1.At the conclusion of a students second, fourth or sixth semesters of high school work, the school registrar supplies the National Honor Society with a list of Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who have attained a minimum GPA of 3.5.

2.Every student meeting the scholastic requirement is supplied with an information sheet and invitation to apply for membership in the National Honor Society. Information sheets must be typed and submitted with two recommendation forms from CLC teachers and/or staff members.

3.All faculty are given the opportunity to evaluate those students who apply in the areas of character, leadership, and service.

4.The National Honor Society Faculty Council meets to select members to the NHS based on the candidate’s application, recommendation forms, and faculty evaluations.

5.All candidates are notified by mail of the decision of the Faculty Council. Candidates denied membership are encouraged to meet with the advisor to the NHS to learn the rationale of the Faculty council

6.The NHS Induction Ceremony is held in September. A onetime membership fee of $20.00 is required for membership in the National Honor Society.


1.Maintain a 3.5 cumulative G.P.A.

2.Attend all meetings of the NHS.

3.Support all activities of the NHS.

4.Serve on committees to which he/she is appointed.

5. Conceive, plan and lead, an individual

leadership project for the school or


6.Volunteer twenty (20) hours of service per year to the school and/or community, with no fewer than seven (7) of those hours devoted to Central High School.

7.Participate in at least one committee of the Society.

8.Abide by the NHS Constitution and Chapter By-Laws.


Audrey Mazzuca


High School

National Honor Society






Selection Procedure




Scholarship means:

*A minimum GPA of 3.5

*A commitment to learning


Character means:

*Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously.

*Constantly exemplifies desirable qualities of personality (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability).

*Upholds principles of morality and ethics.

*Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning punctuality, property, and programs.

*Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability.

*Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others.

*Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies.

*Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others.


Leadership means

*Being resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions.

*Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideas.

*Is able to delegate responsibilities.

*Exemplifies positive attitudes.

*Inspires positive behavior in others.

*Demonstrates academic initiative.

*Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility, conducts business efficiently and effectively, and is reliable and dependable without prodding.

*Demonstrates leadership in the classroom, at work, and in school or community services.


Service means:

*Participating in some outside activity that includes but is not limited to: Girl Scouts;Boy Scouts; church groups; recycling centers; volunteer services for the aged, poor, or disadvantaged; family duties.

*Volunteering dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance.

*Working well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities.

*Cheerfully and enthusiastically rendering any requested service to the school.

*Being willing to represent the class or school in inter class and interscholastic competition.

*Doing committee and staff work without complaining.

*Showing courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.

Since service is one of the defining characteristics of NHS members and is often difficult to fulfill, we are listing possible opportunities for service in school and in the community.


library assistant

attendance clerk

computer lab assistant

office helper

classroom helper

lab assistant




McHenryCounty Defenders

Home of the Sparrow

Volunteer Service Program of McHenryCounty

Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association

Illinois Department of Conservation

McHenry County Conservation Department

These qualifications are based on guidelines from the NHS Handbook.