Preamble to the Laws

Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.

1.  There are two Laws which place responsibility for the team’s conduct firmly on the captain.

Responsibility of captains

The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Game as well as within the Laws.

Player’s conduct

In the event of a player failing to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticising by word or action the decision of an umpire, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring the game into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpire and to the player’s captain, and instruct the latter to take action.

2.  Fair and unfair play

According to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play.

The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action where required.

3.  The umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of:

·  Time wasting

·  Damaging the pitch

·  Dangerous or unfair bowling

·  Tampering with the ball

·  Any other action that they consider to be unfair.

4.  The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for:

·  Your opponents

·  Your own captain

·  The roles of the umpires

·  The game’s traditional values

5.  It is against the Spirit of the Game:

·  To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gesture.

·  To direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpire.

·  To indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance:

(a)  to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out

(b)  to advance towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing

(c)  to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side.

6.  Violence

There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.

7.  Players

Captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expected to make an important contribution towards this.

© Marylebone Cricket Club


1.  All players must be members of their parent club, as this is an absolute requirement for insurance purposes.

2.  Players cannot play IDENTILAM COLTS LEAGUE CRICKET for more than one club during the current season. However, if a club does not have a team entered at a particular age group, then a player will be eligible to join another club, at this age group.

3.  Registration of Players. All clubs must register their players and have documentary proof of their ages. Registration must be completed before a player takes part in a match. The registration information can be sent by email or text (which would have the date and time stamp necessary) to the Membership Secretary.

a)  Should a Club enter 2 sides in any age group League, players will NOT be allowed to cross over from one team to the other. Player’s names must be registered with the Registration Secretary, stating clearly which team they will be representing

4.  Contravention of regulations 1, 2 and 3 will result in the deduction of all points from the offending club in that match. The game will be awarded to the innocent club, who will be awarded the points. The game will not be replayed.

5.  Amendments to the published fixture list are permitted (although not desirable) if agreed with the opposition and advised to the Fixture Secretary, Web Master and the Age Group Recorder by Sunday 16TH APRIL, 2017

6.  After the 16TH APRIL 2017 only bad weather can be the reason for postponing a game. Every effort must be made to play on the specified date. In the event of a game not being played/abandoned through adverse weather conditions, after a minimum of 2 cancellations and unless clubs agree to reschedule, 6 points will be awarded to each club. In the U8, U9 and U10 leagues, this will be 2 points per club. In the event of a postponement due to bad weather, the home side must take the initiative and agree a new date with the opposition. The new date must be advised to the fixture secretary/webmaster and the age group recorder within 6 days of postponement. Revised fixtures shall also be posted on the play-cricket website in accordance with the arrangements set out by the age group recorder/webmaster.

7.  Any team/club that fails to report a result for the weekend games by Midnight on the day following the game will be deducted 3 POINTS. Likewise any team/club that fails to report a result for the midweek games by midday on the Sunday following the game will be deducted 3 POINTS. In the Under 9 and 10 leagues this will be 1 POINT per club.

8.  Every effort must be made for the players to be correctly dressed, i.e. white shirts, grey or white trousers, white boots or training shoes.

9.  It should be noted that some clubs pay on artificial wickets. Players should therefore take the relevant footwear, for both grass and artificial, to all matches and we recommend that the AWAY manager contact the HOME manager to determine the correct footwear required.

10.  In the event of any occurrence not provided for in the Rules or Regulations the League Management Committee will decide the matter. This will apply to all competitions under the jurisdiction of the IDENTILAM League.

NB. The League Management Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Fixture Secretary. If any dispute involves their parent club(s), then other officials will be appointed.

11.  Six legitimate balls must be bowled in the final over of all games at ALL age groups.

12.  It is the responsibility of the AWAY Club to provide the ONLY match ball. It is not essential to have a ball for each innings but this should be agreed prior to the match.


The following procedure for entering the Results of all matches and for revising the dates of Fixtures shall be strictly adhered to:

·  The HOME team shall enter the full result by midnight of the day following the match day. The Age Group Recorder will be checking to see if the result is entered. Midday on a Sunday for all midweek games.

·  The Opposition shall review the result and scorecard, correcting any names ONLY. If there is any disagreement with score data entered it should be discussed with the HOME team manager and agreement reached. He then ticks the ‘confirmed result’ box against the result in his Admin section.

·  The Age Group Recorder will monitor, via the fixtures list, that the expected results have been entered and confirmed by the opposition, at which point he will ‘lock’ the result on the League site. It cannot then be altered.

The whole procedure will be monitored by the Age Group Recorders and Webmaster.



1.  Boys must be under 8 on 1st September 2016. Girls must be under 10 on 1st September 2016.

2.  Games should be played on weekday evenings at 6.00 pm but may be started earlier by prior agreement.

3.  Each team shall comprise 8 players.

4.  The length of the pitch shall be 16 yards.

5.  Kwik Cricket kit will be used at all times. This means that an orange windball and blue bats are to be used. No protective gear is necessary.

6.  16 overs per side should be bowled. By prior agreement a match may be shortened to 12 overs per side.

7.  The batting side shall be divided into 4 pairs, each batting for 4 overs (or 3 overs if the game is reduced to 12 overs per side).

8.  No player may bowl more than 4 overs (or 3 overs in a 12 over game).

9.  Each team will commence batting with 200 runs.

10.  Every time a wicket falls 5 runs are deducted from the team score.

11.  When a batsman is dismissed he/she should immediately change ends with the non-striker (on all but the last ball of the over or after a run-out).

12.  Wides and no-balls to count as 1 run, there being a maximum of 8 balls bowled in each over except the last over of an innings which must contain 6 legitimate balls.

13.  The winning team shall be the side scoring the highest number of runs after deductions for the fall of wickets.

14.  Points awarded: 4 for a win, 2 each for a tie or for an abandoned match that cannot be replayed and 1 for a loss. In the event that two or more sides are tied on points net run difference will decide their respective league positions.

15.  Each club must nominate an umpire who will stand for the whole match.

16.  The Laws of Cricket apply unless amended by these rules. Particular note must be made of Rule 17 below:

a) in the interests of consistency and safety, the high ball / beamer must be interpreted in accordance with Law 42.

b) any ball having pitched and passing over the batsman’s shoulder, standing in his normal batting stance, will be called and signalled NO BALL. Umpires are instructed to operate the warning system, explaining to the offender immediately.

c) in the interests of safety, no player shall field within 10 yards of the batsman - in front of the wicket and behind the wicket on the leg side only.

d) a ball that bounces MORE THAN TWICE shall be called NO BALL.

17.  Substitute fielders will only be allowed in the event of injury to a player already participating in the game. A substitute may also act as non-striker whilst their team is batting. In such circumstances the “live” batsman shall receive strike continuously.

18.  For Rules concerning the cancellation of matches and awarding of points in the event that a game cannot be played within the season see League Regulations 2017 on page 4. However it is possible for the match to be played at any stage during the week, Monday to Friday, of the date set in the fixtures but at all times let the Recorder and Webmaster know the revised date if applicable. If the match is not played for whatever reason during that week the game will be classed as “CANCELLED”.

19.  Both teams and their supporters MUST abide by the MCC Spirit of Cricket at ALL TIMES.



1.  Boys must be under 9 on 1st September 2016. Girls must be under 11 on 1st September 2016.

2.  Games should be played on weekday evenings at 6.00 pm but may be started earlier by prior agreement.

3.  Each team shall comprise 8 players.

4.  The length of the pitch shall be 16 yards.

5.  Kwik Cricket kit will be used at all times. This means that an orange windball and blue bats are to be used. No protective gear is necessary.

6.  16 overs per side should be bowled. By prior agreement a match may be shortened to 12 overs per side.

7.  The batting side shall be divided into 4 pairs, each batting for 4 overs (or 3 overs if the game is reduced to 12 overs per side).

8.  No player may bowl more than 4 overs (or 3 overs in a 12 over game).

9.  Each team will commence batting with 200 runs.

10.  Every time a wicket falls 5 runs are deducted from the team score.

11.  When a batsman is dismissed he/she should immediately change ends with the non-striker (on all but the last ball of the over or after a run-out).

12.  Wides and no-balls to count as 1 run, there being a maximum of 8 balls bowled in each over except the last over of an innings which must contain 6 legitimate balls.

13.  The winning team shall be the side scoring the highest number of runs after deductions for the fall of wickets.

14.  Points awarded: 4 for a win, 2 each for a tie or for an abandoned match that cannot be replayed and 1 for a loss. In the event that two or more sides are tied on points net run difference will decide their respective league positions.

15.  Each club must nominate an umpire who will stand for the whole match.

16.  The Laws of Cricket apply unless amended by these rules. Particular note must be made of Rule 17 below:

a) in the interests of consistency and safety, the high ball / beamer must be interpreted in accordance with Law 42.

b) any ball having pitched and passing over the batsman’s shoulder, standing in his normal batting stance, will be called and signalled NO BALL. Umpires are instructed to operate the warning system, explaining to the offender immediately.

c) in the interests of safety, no player shall field within 10 yards of the batsman - in front of the wicket and behind the wicket on the leg side only.