Bramfield Primary School January Newsletter 2016

Contact us on 01986-784205 or email:

Happy New Year!
/ Happy New year to you all. We hope that you have all had a good Christmas holidayand are all set for the Spring term. We have a very busy Spring term ahead of us. KS1 are doing a Polar Adventure topic and KS2 are doing Living things and habitats. There are lots of clubs this term including gym, dance, film and cookery club. (Please see details below). Over the next term we are also launching CLASSDOJO and our new interactive website and learning platform that the children will be able to access at home. Over the coming weeks the children will be given logins and information on the learning platform so that they can use it at both school and at home.
Volunteers needed!
Come and be a Busy Bramfield Bee! / We would like to start “Busy Bee” volunteers this term. If you can give any time up during the week to help us with little jobs, like helping with swimming, sorting the reading books, laminating and general classroom jobs then please see you child’s class teacher. We will put a call out for “Busy Bees” as jobs come up. Please carry on reading to find out what we need help with this term.
We need “Busy Bees” to help with swimming this term at Bungay swimming pool. We will be taking YR1 and 2 children every Wednesday morning up until Easter, starting Wednesday 20th January. Please see Mrs.Wharam in the office if you can help on all or some of the weeks.
We are in the process of book banding our reading schemes at school and need some willing “Busy Bees” to help us to put stickers on all of the books. If you are able to give a couple of hours on Tuesday 19th January between 1.30-3.30 please see Mrs.Woodruff.
/ We have noticed that lots of children have had their ears pierced over the Christmas holiday. It is school policy that all earrings must be taken out for PE and swimming as a safety precaution. Your child must be able to take their earrings out themselves. If they need to keep their earrings in for the first 6 weeks then they must tape up the ears for PE and swimming. You will need to provide your child with tape and if they do not have any they will not be able to do PE.
If your child is thinking about having pierced ears we advise that you do it during the summer holiday, so that they have time to heal and can then be removed safely by the child.
/ All clubs start the week beginning 18th January
Clubs letter and sign-up sheet will be in book packs on Monday 11th January Monday 3.30 -4.30
Theatre club – KS2 (12 places)
Tuesday 3.30-4.30
Gym club – KS1 (15 places)
cookery club (see details below)
SATs booster club – all year 6 children
Wednesdays 3.30-4.30
Film club (already full KS2 only)3.30-5.00pm
Cookery club with Mrs.Waters!
/ After the success of the Christmas Cake Bake Club, Mrs Waters would like to offer a Bake Club initially to eight Year 6's who didn't take part in the Christmas cakes. We will be learning to follow a recipe, to prep and to clean up and making yummy things which will need to be oven baked at home for you to enjoy with your family! To be held as before on a Tuesday at 3.45pm til 5pm with Mrs.Waters and Mrs. Freeman. Dates as follows: 26th January, 9th February, 1st March and 15th March. There will be a charge of £3.50 per session to cover the cost of ingredients.
/ Monday 11th January – SATS meeting for parents at 3.30pm
Friday 15th January – our first sharing assembly of the term
Monday 18th January – clubs start! (see details above)
Tuesday 19th January – book banding afternoon – 1.30-3.30pm (see details above)
Wednesday 20th January – KS1 swimming begins at Bungay swimming pool
Friday 5th February – Yr5&6 visit Sax Free school for an English event
Wednesday 10th February – Yr 2 visit Sax Free school for crystal maze maths event
Friday 12th February – end of half term
Back to school Monday 22nd February
wellies and winter weather
/ The wet, wintery weather is definitely with us. Please can children remember to bring wellies or slippers into school so that they have a change of footwear. We really want the children to be able to continue to use all of the school grounds over the winter months but this can only be done if they bring appropriate footwear to change into. It really helps us keep on top of the mud inside the school.
Please can children bring in coats, hats and scarves for the winter weather (make sure that it is all named!)
/ We have launched a new class reward system at Bramfield called Class Dojo. The children can get Dojo points for a variety of things that they do at school. They are as followed…
working hard
good manners
being kind
being on task
We will tell you all about it in sharing assembly next week, when we will give the children their secret code so you can see how they are doing at school.
Playing after school!
/ We are happy for the children to continue to play on the climbing frame after school but we ask that they do not play on the scooters or go onto the playground. Can we also remind you that the children need to be supervised by an adult at all times while playing on the climbing frame.
SATs for the Year 6 / Mrs.Pope will be holding a SATs information meeting on Monday 11th January at 3.30pm in her classroom. Please come along to find out about the up and coming SATs tests and how we are preparing the Year 6 children for these over the next few months.
Messages from the office
/ Text to Parents
This is a very useful way of communicating with parents, however if you are not receiving text messages from school, please contact the office so we can check that we have an up to date mobile telephone number for you. It is only set up to take one mobile number per child. If there are siblings at the school then it is possible to accept alternative mobile number.
Dinner Money
The cost of a school dinner is still £2.30 a day or £11.50 a week.
Please can all dinner money be paid at the beginning of the week regardless of which day your child is having lunch.
Payments can be made by cash or cheque direct to the school, please make cheques payable to Suffolk County Council or alternatively you can pay online direct to Suffolk County Council through the link:

If you would prefer to pay for a half or full term please contact the school office and Mrs Wharam will be happy to work out the cost for you. Any meals not taken due to illness, absence or school trips will be carried over to the next term.
Please can all outstanding dinner money from last term be paid to the school office by Wednesday 13th January 2016.
We will shortly be sending letters home informing you of your child’s attendance for the Autumn Term in the form of a ‘traffic light system’ further information to follow.
Absences & Illness
If your child is ill and not in school we would appreciate a phone call by 9.30 am so that we know. If you leave a voicemail message and it is appropriate, please let us know the reason for absence. If your child has a sickness bug please can you ensure they do not return to school until 48 hours after they were last sick.
Medical appointments
If your child has a medical appointment in school time please let their teacher know the day before, please provide a copy of the appointment letter or card, so when the EWO visits and we are able to provide this evidence.
If your child has a medical appointment during school time, please can you collect your child from the main reception area and sign them out and if they return please sign them back in.
As from 1st September 2013 in line with new statutory legislation schools will no longer be able to authorise absences for holiday requests. If you require your child to be absent from school for an exceptional circumstance you will need to write a letter into the school, however the decision upon whether this will be authorised will still remain with the Headteacher and they must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.
The current law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time.