Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Formula: V = lwh

Volume = length x width x height

Circumference of a Circle

Formula: C = πd

Circumference = pi x diameter

Area of a Circle

Formula: A = πr²

Area = pi x radius squared

Temperature Conversion

Formula: F = 9/5C + 32

°Fahrenheit = 9/5 x°Celsius plus 32

Simple Interest

Formula: I = prt

Interest = principal x rate x time


Formula: D = rt

Distance = rate x time

Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Formula: V = lwh

Volume = length x width x height

Given / Formula NEEDED / Solution
l = 9 inches
w = 3 inches
h = 2 inches / V = lwh
l = 11 inches
w = 11 inches
h = 11 inches / V = lwh
In building a new house, Al dug a basement measuring 30 feet by 32 feet by 9 feet. How many cubic feet of dirt had to be removed? / V = lwh
The floor of a railroad boxcar measures 6 feet by 36 feet. The car bas been filled to a depth of 6 feet with grain. How many cubic feet of grain are in the boxcar? / V = lwh
The trunk of Tina’s car is shaped like a rectangular prism. It measures 4 feet by 2 feet by 3 feet. How many cubic feet is the trunk? / V = lwh
A construction crew dug a ditch 2.5 meters wide, 3 meters deep, and 60 meters long. What was the volume of the ditch? / V = lwh

Circumference of a Circle


C = πd

Circumference = pi x diameter

Given / S O S / Solution
d = 3 yards / C = πd
d = 2.4 meters / C = πd
A botanical garden has a circular flower bed that is 21 feet in diameter. How many feet of border are needed to enclose it? / C = πd
A zoo has a circular pool that is 28 feet in diameter. How many feet of fence will be needed to enclose the pool? / C = πd
Ms. Johnson has a pie dish with a diameter of 8.5 inches. What is the circumference of the dish? / C = πd
The fountain outside of school has a diameter of 9.1 meters. What is the distance around the fountain? / C = πd

Area of a Circle


A = πr²

Area = pi x radius squared

Given / Formula NEEDED / Solution
r = 2 yards / A = πr²
r = 9 meters / A = πr²
The canvas net used by firefighters is a circular shape and has a radius of 14 feet. How many square feet of canvas are in the net? / A = πr²
A bandstand in the shape of a circle is to have a radius of 8 meters. How many square feet of flooring will be required? / A = πr²
A large pizza at Maria D’s has a radius of 10 inches. What is the area of the pizza? / A = πr²
A traffic roundabout has a radius of 2.5 yards. What is the area of the roundabout? / A = πr²

Temperature Conversion


F = 9/5C + 32

°Fahrenheit = 9/5 x°Celsius plus 32

Given / FORMULA NEEDED / Solution
C = 10° / F = 9/5C + 32
C = 25° / F = 9/5C + 32
When a Celsius temperature is 45°, what is the equivalent Fahrenheit temperature? / F = 9/5C + 32
The low temperature on Monday was 0°C. What is the equivalent temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? / F = 9/5C + 32
Find F when C = 15° / F = 9/5C + 32
Find F when C = 75° / F = 9/5C + 32

Simple Interest


I = prt

Interest = principal x rate x time

Given / FORMULA NEEDED / Solution
p = $400
r = 5%
t = 1 year / I = prt
p = $800
r = 3%
t = 2 years / I = prt
Felicia borrowed $200 at a rate of 5% per year for 1 year. How much interest will she pay? / I = prt
Rachelle borrowed $1200 at a rate of 7% per year for 2 years. How much interest will she pay? / I = prt
Chris borrowed $2500 at a rate of 6% for 2 years. How much interest will he pay? / I = prt
Darlene has $750 in a savings account paying an interest rate of 4% annually. Find the amount of interest she will earn after 3 years. / I = prt



D = rt

Distance = rate x time

Given / FORMULA NEEDED / Solution
r = 45 mph
t = 2 hours / D = rt
r = 4 mph
t = 0.5 hours / D = rt
A mail plane left Los Angeles at 2:00 pm and arrived in Seattle at 6:00 pm. During the trip, the average speed was 320 miles per hour. What was the distance of the trip? / D = rt
Davon walks to school at a average speed of 5 miles per hour. If it takes him 0.5 hours to walk to school, how far does he walk? / D = rt
A train traveled 80 miles per hour during a 3 hour trip. How far was the trip? / D = rt
A plane flew from Newfoundland to Iceland in 4 hours. The average speed of the plane was 530 miles per hour. What is the distance of this trip? / D = rt

© 2003 Teaching That Works: Revised 9/21/2018