Supported Living – Mountain View House
Resident Guidelines
- Residents will remain on Supported Living Housing premises after 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. on weekdays. Curfew is 10:00 p.m.Sunday through Thursday;11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
- All residents must fill out the Sign in/Sign Outlog when leaving and returning to Mountain View. It is the resident’s responsibility to have a staff member initial the sheet when leaving and returning to Mountain View House.
- A Resident Leave Authorization form must be filled out and signed by the resident and a staff member in advance. AnSBHC team must preauthorize a leave of more than twelve hours or overnight visit.
- Residents may invite guests to Supported Living Facilities between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekends. Visitors will not be allowed in the residents’ bedrooms without staff’s authorization. Guests will be entertained in the main living area. Supported Living management reserves the right to prohibit visitors to the facility based upon resident treatment needs and appropriateness of the situation. No overnight guests are allowed.
- Resident’s personal belongings will be inventoried prior to admission to any Supported Living Housing Facility and periodically throughout the residency. Unsafe or illegal belongings that may pose a danger (i.e. illegal drugs, OTC medications, prescription medications, weapons, etc.) will be confiscated by the staff. Inventory will be conducted with client and two staff members present.
- All belongings will be stored in the resident’s closet (locker) or dresser. Each resident will be issued a room and a closet upon admission. Duplex residents will receive a door key.
- Duplex residents are allowed to have his/her personal vehicle at a Supported Living Housing Facility provided that it is registered, has a current safety inspection, insurance policy in force, and the resident has a valid driver’s license. All maintenance and repair to the vehicle are the sole responsibility of the resident. Residents of Mountain View House are not allowed to have personal vehicles on facility grounds.
- Residents will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining specific areas of the building. Staff will rotate sections regularly. Each section is to be cleaned daily (except Sundays) before the residents will be allowed to leave the premises for socializing, walks etc.
- Residents will be responsible for keeping rooms neat and orderly based on the following standards:
- Beds made every morning
- Clothes kept off the floor
- Carpet vacuumed as needed
- Furniture polished
- Personal items arranged neatly
- Clothes and linens washed on weekly laundry day
- Nothing stacked on the floor
- Space under the bed will be cleaned
- Residents are required to take medications as prescribed by a licensed medical doctor. Residents agree to surrender prescriptions and other medications to Supported Living Staff and agree to allow staff to monitor the resident in taking her/his medications. The resident also agrees to inform the Supported Living Staff or an Agency nurse of any concerns or side effects of medications.
- Residents are required to attend club Monday through Friday during designated times, or other constructive activities, and attend Saturday Activities. Duplex residents are required to participate in at least 20 hours of approved activity per week, i.e., club house, school, TEP etc.
- Shows watched on the television will be decided by a majority vote of the residents in the living room unless television has been reserved with the staff signature 12 hours in advance. No televisions or VCR’s are allowed in the bedrooms. No R rated movies are allowed and all movies require approval by staff.
- Residents are responsible for meal preparation and clean-up on their assigned day. Residents are assigned kitchen days on a rotating schedule based on room number. Staff will assist and monitor residents in meal preparation and clean-up. Menu planning will be completed by staff and will be approved by the contracted agency nutritionist. Meals will be balanced, nutritional and will include the basic food groups. Residents at the duplexes will be assigned cupboard space and are responsible for preparing their own daily meals.
- Drinks containing caffeine will not be permitted at Mountain View House. Coffee, tea soda, etc., must be caffeine free.
- The kitchen has posted times for meals. It is closed before and after those times. Exceptions will be made to these rules based on clients’ needs.
- Porch area. For those with porch areas, you must keepyour porch free from clutter and attractive in appearance. Please do not use the porch area as a storage area or a place to dry clothes.
- Cleanliness. Supported Living Housing facility will purchase basic cleaning supplies for clients.
- Security. The adult independent living facilities are equipped with door locks. When you leave, you should securely lock your door and make sure that all windows are closed.A charge of $15.00 will be assessed to re-key your locks due to loss of keys.
- Emergency/Crisis Management. Please refer to posted emergency numbers.
- Smoking is only permitted at outside designated areas. Smoking inside a facility is absolutely prohibited.
- If engaged in any disagreement with another resident or staff, the resident may not use physical force in any manner.
- Quiet hours will be 10:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m.
- Residents are to refrain from using or abusing any illegal substance on or off Supported Living premises. Residents will submit to a drug screening if requested by the Supported Living Staff.
- Residents will not posses or carry any weapons on Supported Living premises.
- Male residents are not allowed in female residents’ rooms and the female residents are not allowed in the male residents’ rooms.
- Please have chores done, room clean, medications taken care of, and be neat in appearance before signing out.
- Follow a treatment plan as discussed with your Primary Recovery Coordinator.
Residential Forms-MVH-Resident Guidelines – MG –6-11