GFHSRA Meeting Minutes – November 4, 2015

Meeting called to order at 6:14 PM

1.  Attendance

  1. Board Members Present – Eric Phelps, Jesus Saucedo, Joseph Jeffers, Bryan Myszka
  2. Board Not Present – Raul Gallo
  3. Members Present – Justo Scott, Hector Gomez, William Brink, Lawrence Reynolds, Jeff Myszka, Meghan Spear, Joellen Steffen, Chad Doyle, Ben Burnett, Ricardo Villanueva
  4. New Member recognition – Joellen Steffen, Ricardo Villanueva

2.  Approval of Minutes

  1. Motion by Ben Burnett
  2. Second by William Brink
  3. Motion carries unanimously

3.  Treasurer Report

  1. $432.24 in acct.
  2. Everyone has been paid except for Liverpool

4.  New Business

  1. USSF Update
  2. Season is coming to a close
  3. Rainouts are still being rescheduled
  4. No issues to this point; good job to the association
  5. No duals are authorized for USSF games; you can lose your patch if STSR finds out that you ran a dual on a game; if you do not have your third official, you will use a club linesman to call that side
  6. UIL Preparation
  7. Test is online and open; is open book; please have test done by 10 DEC 15
  8. Scrimmages begin 28 DEC 15; try to do 3 scrimmages if possible; less scrimmages this year than last year
  9. Season begins after holidays and
  10. This association will do a PT test for anyone interested in playoffs; will attempt to use USSF test before the holidays; we will take the USSF test for members that have already passed one
  11. This association has a good reputation with UIL; we want to keep it by doing the right thing
  12. UIL PowerPoint presentation (familiarization) presented by Bryan Myszka
  13. TASO Regional Clinic
  14. Located in Temple on 14 NOV 15
  15. Clinic in person is advertised as free
  16. Online clinic will most likely have a fee; cost is to recoup operating costs
  17. Upcoming Tournaments
  18. Discussion to present available tournaments to the association
  19. Lonestars Boys College showcase is weekend after Thanksgiving; must be linked to Lonestars in Arbiter; U16 and above tournament
  20. Distinction made between UIL and USSF tournaments from the list presented
  21. Gameofficials availability
  22. Always check your availability
  23. Only had a couple of no shows this season; good job to the association
  24. Keep your availability up to date
  25. William Brink has key to jogger’s track at HHHS if anyone is interested in training for PT test

5.  Old Business

  1. Suspension
  2. One referee was suspended from all activities for 6 months; he berated an official from another association at his son’s match
  3. We held a board internally with the authorization of STSR; or else they would have conducted a board and determined the suspension
  4. Do not talk to other referees at matches without using referee ethics
  5. Referee boards are not fun; please don’t make us conduct one or your behalf
  6. Ethics and Behavior
  7. Integrity of the game
  8. Some officials in this association do not uphold the standards of being on time
  9. Do the right thing
  10. Take jersey off when not officiating a game
  11. Push your socks down when not officiating a game
  12. Be on time
  13. Communicate with other officials as necessary before, during, and after the match
  14. Call the game fair and according to the laws
  15. Put full effort into officiating the game to the best of your ability
  16. Socks discussion
  17. Do we have a standard sock?
  18. Cheapest sock probably comes with three stripe sock
  19. We will not require new, young referees to purchase different socks
  20. We as an association are not sticklers on long/short sleeve shirts
  21. Committee will be put together to discuss uniform standard options

Motion to adjourn by William Brink

Second by Hector Gomez

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM