Penfield Central School District

Humanities Profile

Grade 4 Assessments


Student Profile Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………………. 2-3


Next Step Reading Assessment ……………………………………..……………………………………….5-6

Writing Samples………………………………………………………………………………………………...7

Non IC Assessments…………………………………………………………………………………………….8

Penfield Central School District

Humanities Profile

Grade 4 Student Profile

Name: ______

Components / Sept/Oct / Jan/Feb / May/June
Next Step Reading Assessment Conference (Instructional Level)
1.  Accuracy (percentage)
2.  Fluency (1-4)
3.  Comprehension (0-10) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3
Writing Components / October / January / March
Narrative / /4 / xx / xx
Opinion / xx / /4 / xx
Information / xx / xx / /4
Assessment Scores Below DO NOT Need to be Entered into IC
ELA Components / Sept-Oct / Nov-Feb / March-June
iReady Scale Score
Next Step Word Knowledge Inventory
(P, T, F, A)
Next Step Whole Class Reading Comprehension / F
/8 / NF
/8 / F
/8 / NF
/8 / F
/8 / NF
Unit 1 Reading Assessment – Bear’s Race (eDoctrina) / /11 / xx / xx
Unit 2 Reading Assessment – Panther Comeback / xx / /8 / xx
Unit 3 Reading Assessment (eDoctrina) / xx / xx / /10
Unit 4 Reading Assessment TBD / xx / xx / /
Social Studies Components
Unit 1 Mid-Unit Map Assessment / /29 / xx / xx
Unit 1 Native American Groups Assessment / /15 / xx / xx
Unit 2 Colonial & Revolutionary War Assessment / xx / /9 / xx
Unit 3 Soc. St. Assessment #1 – TBD / xx / xx / /
Unit 3 Soc. St. Assessment #2 - TBD / xx / xx / /
Unit 4 Soc. St. Exit Ticket – Erie Canal / xx / xx / /4
Unit 4 Soc. St. Exit Ticket – Technology / xx / xx / /6


Unit 1 –
September/October / Unit 2 –
November/December/January / Unit 3 –
February/March/April / Unit 4 –
ELA Common Required
Highlighted assessments must be input into Infinite Campus / Next Step Assessments:
  Reading Interest Inventory
  Whole Class Word Knowledge Inventory
  Whole Class Listening Comprehension
  Individual Reading Assessment Conference - Literature
  Unit 1 Assessment – Bear’s Race (eDoctrina)
  Narrative Writing On-Demand Task / Next Step Assessments:
  Reading Interest Inventory (optional)
  Whole Class Word Knowledge Inventory
  Whole Class Listening Comprehension
  Individual Reading Assessment Conference - Informational
  Reading Unit 2 Assessment – Panther Comeback
  Opinion Writing On-Demand Task / Next Step Assessments:
  Reading Unit 3 Assessment (eDoctrina)
  Informational Writing On-Demand Task / Next Step Assessments:
  Whole Class Word Knowledge Inventory
  Whole Class Listening Comprehension
  BELOW Grade level students only - Individual Reading Assessment Conference - Informational
Social Studies Common Required Assessments /   Unit 1 – Mid-Unit Map Assessment
  Unit 1 – Native American Groups Assessment /   Unit 2 – Colonial & Revolutionary War Assessment /   Unit 3 – TBD
  Unit 3 – TBD /   Unit 4 Exit Ticket – Erie Canal
  Unit 4 Exit Ticket – Technology

Penfield Central School District
Humanities Profile
Grade 4 Calendar


Conference Guidelines

Round 1 of Assessment-Literary Text

All Students in grade 4 should be given this assessment in the beginning of the year according to the guidelines in the Next Step Teacher’s Guide on pages 42-60 and below. Scores (level, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension) should be input into Infinite Campus by the end of October.

Retelling Consistency Assurance Rubric:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Recalls few or no story elements / Retells basic story element / Retells important story elements / Retells important story elements and events in sequence / Retells all important story elements and events in sequence and adds personal thinking
No response
“I don’t know.”
“I can’t remember.” / 1 of the following:
Event / 2 of the following:
Event / Beginning, middle, end in sequential order / Beginning, middle, end in sequential order
and personal thinking

-Students are not penalized for teacher prompts.

-Students may not look back in the book for the retelling portion of the assessment.

-Students can be prompted to return to the text for comprehension questions. Please mark with LB (look back) if they return to the text to answer the questions. Please note, LB does not impact the student’s score.

*Please do not assess grade 4 students beyond a level W without discussing first with your RtI coordinator and principal.

Next Step Reading Assessment Conference Guidelines

Round 2 of Assessment-Informational Text

All Students in grade 4 should be given this assessment in the middle of the year according to the guidelines in the Next Step Teacher’s Guide on pages 42-60 and below. Scores (level, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension) should be input into Infinite Campus by the end of February break.

Retelling Consistency Assurance Rubric:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Recalls little or no information / Retells basic information. / Retells important information. / Retells important information. / Retells all important information and adds personal thinking.
No response
“I don’t know.”
“I can’t remember.” / -1 general fact
“It changed” / -main idea and/or random
Details not directly connected to main idea. / -a main idea and/or key facts (in sequence)
The following levels should be retold in sequential order:
(F, I, K, M) / -a main idea and all key facts in sequence
-personal thinking

-Students are not penalized for teacher prompts.

-Students may not look back in the book for the retelling portion of the assessment.

-Students can be prompted to return to the text for comprehension questions. Please mark with LB (look back) if they return to the text to answer the questions. Please note, LB does not impact the student’s score.

*Please do not assess grade 4 students beyond a level W without discussing first with your RtI coordinator and principal.

Next Step Reading Assessment Conference Guidelines

Round 3 of Assessment –Informational Text

Students performing below grade level in grade 4 should be assessed by their classroom teacher at the end of the year according to the previous guidelines. Teacher may choose to use literary OR informational text for this assessment conference. Students in grade 4 who are at or above grade level are not required to take this assessment (refer to student performance on previous assessments and whole class comprehension scores). Scores should be input into Infinite Campus by the last day of school in June

*Please do not assess grade 4 students beyond a level W without discussing first with your RtI coordinator and principal.

Grade 4 Assessment – Writing Sample

Purpose of this Component: Students making adequate progress in writing, according to the New York State Common Core ELA Standards, are able to write a variety of compositions including narrative, informative/ explanatory and opinion pieces.

When this component should be administered:

Each of these writing assessments will be administered using the prompt provided on the file cabinet. Teacher administers each writing task with the whole class as follows:

·  October – Narrative writing

·  January – Opinion writing

·  April – Information writing

Materials needed (available on File Cabinet):

·  Writing prompts from the Lucy Calkins’ units.

·  Lucy Calkins’ narrative, information, and opinion rubrics.

Scoring Guidelines/Interpreting results: Teacher collects a writing sample from each child during each grading period, at the end of narrative, information, and opinion writing units. For all writing samples, teacher should provide prompt, but should not provide specific guidance on how to organize the writing or give students sentence starters. The collected sample should be a first draft writing piece.

What to do with the results: Teachers should use the corresponding Lucy Calkins’ rubrics for narrative, information, and opinion writing to score each piece. Record scores in Infinite Campus. The writing sample results from each assessment period should inform instruction and help the teacher and students set writing goals. Results should be shared with building RTI Coordinator in order to determine service needs. The May/June writing sample should be passed on to the next year’s grade level teacher.



Teacher Directions: All students should take this computer-based assessment in Sept./Oct. and May/June. Please refer to the building assessment schedule for specific dates to administer assessment(s). Scores do not need to be input into Infinite Campus, but should be shared with RtI providers.

Next Step Word Knowledge Inventory

Teacher Directions: All students should take this assessment in Sept./Oct., Jan./Feb., and May/June. Scores do not need to be input into Infinite Campus, but should be shared with RtI providers. See pages 29-35 of the Next Step Teacher’s Guide for assessment details.

Next Step Whole Class Reading Comprehension Assessment

Teacher Directions: All students should take this assessment in Sept./Oct., Jan./Feb., and May/June. Scores do not need to be input into Infinite Campus, but should be shared with RtI providers. See pages 36-41 of the Next Step Teacher’s Guide for assessment details. An answer key is provided on page 92 of the Assessment Forms book.

Reading Assessments

eDoctrina will be used for units 1 & 3; therefore, scores will automatically be input into IC.

Teacher Directions: Each student should receive 1 copy of the assessment (see file cabinet) and a pencil. Students will get 45 minutes to complete the assessment independently. Teachers should use the answer keys provided on the file cabinet to score the assessment.

Social Studies Assessments

Teacher Directions: Each student should receive 1 copy of the assessment (see file cabinet) and a pencil. Students will get 45 minutes to complete the assessment independently. Teachers should use the answer keys provided on the file cabinet to score these assessments.