Application for Research Funding – RHD Students

Name: / PhD student MPhil student
Student number / Email
Confirmed: / No Yes – Date:
Home Address:
Funding requested / $ / Related to / Conference/Symposium Project/Fieldwork
Other (please state)
Full-time PhD candidates may request up to $2,000 for domestic travel, with additional funds of $2,000 for essential research travel outside Australia*. MPhil candidates may request up to $1500 for domestic travel, with additional funds of $1,000 for essential research travel outside Australia*.
Item Description / Expense / Self-funded/other / UQ Funding Requested
Return economy airfare from Brisbane
List details of airline carrier:
Public transport (airport shuttle) / $0-00
$0-00 / $0-00
$0-00 / $0-00
Name of accommodation venue:
X days – total / $0-00 / $0-00 / $0-00
Other expenses:
Conference Registration
Conference Dinner
Meals and incidentals
/ $0-00
$0-00 / $0-00
$0-00 / $0-00
Total expenses / $0-00
Total Self-funded/other sources / $0-00
Total UQ funding requested / $0-00
a). Funding for Conference attendance
Title of Conference:
Location of Conference:
Date of conference:
Title of your Conference paper:
b). For conference funding, provide details of your paper and planned research outcomes (thesis chapters and publications) that will arise from your presentation.
c). Fieldwork, archival research or other research-related travel
Provide an explanation why you need to visit particular locations, the significance of this research to your thesis.
Expected Departure Date: / Expected Return Date:
Your Bank account details:
BSB: Account Number:
Name of Account Holder: Name of Bank:
Emergency contact details:
Name of person:
Email or phone number:
Travel Insurance
·  If you do not wish to be covered by UQ travel insurance for any of your travel you may choose a travel insurer of your choice.
·  Students are entitled to 5 days private travel allowance in conjunction with their UQ authorised travel pursuant to conditions specified in the student travel insurance information.
·  You must complete the travel notification template regardless of whether you choose UQ travel insurance or an alternative insurance provider.
­  Travel notification template can be found at the link:
Fieldwork & Work Off-Campus OHS Guidelines have been read and understood

Copy and paste the details from your Academic portfolio into the template on page 5

Forward completed form with Advisor Approval to the RHD Administrative Officer:

RHD Officer to complete:
Commencement of candidature:
School allocation:
Balance available as at…/……/…….
Amount of funding requested by the student
Signature of Principal Advisor ______Date______
Name of Principal Advisor______
Amount Approved:
Signature of Postgraduate Coordinator______Date______
Name of Postgraduate Coordinator______
Signature of Head of School______Date______
Name of Head of School______

*The School provides financial assistance to Research Higher Degree candidates to help with research costs. These funds may be used to cover travel costs for research costs necessary for the successful completion of the thesis. These costs may include visiting locations to access archives, Conference travel (where the candidate is presenting a paper) or the purchase of materials for research purposes. Funds to a total of AUD$2,000 are available for the purposes specified above during the course of the PhD candidature. Where the thesis involves essential research travel outside Australia, PhD candidates may apply for additional funds of up to AUD$2,000.Funds to a total of AUD$1,500 are available for the purposes specified above during the course of the MPhil candidature. Where the thesis involves essential research travel outside Australia, MPhil candidates may apply for additional funds of up to AUD$1,000.

School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry

RHD Student Academic Portfolio

(to accompany funding application)

This Portfolio is for use for School purposes. It is to be submitted:

1.  With all applications for travel, conference and research funding.

NB: The blue ‘boxes’ will expand as content is entered.



A. Personal and Candidature Details

Family Name
Given Name
Title of thesis
Student Number
MPhil or PhD (please specify)
UQ Email
Contact telephone number (optional)
Current address (optional)
Current candidature status (full-time or part-time)
Principal Advisor
Associate Advisor 1
Associate Advisor 2 (if applicable)
Date of Candidature Commencement
Date of Confirmation of Candidature Milestone
(if completed, otherwise due date if known)
Date of Mid-Candidature Review Milestone
(if completed, otherwise due date if known)
Date of Thesis Review Milestone (if completed, otherwise due date if known)
Due date for candidature completion
Periods of interruption to candidature

1. Summary Statement of Themes

Provide a brief summary (in no more than a few paragraphs) of the major past, present and future themes of your work (eg. honours thesis, long-term research interests).

2. Funding Support Sought and Received

In each case indicate the granting agency and the amount sought. This includes School funding and Graduate School Travel Grants. Include unsuccessful and pending applications as well as those granted.

Year / Granting Agency / Amount sought / Outcome (successful, unsuccessful, pending)

3. Conference and Seminar Series Presentations

List all conference and seminar series presentations or posters presented at conferences (list most recent first).

Paper title and details
(including year) / Forum (name of conference) / Percentage and type of contribution

Please note that it is expected that the below sections concerning your thesis will evolve as you proceed through your candidature. You are, for example, not restricted by what you enter here at the Confirmation of Candidature Milestone.
Thesis statement and title of thesis
Provide a statement of not more than 100 words summarising the thesis. The statement should be comprehensible to those who work in areas outside the immediate area in which you are researching.

Situating the thesis
In between 500 and 1000 words, this statement, sometimes referred to as a literature review, should anchor the thesis in the particular area of academic discourse mentioned in the thesis statement. It provides the setting for the study. Its purpose is to indicate that the Candidate is well acquainted with the broad area of academic discussion in which the research project is located. In most instances, reference will be made to significant studies in the Candidate's area of inquiry.


Outline the methodology of your thesis in no more than 500 words. How are you going to achieve what you wish to? What sources are you going to use? What theoretical approaches are you going to employ?

[Note: This section would generally pertain more to students in History, Classics and Ancient History and Studies in Religion]. In some instances, this section might be relatively short, indicating your use of a particular existing methodology. In others, the methodology section will nuance any new approach to be used for the thesis. If the study is cross-disciplinary, for example, it will be important to make a clear statement about the multiple uses of disciplines and how they relate to one another. Please consult your Principal Advisor about the expectations of your chosen discipline(s).

Outline of the Thesis

Include a Table of Contents, including chapter numbers and titles. There should also be a brief (approximately 100 words) summary of each chapter. Candidates in the earlier stages of their thesis should note that the outline is not binding and that the outline should serve as the basis for thinking about the project as a whole.

Contribution of Thesis

What contribution to knowledge and scholarship will the thesis make? (Maximum 200 words)

Statement of Thesis Progress
How much progress have you made on the thesis? Candidates for the Mid-Candidature Review and Thesis Review Milestones should, in addition to a general statement, indicate the progress of each chapter (eg. not started, drafted, completed).


Include a timeline of tasks to be completed between now and the completion of your thesis, paying particular attention to tasks to be completed between now and your next Milestone (if applicable). Please note that timelines are expected to be more specific the closer you are to completion of your thesis.


This document accurately reflects the current state of affairs in regard to my thesis and my candidature more generally.
Name / Signature / Date
I endorse the candidate’s RHD Student Academic Portfolio.
Principal Advisor
Name / Signature / Date