Directions to the Oxford Park and Ride + Sainsbury’s Superstore
1 / Miles / Kms / Turn RIGHT out of Diamond Caravan Park onto B4027 and continue over the A34 Flyover.2 / 0.8 / 1.5 / Turn RIGHT, onto the A34 towards Oxford.
3 / Take the FIRST Exit off the A34, signposted to Kidlington.
4 / 1.8 / Follow this exit road over the A34 to a small Roundabout and take the 1st road Left off the round about.
5 / Go straight over a set of Traffic Lights with a Miller & Carter Pub on the Right.
6 / 3.2 / At the end of the road you will come to a large Roundabout. Sainsbury’s is now on your RIGHT.
Park and Ride
to Oxford City / Take the 1st Exit onto A4260 and keep Left into the Park and Ride car park called Water Eaton, now called Oxford Parkway
Sainsbury’s / Take the 4th Exit onto A4260 and turn RIGHT immediately into Sainsbury’s by their Petrol Station.
Directions to the Oxford Park and Ride + Sainsbury’s Superstore
1 / Miles / Kms / Turn RIGHT out of Diamond Caravan Park onto B4027 and continue over the A34 Flyover.2 / 0.8 / 1.5 / Turn RIGHT, onto the A34 towards Oxford.
3 / Take the FIRST Exit off the A34, signposted to Kidlington.
4 / 1.8 / Follow this exit road over the A34 to a small Roundabout and take the 1st road Left off the round about.
5 / Go straight over a set of Traffic Lights with a Miller & Carter Pub on the Right.
6 / 3.2 / At the end of the road you will come to a large Roundabout. Sainsbury’s is now on your RIGHT.
Park and Ride
to Oxford City / Take the 1st Exit onto A4260 and keep Left into the Park and Ride car park called Water Eaton, now called Oxford Parkway
Sainsbury’s / Take the 4th Exit onto A4260 and turn RIGHT immediately into Sainsbury’s by their Petrol Station.