Ada High School

Pre-AP Trigonometry / College Algebra

Instructor:Jana Wakefield



Planning Period:3rd hour

Description: The first semester is a course in Trigonometry and will cover topics such as basic trigonometric functions, solving right triangles, radian measure, circular functions and their inverses, graphs of the circular functions, and trigonometric identities. In this trig class, we will be building an Interactive Notebook, so textbook use is expected to be nominal. The second semester is College Algebra, utilizing the Houghton Mifflin Precalculus textbook. It will be mostly lecture with students taking notes.

Materials: Please bring the following items every day, unless specifically instructed otherwise:

  • 3-ring binder (required by school) with a divider
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper
  • Pencils & erasers
  • Scientific Calculator (optional - but please bring your own if you have one)
  • Colored pencils, pens, and/or highlighters (optional – I will have some available for student use, but again, please bring if you have some)
  • Spiral notebook for Interactive Notebook – one will be provided at the beginning of the year, but if it is lost or gets full, the student is responsible for replacing

Textbook: Each student will be given a textbook at the beginning of the semester. Students will be required to bring the textbook to class every day and are 100% responsible for the physical condition of the textbook and for returning it at the end of the school year. Students who lose or damage their textbooks will be fined $100.00. The condition of the textbook will be determined by Mrs. Wakefield and the principal.

Homework: Homework is a necessary part of the learning process, especially in mathematics. Please observe the following in regard to homework:

  • You must show your work.
  • Homework will be DUE THE NEXT DAY unless otherwise specified.
  • LATE and ABSENT work: All missing work is due a week after it is assigned. No exceptions. Assignments will not be accepted after a week has passed and will be entered into Wengage as a zero. Students are responsible for assignments they miss.

**Any assignment with no work, illegible handwriting, or the appearance of cheating will result in a non-negotiable zero.**

Tests and Quizzes: Tests and quizzes are given as a means to evaluate student learning.

  • Just as with homework, CHEATING will never be tolerated. You must be honest in your work. I will not hesitate to give zeros and they will not be made up. This will hurt your grade drastically.
  • If you are absent on test day, you must make up the test or quiz within a week or it will result in a zero. Test and quizzes must be made up during my plan period, lunch, or after school.

Grading Procedures:

Homework / 20%
(includes binder checks and other “daily” grades)
Quizzes / 20%
Tests / 60%

Grading Scale:





Below 60%F

General Class Rules:

  1. Be in your seat with all necessary supplies when the bell rings.
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  3. No cursing, teasing, or other disrespectful or inappropriate language.
  4. No Distractions. This includes:
  5. No grooming. Dress appropriately and do not groom in class.
  6. No food or drink. Snacks and drinks are not allowed during class. Paper or styrofoam to-go cups must be thrown away before entering the classroom. Bottled water is acceptable.
  7. No electronics. Phones out during class will be given to me until the end of the hour, unless we are using them for a class activity or you have my express permission to use your phone for a specific purpose.
  8. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Communication: Feel free to contact my at any time by email if you have questions or concerns about class assignments or grades. I will respond at my first opportunity.

**Grading procedures, classroom instruction, and classroom rules are all subject to change.**

Student signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian signature:______Date:______