AldridgeStateHigh School / NAME OF PRINCIPAL
Boys Avenue / STUDENT FTEs AS AT DAY 8 2008
Contextual Background
AldridgeStateHigh Schoolis now a “middle aged” school having been opened in the 1970’s and it has a population of 1000 students and 120 staff. Its age means some buildings are being to look dated and tired with facilities upkeep being a continuing issue. The demographic characteristics of Maryborough are truly represented within our School population; including an indigenous population in excess of 4%, a Special Education Program that accommodates over 100 students, a significant number of students exposed to extreme economic and social disadvantage and a significant number of students that consistently excel academically, culturally and on the sporting field. Our challenge as a school in a regional centre is to cater for the needs of not only our students but also the needs of our community and we continually strive to improve.
Whole of School Priorities include:
  1. Literacy/Numeracy and Curriculum Improvement -ensure all students meet literacy and numeracy benchmarks and achieve improved outcomes in English, Mathematics and Science using data to inform practice across the curriculum
  2. Pathways- ensure all students are provided with the opportunity to access a pathway from school to work or further education
  3. Improving Participation - develop more rigorous processes to tackle student attendance, engagement and participation
  4. Behaviour Management -establish more consistent behaviour management practices across the school
  5. Closing the Gap- continue to implement strategies to support our indigenous and other disadvantaged students through a climate of high expectations
  6. Family and Community Engagement - further develop our links and communication processes with the community and, in particular, parents
  7. Student Well-Being -provide a greater range of social and emotional learning programs,and support services, for students and families
  8. Workforce Growth - continue to support, source and value staff and provide increased access to professional development including developing leadership capacity & focusing on ICT skilling.
  9. Improve Learning Environments – continue the redevelopment of school facilities and infrastructure with a focus on the grounds & classroom environment & access to room with appropriate ICT infrastructure
  10. Creating meaningful links with prime feeder schools – seamless curriculum transition, similar pedagogy & an exposure to specific programs that differentiate the school.

A range of key stakeholder groups have been consulted and engaged:
□Students – raised at Student Representative Committee. Strong support for Radio station & ICT room infrastructure initiatives.
□P&C – discussed at October & November meetings 2009. Draft Program outline with costings also tabled & endorsed with school budget at February 2010 meeting with final program being presented at the April P&C meeting.
□LCC – Draft program outline tabled at LCC meeting on December 7 2009. At this meeting the A02 to A03 initiative was formally supported as an individual item.Final plan endorsed at LCC meeting Thursday 1 April 2010.
□Indigenous representatives–Discussed with CEC & Indigenous teacher Aides as well as inviting the Maryborough Indigenous Community Elders & Leaders group to provide input & support
□Representatives of other groups of students at risk in the school and their parents – A/HOSES a part of LCC & Middle Management discussion (especially involved with Year 8 Reading program initiative).
  • Two community planning meetings involving members of P&C, QTU, school administration & invited prominent members of the School Community
  • Whole School Staff sessions outlining initial thoughts at several staff briefings in 2009
  • Individual HOD consultation sessions
  • Discussion at Aldridge Leadership team meetings
  • Discussion and feedback at P&C meetings
  • Education Queensland at District, Regional and State level
  • Student feedback through discussion at Student Representative Committee (SRC) and with School Captains/Leaders
  • Consultation has been done in conjunction with other NP schools
  • Advice sought from Human Resources in relation to additional staffing
  • Discussion with, & feedback from, some members of Maryborough Indigenous Community Elders & Leaders group Term 1 2010

  • All students are successfully engaged in learning.
  • Young people are meeting basic literacy and numeracy standards, and overall levels of literacy and numeracy achievement are improving.
  • Schooling promotes the social inclusion and reduces the education disadvantage of children, especially indigenous children.
  • Australian students excel by international standards.
  • Young people make a successful transition from school to work and further study.
  • Community confidence in the capability of schools

  1. Incentives to attract high-performing principals and teachers
  1. Adoption of best-practice performance management and staffing arrangements that articulate a clear role for principals
  1. School operational arrangements which encourage innovation and flexibility
  1. Provision of innovative and tailored learning opportunities
  1. Strengthened school accountability
  1. External partnerships with parents, other schools, businesses and communities and provision of access to extended services


Strategies / Process Milestones
Timeframes / Estimated School Funding Contribution
(4 years) / Estimated NP Funding Contribution
(4 years) / Total Budget Allocation
(4 years)
1. Young people are meeting basic literacy and numeracy standards, and overall levels of literacy and numeracy achievement are improving.
Australian students excel by international standards / School Generated Initiatives:
SGIaExposing students to G&T type opportunities {eg: Maryborough Technology Challenge, UNSW test etc} / SGIaApex Debating (Term 1 and 2), Maryborough Technology Challenge (Term 3), UNSW tests (Term 2 &3), Tournament of Minds / $8 000 / $55 000 / $63 000
1.1 Literacy and numeracy – improving NAPLAN results across all band levels
1.1a Employ specialist teacher aides in Maths & English to assist in data analysis, identification of class specific learning needs
1.1b Partial engagement of a literacy specialist to supply cross curricular literacy support
1.1c Engage & train teacher-aides for targeted reading program with Year 8 students
1.1d Group classes in English & Maths based on Year 7 NAPLAN results & performance in Year 8
1.1e Targetted PD for English & Maths staff
1.1f Create opportunities for collaborative planning amongst English & Maths staff
1.1g Use of UNSW testing regime to reinforce NAPLAN results and to challenge G&T students
1.1h Engagement of Year 12 Maths B & C students to tutor Year 8 & 9 Maths students
1.1i Provision of appropriate resources to engage students in English & Maths
1.1jLiteracy skills development tutor to work with targeted students (key focus writing) / 1.1aTeacher Aides to be in place by week 5 Term 1 2010
1.1bIn pace by end of February 2010
1.1c Engage by week 6 Term 1 2010
 Train with Reading Recovery tutor week 7
 Identify students & send letters of invitation home week 7
 Begin program week 9 Term 1 2010
1.1dBeginning of term 1 2010
1.1fFirst opportunity by week 7 Term
Second opportunity in first 3 weeks Term 3
1.1gTerm 2 each year do test
Term 4 reflect on data when results provided to school
1.1h Potential students identified week 4
 Trained week 5
 Tutoring to begin week 6
1.1iMaths & English targeted 2010
1.1j Teacher/tutor engaged by week 4 Term 1
 Letters to identified students week 5
 After school sessions begin week 6 / (a) $50 000
(b) $20 000
(c) $15 000
(e) $15 000
(g) $5 000
(i) $40 000
$500 / $243 170
$52 721
$43 768
$25 000
$24 000
(h) $24 614
$100 000
$21 605 / $293 170
$72 721
$58 768
$40 000
$29 000
$24 614
$140 000
$22 105
1.2 Improving science performance of students
1.2a Classes grouped in Year 8 and 9 according to ability
1.2b Create opportunities for students in Year 10 to concentrate studies in the Sciences
1.2c Targeted PD for Science staff
1.2d Provision of appropriate resources to engage students in Science
1.2eUpgrade Science labs to allow ICT integration & enhanced engagement
1.2fDirected Science staff PD to utilise ICT’s, provide opportunity for collaborative planning using digital resources / 1.2aBeginning of term 1 2010
1.2bBeginning of 2010
1.2cDuring 2011
1.2dScience targeted 2011 & 2012
1.2eSmartSchool of Tomorrow Initiative 2010 – 2011 Financial Year
1.2f2011 – Units available on Web including some assessment / (d) $25 000
(e) $1.5M
*EQ Funded
(f) $4 000 / $60 000
$12 500 / $85 000
$16 500
1.3 Developing teachers capacity to teach Literacy, Numeracy and Science
1.3a Employment of a literacy/numeracy mentor teacher to (i) work with English & Maths staff in Years 8 & 9 (ii) link Yr 7 curriculum to Yr 8
1.3b Whole of staff literacy PD
1.3c Partial engagement of a literacy specialist to supply cross curricular literacy support (noted 1.1b)
1.3dTargeted PD for English, Maths & Science staff (noted 1.1e, 1.2c)
1.3eSpecific PD for key staff (Mentor teacher, English/Maths HOD & specialist teacher aides
1.3fWork area set up costs / 1.3a Advertise week 2 Term 1 2010
 Identify successful teacher week 4 Term 1
 Begin on site week 6 Term 1
1.3bAll staff through day 1 and 2 of 5 day literacy training package Term 2 2010 & 23 staff complete all 5 days
1.3cIn place by end of February 2010
1.3dMaths & English 2010, Science 2011
1.3eLiteracy Coach training Term 1 2010
Fierce Conversation training
Data Analysis skilling
Exposure & training with OneSchool functions
For mentor teacher, teacher aides etc / (a) $20 000
(b) $80 000
see 1.1b
see 1.1e & 1.2c / $418 658
$40 000
$4 000 / $438 658
$80 000
$40 000
$4 000
1.4 Developing staff capacity to understand & use data and personalise student learning
1.4a Engage Turn Around team to provide PD to English, Maths & Science staff on using NAPLAN & UNSW data to identify cohort/ class & individual learning needs
1.4bWork with other WB Phase 1 and 2 schools to offer PD for HOD’s focusing on data use
1.4cEngage ancillary support for other departments to allow HOD’s & teachers to focus on key tasks / 1.4aOne School NAPLAN – February 12 2010
Ongoing through out 2010 & 2012
1.4bMarch 21st & 22nd 2010
1.4c10hrs additional support for KLA’s currently with no specific administrative support
Position begins 2011 / (a) $2 000
(b) $2 000 / $5 000
$60 630 / $2 000
$7 000
$60 630
2. All students are successfully engaged in learning.
Schooling promotes the social inclusion and reduces the education disadvantage of children, especially indigenous children. / School Generated Initiatives:
SG2aEnsuring at least 30% of GLA’s allow teachers to utilise ICT skills to engage/capture student interest
SG2bEngagement of additional IT technician time to ensure IT infrastructure working
SG2cCreate links to key feeder schools through delivery of some programs by ASHS staff to Year 6 and 7 students.
(Year 7 to 8 Transition program)
2.1 Closing the gap for Indigenous students and developing a culture of high expectation for all students
2.1a Increasing on site time of Community Education Counsellor (Home Liaison Officer) to support & monitor indigenous students
2.1b Employment of two indigenous teacher aides to work with students in key areas
2.1c Individual Learning/Education plans to be developed for every indigenous student
2.1d Regular monitor & updating of Individual Learning/Education plans
2.1eWhole of staff refocus on Virtues program (values & beliefs) & focus on staff groups building strong teams
2.1fPeer mentor program (link Senior Indigenous students with specific junior students to act as role models/ mediators / SG2aTwo rooms per year upgraded with data points, short throw Smartboards/roof mounted data projectors, cabling for laptop attachment
SG2bAdditional 0.3FTE of IT technician time from beginning of 2010
SG2cVolleyball (to link with Volleyball Extension program) & Science – Semester 2
Mentor teacher working with Yr 7 staff Term 2 & 3 – “pedagogy to prepare students for high school” (see 1.3a)
2.1aWeek 5 Term 1 2010
2.1bWeek 5 Term 1 2010
2.1cBy the end of Semester 1 2010
2.1dFormal monitoring twice per year. SEP & LD Indigenous students followed up by SEP & LD staff. Other Indigenous students followed up Home Liaison Officer & teacher aides
2.1eJuly 2010.
2.1f Appropriate Year 10 & 11 students identified at end of 2010
 Week 2 Term 1 - Link appropriate students
Week 2 Term 1 - Set up meeting schedule / $110 000
(a) $50 353
(b) $44 750 / $220 000
$73 750
$83 735
$93 212
$69 370
$15 000
$2 000 / $220 000
$73 750
$83 735
$143 565
$104 120
$15 000
$2 000
2.2 Action Research Projects to improve student learning outcomes of identified student cohorts such as:
  • Homeless
  • Indigenous
  • Refugees
  • ESL (Indigenous, Pan Pacifica & other)
  • Disabilities (including number of students awarded a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement)
  • Additional learning needs
  • Others
/ One of:
  • Effect of the implementation of the SEL program on the behavioural/social outcomes of 2011 Year 8 cohort.
  • Effect of targeted behavioural intervention strategies on 2010 Year 8 cohort.

2.3 Student attendance rates including Indigenous attendance
2.3aPublicise importance of attendance through newsletters, billboard & a community launch of every day counts initiative
2.3bEngagement of a community liaison officer to positively promote school & school happenings & to monitor student absence & make direct contact with homes.
2.3cHome Liaison Officer to make home visits to indigenous family homes where attendance is concerning
2.3dEarly application of warning phase for enrolment cancellation
2.3eSupport the increase of school based vocational subjects (eg hair Dressing) / 2.3a Media support for week 4 Launch 2010
 School Notice Board has 95% target noted for several weeks each year
 Formalise links with business community & media outlets (end of February 2010).
2.3bCLO in place at beginning of school year
2.3cWeek 5 Term 1 2010
2.3dYear 11 & 12 Attendance monitoring to begin week 5 Term 1.
2.3eStudents enrol in hairdressing
Physical resources meet SAS requirements / $1 000
$1 000
$4 000 / $293 063
see 2.1a
$19 000 / $294 064
$23 000
2.4 Positive Behaviour Support - Reducing School Disciplinary Absences where behaviours issues are consistently high
2.4a Key identified staff members to support/ follow up on student issues
Rationale for Year 10: Key transition time. Students need to be closely monitored for behaviour, academic engagement at this time
2.4bCreation of a cross campus AEP program for students struggling with behavioural requirements at school. / 2.4aEngagement & placement of Year Level Co-ordinator for Year 8, 9, 10 & Senior years
Staff in place by beginning of term 1 2010
2.4bStructure & negotiations (BDSE, local BMST’s etc) completed by end of Term 1 2010
 Students identified and parents contacted mid Term 1 2010 / (a)$320 000
(b) $80 000 / $209 329
$80 000 / $529 329
$160 000
2.5 Student wellbeing and support
2.5aEmployment of Guidance Officers, Chaplain, Home Liaison Officer & Year Level Co-ordinators
2.5bHarm Minimisation program (NuPath)
2.5cEnhancement of student engagement & promotion of student leadership.
  • ceremonies (badges/food)
  • blazers/pockets, badges etc)
  • Anti-bullying programs
  • Student Parliament programs
2.5dCreation of a school radio station
Rationale: Increase student involvement in school, enhance communication & decrease recess behaviour management issues.
2.5eCasual employment of students at risk of missing opportunities.
2.5fWeek-end openings of the Library for last half of each term
2.5eProvision of sporting extension programs/opportunities to create an additional purpose to attend school / 2.5aGO – 0.3 FTE to begin term 1 2010
Chaplain – beginning of term 1 2010
Others noted previously
2.5bAlcohol Awareness program to be run in Term 3 each year.
2.5cCeremonies (Leader’s Induction, Meritorious Certificates, Award’s Night Leaders Workshops)
Bullying (Cyber bullying Awareness - students and parents Term 1, Drama production based on bullying theme Term 1)
2.5d Finalise location term 1 2010
 Plans drawn end of term 2 2010
Purchase of infrastructure
Selection & training of DJ’s in term 3
Station operational mid term 4 2010
2.5eParticular focus on students involved in extra curricula activities (eg: sport, cultural)
2.5fAdvertise week 2, 3 & 4 each term
2.5eQld & Australian Schools Volleyball Cup
Triathlon & Basketball programs etc / (a)$280 000
$32 000
(c) $10 000
(d) $10 000
$10 000 / $147 238
(b) $8 000
$28 000
$45 000
(e) $21 931
$40 000 / $459 238
$8 000
$38 000
$55 000
$21 948
$14 800
$50 000
3. Young people make a successful transition from school to work and further study / 3.1 Improving student transition to work and further study
3.1aEmployment of a School to Work transition Officer with a brief on Work Experience, SAT’s & Structured Work Placement
3.1bEngagement of School Based IT Trainees (1 year 11 & 1 year 12)
3.1cAdministrative support for HOD’s Senior Schooling/VET
3.1dTraining & accreditation of staff to run certified courses (eg: Cert IV in Training and Assessment). / 3.1aIn place by end of term 1 2010
Target: 40 SAT’s in 10 – 12 by end of 2014
All year 10’s engaged in Work Experience
3.1bInterview at end of year 10, begin from Day 1 year 11. 1 trainee 2010, 2 from 2011 – 13
3.1cBegin day 1 2010.
3.1dApproximately 6 staff/year (2010-2013)
Course costs: $450
TRS costs: 2 TRS/person ($750) / (a) $4 000
(b) $4 000
(c) $4 000 / $131526
$69 956
$75 071
(d) $7 200 / $135 526
$73 956
$79 071
$7 200
3.2Partnerships with Higher Education, Training and Business that promote meaningful pathways including pathways for students at educational risk such as students with a disability and Indigenous students
3.2aLink with Beacon Foundation to enhance school – business links
3.2bCreative writing program link with University of Sunshine Coast
3.2cSupport for Trade Training Centre both teacher & ancillary
3.2dLink to University of Southern Queensland through programs such as Head Start & Nursing / 3.2aGather with other interested secondary schools (Term 1)
Begin formal set up by end of Term 2
Beacon start working with Year 10 2011
3.2bNegotiations begin Term 1
Staff & students identified Term 2
Programs begin at start of Term 3 and 4
3.2cEngagement of 0.2 FTE teacher (Term 4)
Engagement of 6 hrs teacher aide (Term 1)
Engagement of 3hrs teacher aide (ongoing)
3.2dOngoing through out the year
Target: 12 students in Nursing, 10 students on Head Start / (a) $500
(d) $2 000 / $500
(b) $20 931
(c) $19 719
(c) $27 611
$17 000 / $1 000
$20 931
$19 719
$27 611
$19 000
4. Community confidence in the capability of schools / School Generated Initiatives:
SG4aEnsuring that the community’s first impression of the school is a positive one by enhancing school appearance (ie: landscaping, gardens etc)
4.1 Improving parent reporting – particularly around student wellbeing
4.1aIncreased time in office area to respond quickly to parent contacts, respond to enhanced contact both electronic & paper based with parents around absence, set up a designated trained Administration Officer to deal with first aid & to manage increase in ancillary staff associated with NP initiative.
4.1bIncrease number & time allocation for Year Level Co-ordinator position
4.1cIncrease contact with indigenous families through engagement of a Home Liaison Officer position
4.1dPartner with Elders & Leaders group to support initiative to engage a Project Officer (grant being applied for through P.A.C.E) to create a functional local parents group.
4.1eLogistical support for indigenous parent meetings (tadministrative, catering) / SG4a Plans drawn up in stages all plans completed & agreed on end of 2011
 Work begins either when expenditure of NP projects falls below expected amount or in 2012
4.1aA02 increase in 2010 -11
A02 to A03 reform by upgrade
4.1bsee 2.4a
4.1Person in place by end of Term 1 2010 (see 2.1a)
4.1dGrant applied for Term 1 2010 by Elders
(Grant application $30 000)
NP funds to extend Project Officer time in 2011
4.1eMeetings to begin by Term 3 2010 / (a) $20 000 / $50 000
(a) $28 619
(b) $48 334
(d) $10 000
(e) $500 / $70 000
$28 619
$48 334
$10 000
4.2 Parent and community engagement programs (including Indigenous engagement)
4.2aPromote and support parent programs focusing on literacy/numeracy skill development of parents
4.2bProvide both student & parent forums for learning around issues such as cyber safety/bullying
4.2cAdditional time to support CEC role with home visits (HLO) / 4.2aOffered Term 1 and 3 each year in conjunction with teacher aide training
4.2bJenny Hughes & BMST’s complete classes with all Year 8’s on cyber bullying by end of term 1
ACMA engaged for parent forum term 1 each year
4.2csee 2.1a / (a) $3 000
(b) $1 000
(b) $500 / $12 000 / $15 000
$1 000
4.3 Improving teacher quality and workforce planning
4.3aTargeted PD especially in English, Maths & Science to allow for collaborative planning, production of widely accessible planning & assessment documents (digital) & to promote group analysis of subject linked/based data (NAPLAN, Levels of Achievement, UNSW, Behavioural referrals etc)
4.4bContinue close links with USQ teacher practicum groups to identify & engage quality graduates
4.4cRisk manage very experienced English & Maths departments by engaging graduates/teachers early in careers in these departments
4.4dExplicit directed PD aimed at enhancing ICT knowledge & use in a productive pedagogical sense / 4.3a see 1.1e, 1.1f, 1.1g, 1.2c, 1.2f, 1.3a
4.4clinked to 4.4b
4.4dProvision of TRS, Course registration, purchase of ICT tools with which to practice
Target: 30% staff ICT licence holders 2013 / (d) $20 000 / $80 000 / $100 000
Additional Strategies if budget underspent
2.1fCreation of an after school/week end detention room run by a dedicated teacher aide
SG1bExposure of students with ability in the literacy area to quality theatrical production
SG2dPurchase of a 23 seat mini bus & construction of a shed to house
SG2e“Good ideas” funding source to recognise & celebrate individual & group student achievement / 2.1f5 hours/week
SG1bOne or two trips per year to Brisbane to Lyric Theatre/Southbank
SG2dIn 2013 if expenditure falls well short of projected figures
SG2eOngoing as worthy individual and/or group achievements come to light / $2 000
$40 000 / $24 000
(6 000/yr)
$4 000
$100 000
$4 000 / $24 000
$6 000
$140 000
$4 000