This document is a summary of the information required as part of the Waikato River Authority Funding Application.
This is NOT and official application form. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE MADE USING THE ONLINE portal at Applications made using this Word document will NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Project Name:
Project Completion Date:
Project Site Co-ordinates:- to be created in the online portal using the aerial map provided
Catchment Area (tick):
□ Area A – Lower Waikato (Karaapiro to Port Waikato) – lower Waipa through to the confluence with the Puniu River)
□ Area B – Upper Waikato (Karaapiro to Huka Falls)
□ Area C – Upper Waipa River (headwaters to the confluence with the Puniu River)
Project Summary:A summary of the project, purpose, goals and how they will be achieved – no more than 250 words.
Along with your purpose and goals, please include a brief summary of the methods that you will be using to undertake the project and who will be doing each component of the work. (For example willow removal will be undertaken mechanically using a digger and experienced contractor, or all plantings to be undertaken by volunteers under the supervision of the project manager.)
Project Detail
The online application form takes applicants through steps to provide a set of project tasks. A table is created for each year, outlining the tasks to be completed and funding sought (as shown below).
Tasks are discrete pieces of work, and where funded by WRA will become a line item on your invoice. These should be split into project years, or if appropriate for invoicing, into months. E.g. May planting, June planting, July planting. Insert tables and rows as appropriate.
Year: 2018
Task / Proposed date of completion / WRA funding / Cash co-funding / Value of in-kind funding / Evidence of completion e.g. supplier invoices, report, photosTOTAL Year 2018
Year: 2019
Task / Proposed date of completion / WRA funding / Cash co-funding / Value of in-kind funding / Evidence of completionTOTAL Year 2019
Year: 2020
Task / Proposed date of completion / WRA funding / Cash co-funding / Value of in-kind funding / Evidence of completionTOTAL Year 2020
Land value (if applicable):
Enter the estimated value of land to be retired as part of your project (except for land in public ownership). Note: This estimate should not be the GV of the land unless it is being gifted and no longer retained in the ownership of the current owner. As a guide - $10,000 per ha is suitable if the land will no longer be used for productive purposes.
Hectares retired:
Hectare value:
Land retired description:
The online application form will calculate the total WRA funding requested, Total cash co-funding, total in-kind funding and the total project value.
In-kind and Co-funding Summary
If applicable please provide a summary of co-funders and in-kind contributors for this project.
Name / Cash co-funding amount / Contribution confirmed (Yes/No)In-kind Contributors:
Name / Cash co-funding amount / Contribution confirmed (Yes/No)Summary of Project Outputs
If your project involves physical enhancement/protection works please indicate what is proposed to be delivered through this funding application by completing the information requested below.
Native plants to be planted (total no.):
Other Plants to be planted (total no.):
Fencing (km of new fencing):
Wetland Area (ha of wetland retired/enhanced/protected):
Other Land (ha to be retired/enhanced/protected):
There are 13 objectives that are pursued in order to realise the Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River. Please indicate which of these 13 objectives will be supported through this project and how.
The objectives are as follows:
- The restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River.
b. The restoration and protection of the relationship of Waikato-Tainui with the Waikato River, including their economic, social, cultural, and spiritual relationships.
c. The restoration and protection of the relationship of Waikato River iwi according to their tikanga and kawa, with the Waikato River, including their economic, social, cultural and spiritual relationships.
d. The restoration and protection of the relationship of the Waikato region’s communities with the Waikato River including their economic, social, cultural and spiritual relationships.
e. The integrated, holistic and coordinated approach to management of the natural, physical, cultural and historic resources of the Waikato River.
f. The adoption of a precautionary approach towards decisions that may result in significant adverse effects on the Waikato River, and in particular those effects that threaten serious or irreversible damage to the Waikato River.
g. The recognition and avoidance of adverse cumulative effects, and potential cumulative effects, of activities undertaken both on the Waikato River and within its catchments on the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River.
h. The recognition that the Waikato River is degraded and should not be required to absorb further degradation as a result of human activities.
i. The protection and enhancement of significant sites, fisheries, flora and fauna.
j. The recognition that the strategic importance of the Waikato River to New Zealand’s social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing is subject to the restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River.
k. The restoration of water quality within the Waikato River so that it is safe for people to swim in and take food from over its entire length.
l. The promotion of improved access to the Waikato River to better enable sporting, recreational, and cultural opportunities.
m. The application to the above of both maatauranga Maaori and latest available scientific methods.
Objective:Description of how it is supported by your project (100 words):
Description of how it is supported by your project (100 words):
Description of how it is supported by your project (100 words):
Add more tables if your project supports other objectives.
Funding priorities
Outline how your project meets the priorities outlined in the Waikato River Clean-up Trust Annual Funding Strategy (no more than 250 words).
Waipa River Description
If the project is based on the mauri of the Waipa River please describe how? (only applicable to Upper Waipa catchment- Catchment C applications.
Maniapoto Environmental Plan
Does the project further the Maniapoto Environmental plan and if so indicate how and to what extent it does so.
(only applicable to Upper Waipa catchment- Catchment C applications).
Organisation GST Number:
If you are not GST registered and the application is for more than $10000 you will not receive funding until GST registered.
Financial Control Statement
Does your organisation have at least the following financial controls in place:
- Bank account for project funds
- Multiple signatories for payment of invoices
- No transactions using Trust funding able to be undertaken using EFTPOS
- No project members able to approve payment of their own invoices
□ Yes □ No
Financial Control Description
Please describe the financial controls that will be in place for this project in more detail:
Waikato River Clean-up Fund Disclosure
Have you applied for Waikato River Clean-up Trust Fund funding before?
□ Yes □ No
Current Application Disclosure
Does your group have Funded Projects currently in progress? If so list the project number eg. WRA11-001
Previous Experience
Please tell us about your organisation’s experience in delivering similar projects
Bankrupt/Fraud Disclosure
Have you, or the organisation making this application ever been declared bankrupt or convicted of fraud or embezzlement?
□ Yes □ No
Credit Check Statement
I agree that the WRA may undertake a credit check on myself / the organisation on whose behalf I am making this application.
□ Yes □ No
Are relevant consents required? □ Yes □ No
Consents may be required for any activities involving physical works in the catchment, including within and adjacent to waterbodies and wetlands. These include but are not limited to vegetation clearance, earthworks, the modification or alteration of a stream or watercourse, or the damning or diversion of a water course
Confirmed Consents with council?
Have you confirmed with the relevant council (regional, district or city) whether resource consents or other consents are required to undertake the project?
□ Yes □ No
Consent Steps
If consents are required what steps have you taken to obtain them?
When are consents likely to be available?
Waikato Regional Council Consultation
Applicants for projects that involve physical works, fisheries plans, management tools, or which may require resource consents are strongly advised to contact the Waikato Regional Council to discuss the project before lodging their application
For site based applications:
Upstream of Karapiro – Allan Kirk ( or 0800 800 401)
Karapiro to Hamilton, and the Waipa Catchment – Grant Blackie ( or 0800 800 401)
Downstream of Hamilton – Michael Duffy ( or 0800 800 401)
For catchment wide applications relating to restoration/management tools – Grant Blackie ( or 0800 800 401)
For applications relating to fisheries research – Bruno David ( or 0800 800 401)
For enquiries around resource consent requirements – Mark Brockelsby ( or 0800 800 401)
For applications relating to biosecurity issues – Patrick Whaley ( or 0800 800 401)
Catchment scheme implications – Matthew Davis ( or 0800 800 401)
Applicants should indicate who they have talked with at the WRC and append any advice received.
Note all landowners (including Councils, DOC, or private landowners) on whose land the project will take place:
Landowner consent
Has approval been received from land owners for the project to be undertaken? Attach approval from all landowners (other than the project applicant) for which approval has been received.
□ Yes □ No
Waikato Regional Council
If the work proposed is to be carried out on land owned or administered by the Waikato Regional Council, have you confirmed that you will be able to meet the requirements of the Waikato Regional Council
□ Yes □ No
Mana whenua considerations
Mana Whenua Discussions
Have you discussed this project application with mana whenua (i.e. the appropriate local marae, hapu or iwi authority)?
□ Yes □ No
Mana Whenua Support
Is the project supported (please attach letters of support etc)?
□ Yes □ No
Mana Whenua Engagement
Please describe the iwi engagement that you have undertaken. If you have not undertaken any iwi engagement, please explain why this is the case.
Guidance as to who has mana whenua status in a particular area can be sought from the relevant iwi authority Add iwi authority contact links.
The contacts for the 5 river iwi are:
Waikato Raupatu River Trust
Hamilton 07 858 0400
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board
07 386 8832
Maniapoto Māori Trust Board
Te Kuiti
07 878 6234 or 0800 668 285
Raukawa Charitable Trust
07 885 0260
Te Arawa River Iwi Trust
07 374 9015
Iwi Priorities/Environmental Plans
If the project furthers the achievement of the priority objectives of iwi environmental plans please detail how.
Training and Skills Considerations
Is any specific training or certification required for those planning to undertake the work (e.g. to undertake herbicide spraying)? Summarise training required.
Required Skills Available
Do those planning to undertake the work have the required skills/training? Summarise skills required.
Guideline Considerations
If you have you based your approach for undertaking the planned work on appropriate guidelines, detail guidelines used e.g. Riparian Restoration Best Practice, Planting wheel, other?
Other Considerations
Were alternative approaches considered to undertake the planned work, and why is the approach being proposed the most effective and efficient? e.g. For removal of willows has ground chemical control been considered instead of physical removal? Please explain.
Covenant/Project Protection Details
Is it intended to protect the land the project will be carried out on via a covenant or some other mechanism? (Where funding of greater than $100,000 is provided by the Trust, it is likely that a condition of funding will be that a protection mechanism is put in place).
Please provide details of any covenant/project protection that will be put in place.
Protection of Plantings
How is it intended that plantings will be securely protected from stock grazing or other risks (e.g. goats, rabbits, weeds)?
Long Term Maintenance
How will the long term maintenance of the project area be achieved?
Are any of the activities to be undertaken as part of the proposed work:
- required by regulation/legislation (e.g. regional, district plans),
- the responsibility of specific parties to undertake (land owner control of Yellow flag iris), or
- required as part of the land owners commercial arrangements (e.g. riparian fencing on dairy farms)? (Please explain)
Does a prioritization exist for the type of area at which work is proposed (i.e. for peat lakes) and if so, what was the priority given to the site where work is proposed?
Please provide a link to the priority listing.
Other Restoration Work
Are you aware of other restoration work that has been undertaken at or near this site previously, or that is being planned – what is the nature of this work and how does it relate to the work proposed?
For more information on other projects that have been or are being undertaken within the catchment visit ‘Ripple Effect’website
Other Groups
Are there other groups with a direct interest in the proposed work and have you discussed this application with them/have you considered undertaking the work with them?
These may include:
- local authorities
- mana whenua
- other local restoration groups
Note groups and whether this project has been discussed with them
Do you understand your health and safety obligations in relation to the work for which a grant is sought?
□ Yes □ No
If your application is successful you will be required to provide your organisation/company H&S policy and plan, including project specific plans.
Do you currently have Health and Safety procedures in place to meet these obligations?
□ Yes □ No
Additional Comments
If you have any additional comments to make about your organisation/company health and safety please add them here.
The official online application form requires applicants to make the following declaration:
I do solemnly and sincerely declare that to the best of my knowledge:
• The information I have given is true and complete
• That I am authorised to submit this application form on behalf of the applicant
• I undertake to update this information if and when circumstances change
I acknowledge that the information contained in this form provided to the Waikato River Authority is subject to the Privacy Act 1993; and I agree that the Waikato River Authority may use this information for any purposes related to validating the information it contains, investigating the proposed project, contacting related parties regarding the proposed project, and for in internal and external publications and communications.