I.D.E.A. Curriculum Fair 2017
Workshop Information Form
All workshops are one hour in length. Depending on your topic and presentation, it is often helpful to hand out a 1-2 page outline or summary for attendees to use in taking notes. We suggest that you bring 20-50 handouts for each workshop. Preference is given to new titles and content over returning workshops. Workshop time sells out early in most locations: if you want to do workshops, we recommend that you get your requests in early!
PRODUCT WORKSHOPS - Due to time constraints, you may request to present each title only once at each location. There are a limited amount of product workshop slots available in each location; no more than 1/3 of the total workshop time in each location is devoted to product workshops.
LEARNING WORKSHOPS – Submit these for evaluation by our team, and let us know how many you would like to do. We will notify you which ones fit our needs best for the current year.
Workshop Title:
/Representing what company?
/Short description of workshop (100 words or less) – type in here or email (in email body, or attached in Word):
Please choose one:
Product Workshop (will teach and/or train a homeschooling parent how to use a particular material that you sell and costs $50/each) OR
Learning Workshop (subject related and is unlikely to address your specific product)
Learning Workshops Only: Please submit a short (1-2 paragraph) bio that shares your background in education and/or your history with homeschoolers. You may type this in here, or send as an attachment in Word, or paste into an e-mail. If you are requesting more than one learning workshop, you need only provide a bio one time; please do not paste same information into each form.Please let us know if there are any particular requests for your workshop (preferred time, for instance):
Do you need a laptop projector for your workshop(s)? The fee is $25 each, per workshop, as indicated on your registration form. Screens are available in each room.
Yes ($25 per workshop) / Bringing my own/need a screen / No projector or screen needed
The most efficient means of sending the requested information is by e-mail to Carol Simpson at . This will allow us to easily copy and paste the information into existing lists and web pages. If necessary, please fax to 907-235-5909.
All workshop information must be received by March 15, 2017
You will receive confirmation of receipt of this material. If you do not receive confirmation or if you have questions, please contact Carol Simpson: 907-235-5910 or .