TIME : 15H00



1. / Opening / ·  The meeting was officially opened by a prayer. / Mr Mampi T. (NW)
2. / Welcome / ·  Welcomed all members present.
·  Try my level best to serve all the Provinces. Not be able to work alone.
·  Thank you very much for your presence as volunteers.
·  Last night we had the Mayor’s function and his speech really touched my heart. He said the business people and the public must be aware of the Intellectually Impaired and what they are doing.
·  Let’s workvery hard for our athletes.
·  Wish you all the best and lets continue to do the good work.
·  Feel free to give your inputs during the meeting and let’s help each other. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
3. / Attendance / ·  Attendance register was circulated.
3.1. / Apologies / ·  The following apologies were rendered : Rudy, the Vice President, Albert Warnick,the PRO, Japi Sibanyoni, General Secretary, Theuns Luus, Sport Code Convenor. Veronica Phetoane BB Convenor,Gilbert Tshikosi,Hokker Convenor,BenjiPoho,Black Ball Convenor, Rocky Makgoka, Athletics Convenor will join us later, FS Province; / RegieMabitsela (Ass. Sec)
4. / Confirmation of meeting / ·  According to the constitution, the confirmation of the meeting should be done by the GS but it didn’t go out. (the Games Program indicated that the Council Meeting will take place on the 20th March 2013)
·  Our apology to that and the proposed agenda only got out on the 19th March 2013.
·  Council members agreed to proceed with the meeting / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
5. / Adoption of agenda / ·  It was read to the council members. / RegieMabitsela(Ass. Sec)
Adopted - Ina Grundelingh (NW)
Seconded – Jerry Hlatswayo (Indoor Rowing)
6. / Minutes of the previous meeting / ·  Minutes were sentto the provinces well in time, no need to read the minutes again. / RegieMabitsela (Ass. Sec)
Seconder : ThapeloTshetlo (GP)
6.1. / Corrections and Amendments / ·  Corrected and amended. / Council Members
6.2. / Adoption of the minutes / ·  Moved for the adoption of the minutes as amended as the true reflection of what was discussed on the 30th September 2012, at 18h45 in Bloemfontein. / Mover: RegieMabitsela (Ass. Sec)
Seconder: Julia Legodi (GP)
6.3. / Matters arising from the minutes / None
7. / Discussion Points
7.1. / Reports / a)  Eligibility Report.
The Eligibility Mini Conference will be held on the 21st March at Olympiapark Stadium.
b)  Coaches Report
Attendance was good. The facilitator encourage the members to visit SASCOC website
under Coaches Conference 2012.
Comments : The conference workshop was not well advertised in time. Provinces
would like to bring their Head Coaches to the Games to attend the conference.
Wish those who attended could do justice to our athletes. Our athletes are to be registered with IPC (International Paralympic Committee).
c)  SASCOC Election
Jappie Sibanyoni (SG)was delegated to represent SIISA but we don’t have any report yet.
d)  SRSA – School Sport events
Provinces indicated their involvement/engagement with their Sport Confederations.
EC - Fully engaged, NC - Not yet, LP -involve in Sports Council, KZN – involve, FS - Fully
Involve, GP – not yet, MP – not yet, NW – not yet.
Memorandum to SRSA: We need to redefine our priorities. Talk about funding, how we want to be funded, Level of support, priority codes, age grouping.
National Representatives will take all this inputs to the National meetings.
SASA-II Document to be prepared by NEC and send to all the Provinces for inputs.
This SASA-II Document must be presented to the Provincial Sports Confederations and other stakeholders.
No report was submitted by SG about the submission made to SRSA after the last SRSA School Sport meeting. We submitted the proposal and the budget and will make a follow up on the progress. The information letter will be send to the provinces as soon as there is a response. Long discussion on funding problems encountered by provinces.
e)  Football – SAFA Meeting
The National Football Convenor was accompanied by Mr Mangadi N, a previous Football Convener, to SAFA on the 4th March. Mr.Mangadi introduced Mr. Joseph Matlakala to the relevant people in SAFA.
The following were requested in order to assist SASA-II as Associated Members: Audited finance report, constitution, programme and affiliation of R1000.00 per year. This will assist SASA-II to be able to receive the SAFA grants.
SAFA emblem is not allowed to be used by SASA-II – SAFA emblem belongs to an Independent body. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
Freddy Phihlela
Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
Lizzie Vogel (Pres) + members
Joseph Matlakala
7.2. / Programs / SASA- II Five year program.
·  Provinces need to considerthe availability of resources before they bid to host a specific event.
2014 Age Group Summer Games - KZN
2014 Age Group Games - ??
2015 SA Open Summer Games : NC
2015 SA Open Games : MP
2016 SA Age groups Summer Games : EC
2016 SA Age Group Games : WC
2017 SA Open Summer Games : LP
2017 SA Open Games : NW
2018 SA Age Group Summer Games : GP
2018 SA Age Group Games : KZN
·  INAS Program
Athletics World Championships – Czech Rep. 9 – 19 June 2013
Swimming World Championships – New Caledonia. 14 – 25 October 2013
Basketball World Championships – Turkey. 19 – 28 October 2013
Table Tennis World Championships – Hong Kong. 11 – 19 December 2013
Cross Country World Championships – Poland. 11 – 15 April 2014
Football World Championships – Brazil. 11 – 25 Augustus 2014
·  Africa programme.
All the SA Games are open to other Africa countries as decided in 2009
·  It is good to have a shadow team but it will only become a final team when we get funding for such teams.
·  SASA-II will ask SATTB toassist the table tennis players to be able to send a few players to the World Championships in Hong Kong in December. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
7.3. / Anti Doping Policy / ·  SASA – II needs an Anti-Doping policy.
·  One of the EXCO members, possibly Albert/Rudi and one member per province to assist in drafting the anti-dopingpolicy. Excising policies, Inas/SASCOC/IPC to be used
·  Provinces have to send the name of a person delegated to work on the Anti-Doping policy to Regie as soon as possible. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
7.4. / SASA-II participation in Paralympics / ·  SASA-II had swimmers that qualified to participate in the 2012 Paralympics. They were also on the OPX program but unfortunately II athletes were not included in Team SA. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
7.5. / INAS Directors / ·  Inas Directors will be appointed and not elected as before. Inas Directors will be announced at the BGM in Brazil 25 - 28 April.
·  Winston Stubbs (Inas Cricket Director)was nominated as Inas Cricket Director for his second and last term by the executive committee
·  Some CouncilMembers didn’t agree with the nomination. The nomination remained. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
7.6. / Hosting of National events / ·  No change in SASA-IIBidding and Hosting procedure for National Games.
·  There are documents that are needed to be filled when you host. Some sections must be filled by the various supporting Departments and supporting stakeholders. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
7.7. / SASA-II National Games / ·  Athletics and Cross-Country to be held in September Games. It will give us enough time to prepare the team in terms of Eligibility process when a team take part in World Championships.
·  Summer Games codes will be Cricket, Indoor Rowing, Blackball(Pool),Swimming, Table Tennis and Hokker.
·  Sept/Oct Games will be Athletics, Basketball, Cross-Country, Football, Futsal, and Netball.
·  Ladies Soccer and Cricket were suggested as part of SASA-II codes. It was agreed that it will be a 3 year provincial level program before we will decide to take it to National level. / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
KZN member
7.8. / SRSA Project / The grant that we applied for from SRSA was granted. An amount of R600000.00 were received for the planned projects:
1. Balls for all Ball Games per province.
National Convenorsto receive their balls for National Games and events.
2. Blackball Workshop. Willbe held in FS in May and each provincehave to send 2
delegates. 21 peoplewill be in attendance for 2 days. Transport, meals and
accommodationwill be catered for.
3. Eligibility Workshop : T Luus (SC) and Dr. Kirsten van Heerden (Head of Eligibility)
attended the EligibilityConference in England.
4. INAS Bi-Annual General Meeting and Electionsto be held in April in Brazil : President and
Cricket Director, Mr Winston Stubbs will attend. / Adeline Mbhele (Treasurer)
8. / Finance / 8.1. SASA – II Bank Accounts :
SASA-IIhas2 bank accounts, ABSA and Nedbank. All monies that was in ABSA will be
transferred to Nedbank. ABSA account will be used for SRSA projects only.
Nedbank account will be used forprovincialaffiliation and other projects.
After a longdiscussion about the two bank accounts, a resolution was taken that the
Nedbank account should be closed, that will be afterthe SRSA grant has beenexhausted. / AdelineMbhele (Treasurer)
8.2. SASA – II NPO status :
Still busy with the process. NPO number will assist us when we do fundraising. Any
person that are skilled and willing to assist with fundraising must communicate with
Regie. The fundraiser will receive 10% commission on money that are raised for SASA-II
but not donations in kind. / AdelineMbhele (Treasurer)
8.3. INAS affiliation and athlete Registration:
SASA-IIaffiliate to Inas and haveto pay registration for athletes that appear on the Inas
Master List also, since 2013.Athletes that are no longer involve in SASA-II, needs to be
removed from the Inas Master list. Provincesneed to send the names to Theuns Luus as
soon as the athletes are no longer part of their province. We need to minimize the
registration fees. / AdelineMbhele (Treasurer)
8.4. SASA – II Affiliation : Only 3 provinces affiliated, Gauteng, KZN and Limpopo. Provinces
are requested to affiliate as soon as possible before the end of financial year.
·  Athletes that are out of school need to be part of a Sport Club. The Sport Club will affiliate to the Province as the schools do.
·  Athletes that are not affiliated to their Provincial structure will not be allowed to participate in SASA-II Games as an individual.
·  The same apply to officials. Officials that are not involved in an affiliated body in their province cannot serve in any position in the Provincial Structure or in SASA-II Committees. As per SASA-II Constitution.
·  Gauteng were requested to report back to the National Executive Committee regarding Mr Jappie Sibanyoni who serves as SASA-II Secretary General but the school he works at, is not affiliated to Gauteng Province. / AdelineMbhele (Treasurer)
Gauteng Chairperson
9. / Announcements / 9.1. INAS BGM – Brazil:
Lizzie Vogel (Pres) will attend the Inas BGM / Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
9.2. SA Open Games- Gauteng:
·  To host September Games in Tshwane. All necessary documents have been submitted
to all stakeholders. Proposed dates 16th – 22nd September 2013. Venue: University of
Pretoria (HPC). Requested Gauteng to send information as soon as possible to Provincial
Structures for them to submit to stakeholders for funding.
·  Provinces that experience challenges if Games are during school time needs to inform Regie (Ass. Sec). The EXCO will write a letter to the Minister of Basic Education if needed. / Gauteng Chairperson
Lizzie Vogel (Pres)
9.3. Javelins 400g (25)
Provinces can buy the Javelins from the Athletics Convener, Rocky Makgokaat a cost of R250.00 each. / Adeline Mbhele (Treasurer)
10. / General / 10.1. Indoor Rowing:
Indoor Rowing will start on Thursday at Virgin Active from 11:00 to 14:00. Virgin Active
promised to borrow 8 rowing machines each day. Identificationof athletes is needed. / Jerry Hlatswayo (Indoor Rowing)
11. / Closure / The meeting adjourned at 21:00 by prayer / EC

