§  thin filament – actin

·  G-actin (globular)

·  F-actin (filamentous)

o  2 strands of F-actin forming a double helix (string of pearls) in muscle

·  Tropomyosin

o  lies along actin groove

o  covers myosin binding sites during low Ca2+ levels

·  Troponin

o  TnT – binds tropomyosin

o  TnC – binds Ca2+ and relieves inhibition of Tm

o  TnI – inhibits actin-myosin interaction at low Ca2+

§  thick filament – myosin

·  single heavy chain and 2 light chains

·  heavy chains

o  tail

o  role in filament assembly

·  globular heads

o  S1 = head region

§  ATPase activity

§  actin binding site

o  S2 = hinge

·  opposite polarity at center leaves central bare zone – no heads

o  reason for plateau in force-length curve

·  Motor unit = a motor neuron and all the muscle fibers (cells) it innervates

·  Mechanics

o  isometric: no change in total muscle length

o  isotonic: constant load on muscle

o  stimulation frequency

§  sg stim = twitch = one nerve fires once and that motor unit contracts once

§  second AP before relaxation is complete begins wave summation – new contraction occurs at greater force than previous one (temporal summation)

§  treppe – high frequency of stimulation generates multiple contractions before any relaxation is complete resulting in a staircase appearance in force/time curve

§  tetanus – treppe summates to smooth even contraction; note: if too high a frequency or for too long, force will decline

·  Excitation-Contraction Coupling

o  more skeletal muscle structure

§  sarcolemma

·  aka plasma membrane of muscle cell

·  electrically excitable; propagates APs like a nerve

§  T tubules

·  invaginations of sarcolemma (still excitable)

·  open to ECF

·  at A-I junction for fast skeletal muscle (at Z bands for others)

§  sarcoplasmic reticulum

·  stores and releases Ca2+

·  lots of Ca2+ pumps (Ca-ATPase) to sequester it in SR in longitudinal regions

o  phospholamban

§  SR protein assoc with Ca-ATPase in slow skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle

§  inhibits Ca-ATPase

§  inhibited by phosphorylation (so pump can work)

§  useful to increase cardiac contractility with certain drugs

·  terminal cisternae

o  widened regions near junction with T tubules

o  Ca2+ stored here bound to calsequestrin

o  immediately next to T tubule = junctional SR

§  triad

·  T tubule flanked by SR on both sides

·  ryanodine receptor (RyR)

o  foot proteins in terminal cisternae separating T tubule and SR membranes

o  Ca2+ release channel

·  dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR)

o  voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (VGCC)

o  tons in T tubule adjacent to terminal cisternae

Contraction sequence of events (overview)

§  motor neuron fires and elicits AP on sarcolemma

§  AP propagates along sarcolemma and into T tubules

§  signal causes conformational change in DHPR of T tubule to open the RyR of the SR à releases Ca2+

§  Ca2+ binds troponin C

§  actin and myosin interact, slide past each other, generate force

§  Ca-ATPase in SR takes up excess Ca2+ inside cell and ends contraction

§  Note: in cardiac muscle, EC [Ca2+] matters – DHPR is a Ca2+ channel in cardiac muscle and Ca2+ influx induces release of Ca2+ from SR via RyR

·  Length-Tension Relationship

force of contraction depends on length of sarcomere prior to contraction

optimum length = max force

o  total force – passive force = active force

§  active force stimulated by contraction

§  Note: active force declines at long and short lengths, but passive force continues to increase with length until muscle tears

·  Force-Velocity Relationship

o  preload: initial length of muscle; stretch; determines max force possible

o  afterload: additional load without changing muscle length; determines velocity

o  hyperbolic relationship – velocity decreases rapidly with increased afterload

o  power = F * V

o  max power occurs at 1/3 max isometric force in skeletal muscle

o  shorter muscles contract slower

§  not very important in muscle because limited ROM due to skeleton

§  very important in heart where muscle has a large length range

·  Assembly of sarcomeres

o  in parallel = ↑ force

o  series = ↑ velocity, shortening capacity, and tension cost (ATPase)

·  Factors influencing total force developed

o  [Ca2+]I -- # of activated actin filaments

o  # of crossbridges overlapped

o  # of crossbridges able to interact limited by speed

o  spatial summation

§  due to motor unit firing (not all cells of unit are in same place; they are of same time)

§  depends on:

·  twitch duration of fibers (depends on myosin ATPase)

·  frequency of firing

·  # of motor units recruited

·  size of motor units (# of fibers and fiber cross-section)

o  recruitment

§  increase # of motor units firing

§  small to large

§  @ highest forces . . . increase force by increasing firing rate

·  Sliding Filament Model of Contraction

o  tension of muscle fiber is proportional to extent of thick and thin filament overlap

o  insert graph B p10

§  at long lengths, less overlap between thick and thin filaments – can’t generate as much force

§  at length = thick filament + 2 thin filaments (3.6 μm) – no overlap – no force

§  at short lengths (?) – double filament overlap causes less ability to generate force

o  ATP hydrolysis by mysoin releases heat – also dependent on degree of overlap between thick and thin filament

o  Thin filament regulation

§  inhibition of actin-myosin interaction regulated by tropomyosin and troponin

§  regulated by Ca2+ binding of TnC → conformational change to TnT and TnI → moves Tm off actin binding site on myosin

§  [smooth muscle is regulated by thick filament]

o  Ca2+ sensitivity:

§  sensitizers change Ca2+ binding affinity of TnC so that lower Ca2+ would affect more TnC and activate more actin

§  phosphorylation of regulatory proteins alter Ca2+ signal transduction

§  different isoforms of Tn and Tm modulate sensitivity

o  Crossbridge Cycle (occurs many times during contraction)

§  myosin bound to ATP won’t bind actin

§  myosin hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and Pi and binds actin (use 1 ATP / cycle)

§  releases ADP and Pi (enhanced by actin binding) and undergoes power stroke (still linked to actin = rigor link)

§  binds fresh ATP and dissociates from actin

·  Muscle Metabolism

o  Fenn effect: isotonic contraction releases more energy than isometric contraction – feedback between mechanical constraints and rate of crossbridge cycling

o  Sources of ATP for contraction

§  muscle stores of ATP

·  low amounts

·  immediately available

§  creatine phosphate

·  3-5x as much as ATP

·  very rapid

·  Lohman Reaction

o  ATP à ADP + Pi ...... + ...... PCr + ADP à Cr + ATP (one step production of ATP)

§  glycogen

·  large stores

·  can be metabolized by glycolysis (rapid, limited, lots of ATP, but relatively inefficient; make lactic acid) or by oxidative phosphorylation (slower, limited, huge amounts of ATP, efficient)

§  exogenous stores (depends on diet)

·  uses oxidative phosphorylation to generate lots and lots of ATP efficiently, but slowly

§  Feedback mechanisms involve

·  ADP & Pi

·  Ca2+

o  activate phosphorylase cascade to produce glucose from glycogen

o  increase permeability of sarcolemma to glucose

·  increased blood flow

o  improve O2 flow

o  remove lactic acid

o  Recovery of oxygen consumption (oxygen debt)

§  spring or burst of activity

§  must resynthesize high energy phosphates used from PCr

§  ultimately, nearly all ATP used in contraction is resynthesized during ox-phos

·  Diversity of Proteins

o  Skeletal muscle contractile and regulatory proteins are NOT all the same – isoforms (myosin, actin, Tm, Tn)

o  Myosin isoforms (be familiar with varying characteristics)

§  fast glycolytic (FG)

·  white

·  type IIb

·  high levels of fast ATPase

·  few mitochondria

·  dense SR

·  large fiber diameter

·  low oxidative enzyme activity

·  low mitochondrial ATPase

·  high glycolytic activity

·  low myoglobin

§  slow oxidative (SO)

·  red

·  type I

·  low levels of slow ATPase

·  intermediate # mitochondria

·  intermediate SR

·  intermediate fiber diameter

·  high/intermediate oxidative enzyme activity

·  intermediate mitochondrial ATPase

·  low/intermediate glycolytic activity

·  high myoglobin

§  fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG)

·  red

·  type IIa

·  high levels of fast ATPase

·  lots of mitochondria

·  dense SR

·  small fiber diameter

·  intermediate/high oxidative enzyme activity

·  high mitochondrial ATPase

·  intermediate/low glycolytic activity

·  high myoglobin

·  Cardiac Muscle

o  structure

§  striated, sarcomeres

§  similar to SO skeletal muscle

§  sarcolemma with T tubules

·  DHP receptor is a voltage sensor AND a Ca2+ channel – Ca2+ induced Ca2+ release (CICR) – not voltage gated as in skeletal

·  Na+- Ca2+ exchanger

o  forward: Ca2+i exits, Na+e enters

o  reverse: Ca2+e enters (mechanism of ouabain and digitalis → inhibits Na+ pump →increases [Na+]i reverses pump and increases Ca2+i

§  lots of mitochondria and lower PCr

o  function

§  myocytes electrically coupled

·  no recruitment. . . vary [Ca2+]i to regulate force

§  mechanism for force generation the same for skeletal muscle

·  less myofilaments in parallel – less force/unit cross sectional area

·  energy cost is less → slower cross bridge cycling rate

·  Smooth muscle

o  structure

§  spindle-shaped cells

§  proteins

·  actin/myosin in scattered arrangement (no sarcomeres)

·  fewer myosin filaments per actin

·  dense bodies containing -actinin anchor actin

·  intermediate filaments connect dense bodies to cytoskeleton

·  poorly developed SR – can store Ca2+

·  no troponin

o  energetics

§  sustains contraction longer without fatigue & lower O2 consumption

·  latch state: maintain force with reduced crossbridge cycling velocity

§  force-length similar to skeletal

§  oxidative contraction

·  low energy requirements (supply=demand)

·  low PCr pool (not needed)

·  no oxygen debt

§  glycolysis for membrane function

·  lactate is produced under fully oxygenated conditions

·  fuels membrane pumps (ATPases)

·  metabolic compartmentation (have anaerobic and aerobic going on at same time)

o  Smooth Muscle Excitation-Contraction Coupling

§  General

·  many types of Ca2+ channels and membrane receptors

·  no fast Na+ channels

·  AP carried via Ca2+ channels, and Ca2+ acts as second messenger

·  automaticity

o  pacemaker potentials

o  slow waves (APs occur in bursts)

§  oscillations in Nai-Ko pump

·  act as stretch receptors (in GI tract, bladder, uterus, some blood vessels)

·  neurotransmitters can activate

§  mechanism of [Ca2+] I elevation → contraction

·  Ca2+ entry via voltage-dependant channels and receptor operated channels

·  Ca2+ release from SR via Ca2+ or IP3

o  consequence of Ca2+ channels opening in PM

o  G-protein cascade with DAG or IP3 directly open Ca2+ in SR

§  angiotensin II acts via G-protein activated phospholipase

·  DAG and phosphorylation of PK-C activates slow Ca2+ channels – triggers release from SR

·  IP3 acts as 2nd messenger activating SR Ca2+ channels

·  reversed Na+/ Ca2+ exchange (follows gradient)

·  inhibition of SERCA (SR Ca2+ reuptake pumps)

§  mechanism of smooth muscle relaxation (lowering [Ca2+]i) – favored by high [Ca2+]i


·  Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger in forward direction

·  sarcolemma Ca2+ ATPase channels

·  inhibition of sarcolemma Ca2+ channels

§  transduction of Ca2+ signal at level of contractile filaments

·  activation

o  Ca2+ binds calmodulin (free in cytosol)

o  Ca2+/calmodulin activates MLCK

§  phosphorylates MLC 20

§  activates ATPase and allows crossbridge formation

§  sliding filament

·  relaxation

o  MLCP (phosphatase) (may regulate latch state)

o  dephosphporylates MLC 20

§  modulation of Ca2+ sensitivity

·  Ca2+ entry blockers

·  inhibit binding of Ca2+ /calmodulin to MLCK → less MLC phosphorylation

·  stimulation of MLCP

·  Malignant Hyperthermia

o  clinical features

§  potentially fatal

§  triggered by anesthetics (ether, or any of the –thanes) or muscle relaxants (succinyl choline)

§  hyperthermia and muscle rigidity

§  family history

§  priming factors: stress, youth, prolonged surgery

o  Muscle Disorder

§  a mild reaction increases creatine kinase

§  survivors of severe reactions have rhambdomyolysis (severe destruction of muscle)

§  abnormal sensitivity to halothane or caffeine

o  Porcine Stress Syndrome

§  stress induced MH in pigs

§  provides excellent clinical model (pathophysiology, treatment, molecular bio)

o  Molecular biology

§  defect in RyR (triggers open and keep open)

§  increase in Ca2+ ATPase activity (trying to pump Ca2+ back into SR)

§  increase in myosin ATPase activity