Danielle Scarpino-Perry

Regional Vice President, Independent Consultant

4345 Bitteroot Road, Reno, NV 89523


Dear Area Manager,

Congratulations on becoming an Area Manager! You have made a huge commitment toward building your Arbonne business, and I am so proud of you! You are now only one step away from your Mercedes!

The enclosed packet of information should be helpful in outlining organizational responsibilities necessary to continue growing your Arbonne team. Please let me know if you have questions regarding any of the enclosed information. I am here to help you any way I can.

Although there are new responsibilities that come with the title of Area Manager, it is absolutely essential that you continue your consultant activities: working your personal business!!! Do not get into the “my people” syndrome, assuming that your team is responsible for getting you to Region. Continue to build wide through personally sponsoring, and continue to support your existing team as well. Remember, “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me!”

I hope you find the training materials in this packet helpful! Congratulations again on your awesome accomplishment. You can start planning your car presentation! If you can go Area, I’m very confident that you WILL go Region! I’m proud of you!




(visit www.mollygeilnation.com, password: arbonnevp for all mentioned documents)



1. Ask your VP to tell you how you can help at meetings. Leadership is Action, not position. Call and welcome every new consultant on your team.

2. Hold Earn & Learns monthly with your group. Provide leadership experiences for your management team. If you live away from your VP, hold Discover Arbonne meetings and training meetings or conference calls.

3. Attend any meetings within driving distance. GTC is a must for leaders! Go to car presentations to support your sidelines and to get ideas for your own! Check out the calendar of events monthly on your NVP’s website.

4. Work your business 6 months in advance—what you are doing or not doing will show up in 6 months, so plan your success. “Who will I be promoting 6 months from now?”

5. Spend daily self-development time. Ask your upline for book recommendations. I can’t stress the importance of this step!!!!

6. Edify the company and your organization. Don’t complain to your team about Arbonne or about your upline – even if you have reason to do so! J

7. Realize you set the tone—if you don’t go for the incentive, they won’t either! Earn the trip! They need to see you go!!

8. Remember that you are not anyone’s boss! Help them get what THEY want, and accept them where they are.

9. Discipline your disappointments and manage your expectations—don’t let your feelings get the best of you!

10. Be coachable—realize that someone else might have a better perspective.

11. Get out of your office—network! “You have to circulate to percolate.”

12. Know when to let go—never abandon your people, but do put them on the back burner! Give your time and energy to your Gold Ships. “I match my time with your effort.”

13. Visualize and act the part you want. Act “as if” you are already an RVP.

14. Commit to your future. Say, “Whatever it takes” or “No Matter What”, mean it and do it! “One more action” will sometimes push you over the top.

15. Identify the leaders in your organization and work with them no matter where they are in your organization. (This will create momentum.)

16. Communicate with your key people on a regular basis. (E-mails, phone calls, etc)

17. Teach your DM’s to troubleshoot with their consultants, and then come to you. If you can’t solve it, go to your RVP. Run every new idea by your RVP or NVP FIRST!!!

18. Build for events. If you are alone in your area, create an event.

19. Understand that anything you do or say is a reflection of whom you are and where you are going.

20. Pass negatives up and positives down!

21. Recognize what you want repeated. “People work more for praises than raises!” (Post cards, phone calls, e-mails, notes, etc.)

22. Manage yourself and lead your team! Spend 1/3 of your time on your personal business, 1/3 on working in your district, and 1/3 on promoting out DM’s!

23. Know that if “it’s to be, it’s up to me!” Take responsibility for your results. Ask yourself, “What mode am I in? Blaming? Justifying? Or building?”

24. Lead by example. Be willing to do what you ask others to do. “The speed of the leader is the speed of the pack!”

25. Set the next goal: $20,000 + 10 new $150+ consultants and earn your $400 Area Manager bonus. Create your Plan of Action to promote to RVP if that is your goal What does a $10,000 a month Area look like?

100 Consultants/Preferred Clients ordering $100 a month Auto Ship

50 Consultants/ Preffered Clients doing $200 a month ($50 a week)

25 Consultants doing $400 a month ($100 a week)

20 Consultants doing $500 a month ($125 a week)

10 Consultants doing $1,000 a month ($250 a week)

5 Consultants doing $2,000 a month ($500 a week)

4 DMs going Area in 4 legs

Promoting 1 DM a month and 1 in qualification per month

Every wholesale buyer or Preferred Client counts!

Could you create $500 in volume working only 1 day a week?


One leader creating an organization creates growth and momentum:

Your Central District and 3 first gen. promoted Districts each

doing $3,000 would create a $12,000 Area.

**Duplicate that over and over and you’ll get to Region!


1. Why are you doing this? Know your “whys.”

At least 5 strong whys

Your whys will drive you and keep you focused through the ups and downs

Start acting as though you are an RVP and you will become one

2. Check list for Regional Vice President

I have made the commitment to become an RVP.

I have set a date to begin qualification.

I have read and understand the qualification requirements for RVP.

I understand that my maintenance requirement each month is $40,000.

I have taken a personal inventory of my team.

I know who my key people are and what their goals are.

I use time management effectively. I spend my time doing the activities that create volume in my business.

I am persistent and enthusiastic.

I have a positive mental attitude.

I am a team builder and an empowering leader.

*I still follow my upline – I’m a great follower.

I identify future leaders and help them qualify for management.

*I work my personal business, personally sponsoring and helping promote DMs.

I act as if I am a Regional Vice President NOW!

Continue to promote Districts, and then from your team, find 3-4 people who want to become Area Managers. Help them build their team of District Managers as they are qualifying for Area. YOU qualify for REGION! Region is $40,000 a month for three consecutive months or $96,000 over two consecutive months.

3. Belief

Have belief in yourself, you deserve success – see yourself as RVP

Have belief in your team - see them successful

*Have belief in the industry of Network Marketing

*Have belief in Arbonne

4. Set your goal

When do you want it? Be specific.

Write it down – a goal not written down is not a goal; it is a wish – affirm it each day

Pictures of you and a Mercedes Benz

Declare your goal to your upline – ask to be held accountable.

Write down specific plan to get you there. What do you have to change?

(Habits, attitude - protect your dream, don’t buy into any negativity)

5. Build your team

Let them know what your plan is. Would they like to be part of it?

Get commitments. Help them plan their goals so as a team you move up together.

*Good, great, awesome or back to the future goals, focus on helping them get what they want. Identify your leaders and assist them in getting to the next level. All win!

6. Turn up the heat

*Need more? Want more? DO more!!!

*Need more prospects, more appointments, more managers etc – DO MORE!!

*Create a big prospect list and work with priorities.

7. Work your business with the big picture in mind

*Do not be maintenance minded. Always move to the next level. If you are an Area Manager, focus on $40,000 – not $10,000.

*Your Central District should do your $10,000 Area Maintenance.

*Your Central Area should do your $40,000 Regional Maintenance.

8. If you want to be a VP – act, think and dress like one! How do they think? How do they do their business?

Get to any training they provide – even if you have heard it before.

*Be the first one to arrive at the meetings; be the last one to leave.

*Introduce yourself to VPs and get to know them.

*Ask your upline for feedback – and don’t get your feelings hurt!

9. Get support from your family

*What’s in it for them? How important is it to you? Make it a family business.

*Discuss your schedule each week and display it for all to see.

*Remind them: Short-term sacrifices; long-term rewards.

10. Going for RVP takes courage

*Commit to others to change – to work harder – to approach people that intimidate you.

*Commit to becoming the person you want to be!

*Act AS IF!!!

11. Work your business with urgency

*Do you want success in your lifetime? Or do you keep putting it off?

*No one will believe you until you have that car! So, get it!!

*Failures act as if they had 1,000 years to live!

*ACES want to follow those who are moving and shaking!

12. Know your numbers

Put your numbers on paper. This is the only way to track your progress. Remember numbers don’t lie!

*Draw your team – circles. Then draw their teams.

What does it look like? Who’s doing what?

Make back up plans. Don’t leave your destiny in anyone else’s hands.

Visualize it!

13. Are you willing to do what it takes to get there?

*What are you willing to give up? Willing to change?

(Volunteering, TV, home-cooked meals, etc…)

14. Remember:

*Before financial growth comes, you must grow personally. RVP qualification builds character and makes you grow personally.

Name: ______

My RVP: ______+______

My New Region Name______

Promote to Regional Vice President GOAL: (month, year)

GOOD______GREAT ______AWESOME______

Monthly Reports:

(available online under web reports after the 10th of each month)

Webstats: As an Area Manager, you will want to watch numbers for everyone on your team throughout the month. Don’t count on the DMs to do this! Here are some important things to watch for:

1. Make sure every business builder has $150 number every single month, in order to get an override check from Arbonne. They also need that order when they are in qualification for any level.

2. Make sure DMs have $2,500 in their Central District each month of qualification for Area. (CENTRAL DISTRICT, and not entire successline)

3. Make sure you know the maximum that your DMs can pull from each promoted out DMs in order to go Area. ($10,000 total)

Sponsoring Report: I recommend making a personal phone call to all new consultants in your Area. This will help build rapport with the consultants on your team. The sponsoring report supplies you with all necessary phone numbers and information. *Call the new consultant and say, “Hi, Mary, this is ______with Arbonne. I promise not to bug you, but I saw that you got an ID number and wanted to give you a call and welcome you to Arbonne. Did you get your packet from Arbonne? Great! Tell me, Mary, did you get your ID number to get your own products at a discount or are you looking at possibly building a business with Arbonne? (If discount, just say, “Great! I know you’re gonna love it! Please let me know if you have any questions in the future. Can I give you my name and number? I’m your Area Manager, and I’ll be happy to help you………… If business, then ask them to the next meeting and take it from there).

Performance Account Balance: You can see that under your “profile.” If your performance account is ZERO or higher, you are okay. The first month it dips below zero, you get reassigned to the level below. Also, every time you promote to the next level your performance account starts over, with ZERO balance. You also get 2 building months immediately following your promotion, in order to build your performance account.

Recognition Gift Format:
1st step DM
Flower (ROSE) from RVP
Promotion to District:
From NVP:

CD~ Building your Network Marketing Business- by Jim Rohn
From RVP:

Name Badge ~ Kristen has account set up with Excel Badge. Kristen will you please add that info here :)
From AREA :
Dare to Dream Work to Win by Tom Barrett )

personal gift around $15.00 (journal, something from the place, small jewelry or inspirational saying)

Developing the Leader within you- John Maxwell

21 Indispensable Qualities of a leader- by John Maxwell