Jason P. Evangelist
Superintendent of Schools
(315) 865-7221
Cheryl Venettozzi, Ed.D
Assistant Superintendent
Business & Finance
(315) 865-7200
Nancy Nowicki
Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum & Instruction
(315) 865-7200
Mary Beth Piejko
Pupil Personnel &
CSE Chairperson
(315) 865-4148
High School
(315) 865-8154
Russell Stevener
Tamara Barbour
Athletic Director/
Assistant Principal
(315) 865-7273
HS Guidance Dept.
(315) 865-4102
Middle School
(315) 865-8152
Lisa Gentile
Michael Sinacore
Dean of Students
MS Guidance Dept.
(315) 865-7204
Gen. Wm. Floyd
Elementary School
Kristin Casab
(315) 865-5721
Holland Patent
Elementary School
Sarah Vergis
(315) 865-8151
Dennis J. Geer
Superintendent of
Buildings & Grounds
(315) 865-7213
Christopher Roberts
Transportation Supervisor
(315) 865-4103
October 6, 2017
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
The front parking lot will be closed to cars from 8:00-9:00 and 2:45-3:30, to allow buses in and out to drop students off safely.
During these times, please use the parking lot located by the gym entrance.
Dropping off students in the am:
1. Parents will need to drop students off at the gym entrance if it is before 9:00 am. Staff will be there to assist the students from 8:30am-9:00am. Follow the white arrows for traffic flow. There are designated areas marked in white for the students to use as a walk-way.
2. Please do not park along the buildings or curbs in the parking lot by the gym entrance. Use visitor marked spots or the lot by the middle school.
3. If parents must come in the building before school to drop off supplies, please use the marked visitor spaces in the small lot by the gym entrance, or park in the middle school parking lot. Then enter through the front/main entrance and head directly to the office.
Dropping off students late (any time after 9:00am):
There will be visitor spaces in the front of the building, as well as by the gym entrance. Please park in those spaces and enter the building through the front/main entrance.
Picking up students:
1. If you are picking up your child before dismissal, please park in a visitor space in the parking lot and enter the building through the front/main entrance. If it is during the time the front parking lot is closed 8:00-9:00 and 2:45-3:30, please park in the parking lot near the gym entrance and walk to the front/main entrance.
2. If you are picking up a student at the regular dismissal time (3:15), please park in the parking lot by the gym door or middle school parking lot and sign your child out in the gym entryway.
For the safety of our students please:
- Follow all traffic safety rules, including coming to a complete stop at stop signs
- Refrain from using cellphones while in school parking lots
- Adhere to the speed limit of 5 mph
- Yield to the right of way at all crosswalks
- Use parking spaces when parking
If you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to contact me at 865-8151.
Mrs. Sarah J. Vergis