¼” Flat Flat Reed

#2 Round Reed

3/8” Flat Flat Reed

From the ¼” flat reed, cut 8 spokes 18” long. Mark the center of all spokes on the right (smooth) side. Dampen spokes and several lengths of #2 round reed.

Lay 3 spokes vertically side by side with smooth side up, lining up the center marks. Weave 3 spokes, smooth side up, over and under through the spokes lining up with the center marks and spacing all spokes evenly so the base measures 1 ½” x 1 ½”.

Mark the end of the center top spoke with “SS” to identify the starting spoke. Beginning at the SS, twine with #2 round reed for 4 rows, stopping when you reach the SS. Do not cut the round reed.

Place one of the remaining spokes, smooth side up, between the middle spokes at the center of the basket. Pull it through to line up with the center mark of the base so it lies diagonally across. Insert the other remaining spoke in the same manner forming an “X”.

Continue twining around each spoke for two more rows stopping when you reach the SS. DO NOT cut the round reed. Dampen the base in water.

The bottom should look like this:

With the smooth side facing you and holding the spokes away from you, bend the spokes at a 90 degree angle and continue twining for 4 rows. End off the round reed.

Using ¼” flat reed, weave 5 rows, smooth side out, over and under, using the stop and start method.

At the SS, twine 4 rows stopping when you reach the SS. End off the round reed.

Turn the basket upside down and dip the exposed stakes into water for a minute. Please a dampened piece of 3/8” flat reed ¼” above the last row of twining and behind all of the stakes. Overlap the ends for about two inches and clip. Secure with clothespins.


Bend one stake over the rim down into the basket. Thread it back to the outside through the ¼” space under and to the right of the rim. Repeat the process with the stake next to it. (Don’t thread more than these two stakes just yet.” These are now stakes #1 and #2. The next one to the right is #3, then #4 and so on. See diagram #1.

Bend #1 up and to the right across #2 and slip it between #3 and the 3/8” border reed. (Trim #1 diagonally so that it now lies flush with the top rim of the basket.) Lock it in place by bending #3 into the basket and threading it back to the outside just as you did #1 and #2. See diagram #2.

Bend #2 up and to the right across #3 and behind #4 and bend #4 to the inside and back to the front under the 3/8” rim piece. Continue around to the beginning.

The next to the last stake is folded up across the last stake and tucked behind #1 and the last one is folded up across #1 and tucked behind #2.

That’s all folks! Enjoy.