EDCI 360, Spring, 2005, page 1

EDCI 490EDCI 490

PurdueUniversity – Department of Curriculum and Instruction –Spring, 2005

EDCI 360: Program Development in Family and Consumer Sciences Education (3 credits)

EDCI 490: Teaching FACS in the Middle/Junior High School (3 credits)

Steven C. Beering Hall of Liberal Arts & Education (BRNG), Room 3166

Tuesday & Thursday 10:30 – 11:45, until further notice

Course Instructor

Becky A. Newell, CFCS, Instructor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office: Beering Hall, Room 3168

Office hours: By appointment

Phone: 765-496-2978 (office); 765-474-4397 (home, before 8:00 p.m.)

E-Mail: Fax: 765-496-1622

Mailing Address: 100 North University Street, West Lafayette, IN47907-2098

Secretary: 494-7290, Beering Hall Room 3134

Course Description

Instructional program development for family and consumer sciences. Developmental needs and issues of early adolescents and integration of language arts, math, and other content areas are emphasized, with corresponding impacts on standards-based curriculum and instruction for family and consumer sciences. Includes observations and interactions with family and consumer sciences teachers and students. 3 credits.

Course Textbooks and Resources

Required(Purchase at bookstore)

Chamberlain, V. M. & Cummings, M. N. (2003). Creative instructional methods for family & consumer sciences, nutrition & wellness. NY: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

Canary, A. J. The importance of reading in family and consumer sciences (2001). Ellensburg, WA: Family & Consumer Sciences Education Association. (Purchase in class through Dr. Fox)

Task Stream website subscription – for electronic portfolio. Details provided in class.

Recommended (Purchase in class through Mrs. Newell or from publisher; also on reserve in the TRC)

Jackson, Tom. Activities that teach, More activities that teach, Still more activities that teach, Activities that teach family values, Conducting group discussions with kids. Cedar City, UT: ActiveLearningCenter (

Lowe, V. and Howell, L. (1994). How do we know they know? Alternative assessments in home economics. Ellensburg, WA: Family & Consumer Sciences Education Association.

Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D.B., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (

Assigned Websites

Indiana Department of Education:

Modular Instruction:
(Purdue University Technology Education lab)
(CHEC Systems commercial website)
(Synergistic Systems commercial website)
(Applied Educational Systems commercial website)

Course Goals

1.0Implement overall program design, promotion, and community relations for family and consumer sciences (FACS) education.

1.1.Locate and interpret documents and explain relationships among National and Indiana Standards, rules, and curriculum guidelines for FACS Education.

1.2.Analyze impacts of various school, community, and societal factors on family and consumer sciences programs.

1.3.Explain needs and strategies for overall design, development, and promotion of family and consumer sciences programs, including advisory committees.

1.4.Foster central roles for “Reasoning for Action” and FACS process areas (thinking, communication, leadership, and management) within family and consumer sciences.

1.5.Examine applications of language arts, math, and other content areas within family and consumer sciences.

2.0Recognize and address developmental characteristics and needs of adolescents, especially early adolescents, in family and consumer sciences education.

2.1.Analyze developmental characteristics and needs of early adolescents and their implications for FACS education.

2.2.Assess various conceptual and facility structures for middle-level FACS programs in relationship to FACS academic standards and early adolescent development.

2.3.Examine roles and responsibilities of a FACS teacher in working with students with special needs.

3.0Design curriculum and instruction for family and consumer sciences.

3.1.Examine implications of various input factors on FACS curriculum & instruction, including: learners, subject-matter trends, resources, societal trends, community characteristics, educational psychology, and philosophies.

3.2.Demonstrate processes for developing/selecting course goals, content, learning experiences, and assessments correlated with FACS academic standards.

3.3.Demonstrate integration of language arts, math, and other content areas within family and consumer sciences curriculum.

3.4.Examine and select teacher and student resource materials, including textbooks.

3.5.Select standards-based learning experiences and assessments that address various student needs and learning styles.

3.6.Demonstrate curriculum development for courses, units, and lessons.

4.0Exhibit professionAL standards and behaviors.

4.1.Articulate a personal philosophy of family and consumer sciences education, particularly for early adolescents.

4.2.Demonstrate professional attitudes, work patterns, appearance, and demeanor.

4.3.Maintain ethical standards in interactions with students, colleagues, parents, and community members.

4.4.Demonstrate ongoing professional development.

4.5.Create systems for obtaining and organizing professional resources.

4.6.Document professional competence.

Course Assignments and Grades

Further information, guidelines, and criteria distributed in class

Due Date / Assignment / Points
Possible Earned
1/25 / Topic Display (group) / 100
2/1 / Early Adolescent Development Report (Individual) / 200
2/8 / Program Structures Report (individual) / 200
3/1 / FACS Foundations Report (individual) / 200
3/8 to 4/19 / Curriculum project – Individual, group, and in-class reports’
Additional details provided in class / 700
Final Exam (individual, open notebook) / 100
Total / 1500

Grades: 1500-1350 = A 1349-1200 = B 1199–1050 = C 1049–900 = D Below 900 = F

EDCI 360 (EDCE 490) – Spring 2005


One late assignment is allowed, without penalty, per semester.

Late assignments must be arranged by 8:00 a.m. the day they are due by e-mailing Mrs. Newell.

Attach a copy of her e-mail response and this coupon to the assignment when it is submitted.

Turn in within one week of original due date.

EDCI 360 (EDCI 490) – Spring 2005


One revise-and resubmit assignment is allowed, without penalty, per semester.

A request to possibly re-do an assignment must be e-mailed to Mrs. Newell within one week after the assignment is initially returned. Due date for revisions as announced in class.

Include the following with the revised assignment:

* Copy of e-mail exchange showing request & permission to revise-and-resubmit

* This coupon

* A separate, full-sized cover sheet that lists each section that was revised with a brief (1-2 sentence) explanation of the shortcoming(s) and how these are addressed in your revision.

* The original, graded assignment with post-it notes marking the section(s) to be re-graded

* The original score sheet

Course Policies
  1. Student feedback and suggestions related to course topics, assignments, and schedules are welcome. If you have ideas or questions about anything related to this course, please contact Mrs. Newell immediately.
  2. On-time class attendance is expected. More than two absences, late arrivals, or early departures will deduct 10 points per occurrence from your course point total. Please inform Mrs. Newell if you will not be able to attend the entire class session.
  3. If assignments are turned in late, 5% of possible points will be deducted for eachday late. One exception per semester (see coupon, page 5).
  4. All assignments are to be individual work, unless specified as “group”. Evidence of academic dishonesty of any type can lead to a failing grade in the course.
  5. Curriculum Project Final Report, completed using Task Stream, is required for Gate C of the Teacher Education Portfolio. If this assignment is not completed satisfactorily it will result in a failing grade in EDCI 360.
  6. Students with disabilities must be registered with Adaptive Programs in the Office of the Dean of Students before classroom accommodations can be provided. If you have a disability that will impact your work in this class, make an appointment with Mrs. Newell by Friday, Jan. 21, 2005 to discuss your needs.
  7. Books, articles, videos, middle and high school textbooks, curriculum guides, and other resource materials in addition to those specifically listed on the syllabus will be available on loan or reserve in the TRC, on loan from Mrs. Newell, and available in some cases from school-based colleagues. Students are expected to take initiative to identify and obtain needed reference items and resources.
  8. Materials borrowed from Mrs. Newell, the TRC, and school-based colleagues must be returned before final grade will be submitted.

EDCI 360, Spring, 2005, page 1

EDCI 490EDCI 490

Course Schedule
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/ Topics / Readings & Assignments
To be completed before class
1 / Jan 10-14 /
  • Course Overview
  • Instructional Resources in Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Introduce “Topic Display” assignment (due Jan 25)

  • Early Adolescents’ Developmental Characteristics
  • Introduce “Early Adolescent Development” report
  • Chamberlain & Cummings, Chpt 2, pp. 17-25
  • Early Adolescent Development (TRC)

2 / Jan 17-21 /
  • FACS Standards and middle school modules
  • Integrating math, science, and language arts
  • Middle School Standards and Guidelines - Indiana FACS website
  • Chamberlain & Cummings, Chapter 17
  • Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, Jan 2004, Vol.26, Issue 1
  • National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education

  • Middle School Family and Consumer Sciences: Curriculum and Program Structures
  • Structures for early adolescent education (TRC, websites)

3 / Jan 24-28 / “Topic Display”- student displays, reports, and discussion / Due: Topic Display
Comparison of Program Structures /
  • Before class: Observe modular lab, KNOY Hall and review websites (guidelines provided in class)

4 / Jan 31-Feb 4 / Discuss “Early Adolescent Development” readings and observations / Due: “Early Adolescent Development” report
Modular Instruction – Field Experience
Tentative date, arrangements TBA
5 / Feb 7-11 /
  • Discuss: Field Experience and Program structures
  • Foundations of FACS Curriculum – Overview
/ Due: Program structures report
  • Foundations of FACS Curriculum
  • “Reasoning for Action” Handouts
  • Fox & Laster (2000) (file/TRC)

6 / Feb 17-18 /
  • Foundations of FACS Curriculum
  • FACS Process Areas (TRC)

  • Foundations of FACS Curriculum
  • Indiana Standards for Math, Science, & Language Arts

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/ Topics / Readings & Assignments
To be completed before class
7 / Feb 21-25 /
  • Foundations of FACS Curriculum
/ Due: Foundations of FACS Report
Curriculum Project – Introduction
8 / Feb 28- Mar 4 / Curriculum Project
Curriculum Project
9 / Mar 7-11 / Curriculum Project
Curriculum Project /
10 / Mar 21-25 / Curriculum Project
Curriculum Project
11 / Mar 28- Apr 1 / Curriculum Project
12 / Apr 4-8 / Curriculum Project
Curriculum Project
13 / Apr 11-15 / Curriculum Project
Curriculum Project
14 / Apr 18-22 / Curriculum Project
15 / Apr 25-29 / Student Teaching Overview & Q & A (M. Griffin)
Portfolio Preparation
16 / May 2-6 / Final Exam—Details TBA