California Dressage Society/Tehachapi Mountain Chapter

And the Bear Valley Springs Dressage Club present a concurrent event

Cool Mountain Dressage

English Dressage classes presented by the Tehachapi Mountain Chapter /CDS

-CDS Classes – Training through 4th Level & USDF Introductory Level Test C

- FEI Tests- PSG, Intermediate 1 & 2, Grand Prix

-Schooling Classes – USDF Introductory Tests A & B

Western Dressage classes presented by the Bear Valley Springs Dressage Club

- Western Dressage Classes- Intro, Basic, & Levels One to Three

Entries Close Friday, August 17, 2018

Show Date: August 26, 2018

Bear Valley Springs

Tehachapi, California

Judge: David Schmutz (S)

Cool Mountain Dressage Show

Tehachapi, California

CDS-Recognized English Classes

CAWDA-Recognized Western Classes

Entries close and must be received by Friday, Aug 17, 2018

Judge: David Schmutz (S)

Manager/Secretary: Lois Quinn 661-821-6323

Show Day Phone: 661-972-0834 & 661-972-0841

Information: Lois Quinn 661-821-6323 Veterinarian (on call) Posted at Show Office

Farrier (on call): Posted at Show Office

Send Entry to: Lois Quinn

30000 S Lower Valley Rd

Tehachapi, CA 93561

Entry Fees: Juniors 18 yrs or under $30/class; Adults: $40

No refunds after closing date.

Make checks payable to: TMC (English Classes)

BVS DC (Western Classes)

CDS Non-member Fee:(CDS recognized classes) $15 each for non-

member rider AND non-member owner (if different.)

California state drug fee: $5 per horse (mandatory for all)

CDS Travel Grant: $3 per horse (any English Dressage entry)

CAWDA High Point: $3 per horse/rider (any Western Dressage


Grounds Fee: $10 per horse per day (all non-BVS


Incomplete/Late Entries: An additional charge of $20 will be

assessed on all incomplete and late


Stabling: Limited stabling may be available.

Call Equestrian Center Manager at 661-821-3960 for information

Awards: Ribbons through third; For other awards,

See Show Rules & Regulations, Sec 8-12

Food and beverages available at the showgrounds


O = Open; A = Amateur; YR = Young Rider; J = Junior

CDS-Recognized Classes:

USDF Introductory Level Test C O, A, YR, J

Training Level: Tests 1-3 O, A, YR, J

First Level: Tests 1-3 O, A, YR, J

Second Level: Tests 1-3 O, A, YR, J

Third Level: Tests 1-3 O, A, YR, J

Fourth Level: Tests 1-3 O, A, YR, J

FEI Classes:

Prix St Georges, Intermediaire I & II,

& Grand Prix: O, A, YR, J

Non-Recognized English Classes:


Introductory Level: Tests A & B O, A, YR, J

California Western Dressage Association Recognized Classes:

Intro Level: Tests 1-4 O, A, YR, J

Basic Level: Tests 1-4 O, A, YR, J

Level One: Tests 1-4 O, A, YR, J

Level Two: Tests 1-4 O, A, YR, J

Level Three: Tests 1-4 O, A, YR, J

Level Four: Tests 1-4 O, A, YR, J


All Western Dressage tests are available online. Enter “USEF Western Dressage Tests” in your internet browser.

Directions To

Bear Valley Springs Equestrian Center

From 58 Freeway, exit at Highway 202/California Correctional

Institute off-ramp. (From Bakersfield, this is the first Tehachapi off-

ramp; from Lancaster, it is the third off-ramp). Proceed to second

traffic light. This is Valley Boulevard/Highway 202. Turn right.

There are two stoplights on Valley Boulevard. Go straight..

Approximately 5 miles from the last light you will see a right turn

pull-off lane, turn right onto Cummings Valley Road. At next

intersection, turn right onto Bear Valley Road (at school) and

proceed to Bear Valley Springs. At security gate, let them know you

are going to the Dressage Show at the Equestrian Center. Follow

road 2.4 miles to Equestrian Center, which will be on your left. (If

you reach the gas station and general store, you have gone too far).

All roads are excellent and signs are visible.

This show completes our 2018 Tehachapi Dressage Show Schedule. Thanks for your support. We hope to see you again in 2019.

2018 CDS


Active Membership ...... $70.00

Additional Family Member...... $60.00

Life Membership ...... $1,000.00 to join online

Name ______

Address ______

City ______

State ______Zip ______

Telephone (______) ______

Email ______

Chapter Preference ______

Would you like to use your Visa or MC?

Card # ______

Exp Date ______V code ______❑ visa ❑ mastercard

Signature ______

Group membership in the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) ($20) included with CDS

membership. All CDS memberships go from December to December. Anyone joining after October

1 will be a member for the following year.

Please check any of the following that apply:

❑ Renewing Member ❑ New Member ❑ Amateur

❑ Instructor/Trainer ❑ Junior Rider ( / / ) ❑ Judge _____

❑ T.D. ❑ EMT ❑ Qualified Riding Member (QRM)

❑ Nominate for Regional Adult Amateur Competition (add $25)


P O Box 417 • Carmel Valley, CA 93924

831/659-5696 • (fax) 831-659-2383


1. This Tehachapi Dressage show is governed by the rules and

specifications of the current US Equestrian Federation rulebook and will be

conducted and judged in accordance therewith. Adult Amateur entrants must

provide a copy of their current USEF Amateur DRESSAGE Card (English classes.)

2. Entries close and must be received by the closing date. Show fills on a first

come, first served basis. Entries are locked the Wednesday before the show. No

late entries will be accepted. No refunds after the closing date. A $25 fee will be

charged on any check returned by the bank.

3. Entry forms require signatures at five places: owner, rider, trainer

(mandatory) and coach/parent (if applicable). Adult responsible for the horse

should sign in trainer’s spot. It is your responsibility to make sure entries are

complete. Numbers will not be issued until entries are complete and all fees are

paid. Remember to include an emergency contact name and number.

4. CDS-Recognized classes and Schooling Classes (ENGLISH): All riders of

entered horses must wear properly fitting protective headgear passing or

surpassing current applicable ASTM (American Society for Testing and

Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards with harness secured while

riding anywhere on the Bear Valley Equestrian Center grounds. Harness must be

secured and properly fitted. Any rider violating this rule at any time will

immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headgear is properly in


5. CAWDA-Recognized Exhibition Classes (WESTERN DRESSAGE): USEF

Rules for Western Dressage competitions are located in the Western Dressage

Division of the current Rule Book, available online at

Subchapter WD 122 covers rider’s show attire. Subchapters WD119-121 cover

tack. USEF membership is not required for access.

6. Ride times will be available on the website, ( on the

Wednesday evening prior to the show. We will consider special time requests,

although we cannot promise compliance. If you do not find your ride time, it is

your responsibility to contact the Show Secretary.

7. The 2015 USEF Dressage tests will be used. Introductory tests are 2015 USDF

Introductory Tests A, B & C. Western Dressage Tests 2017 are available at

8. Cash Awards: CDS Recognized classes: (Scores must be 60% or higher.)

9. Show High Point awards will be given in each division (Junior/Young Rider,

Amateur and Open) for CDS Recognized classes of 1-3 entries. National tests


10. Class High Point awards will be given to winners of classes of four or more rides.

11. Non-Recognized Classes: No Introductory or FEI classes are eligible.

12. Western Dressage Classes: Management may, at its sole discretion, offer cash

prizes at any show

13. There is a grounds fee of $10 per horse per day for all non-residents of

Bear Valley Springs.

14. Adults must closely supervise children at all times.

15. Dogs on the show grounds must be on leash.

16. Classes may be combined or split at the sole discretion of show


17. A 20 X 60 meter court with sand footing will be used. Warmup footing

is similar. Longing is permitted in the round pens ONLY.

18. Limited stabling may be available at the show grounds. Participants may

tie horses to their trailers, or set up small portable corrals at the

Equestrian Center parking area. Camping or RV accomodations are

available in the Equestrian Center campground for an additional fee,

as are small pipe corrals. There are no RV hook-ups.

Reserve campsites or stabling by calling the Equestrian Center Manager for

availability at 661-821-3960. Charges for camping, corrals, etc will be

added to your entry fees and paid to the Equestrian Center by show


19. It is entrant’s responsibility to contact show management in the case of

inclement weather. The show will be held if footing is believed to be

safe. All exhibitors must complete a Bear Valley Springs Association

Liability Release form for 2018 before numbers will be given out.

20. Any questions not answered in these Rules will be decided by the Horse

Show Management. Their decision is final.

21. Management reserves the right to make changes, as it deems necessary.

22. CDS charges a $15 non-member fee at CDS recognized shows. If the

rider and owner are different, two non-member fees are charged